Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 640 Five Fang Tianlong Dragon King

Chapter 640
This fairy mansion is very grand.

It really made Chu Tian unable to divert his attention, and he was very curious about how many immortal coins were needed to build this Shenlonglongwang Immortal Mansion.

To say the least, there are more than billions of fairy coins.

Maybe it can reach tens of billions.

If all of this were replaced with divine stones.

He was really angry, the corners of his mouth floated up, and he looked over with a smile on his face.

No one thought that Chu Tian would draw the attention of the Dragon King Immortal Mansion ahead.

Right now, an important negotiation meeting is going on in the Dragon King Immortal Mansion.

The gathering of the Shenlong clan is not mentioned here.

There are also people from other clans who have come to this place.

The content of the conversation, of course, is about this time, the matter of the new emperor.

The Xintiandi's suppression of the Shenlong Clan made the Shenlong Clan feel a crisis.

The current Dragon King of Nine Heavens was originally a subordinate of the previous Cangtian.

Now there is a new emperor of heaven, but the new emperor of heaven is stepping on the sky.

It is impossible to have much affection for the Nine Heavens Dragon King.

The Shenlong clan understands this very well.

Not to mention, because of what happened to the younger generation of the Shenlong clan, they were taught a lesson.

It made the Shenlong family very cautious.

The Shenlong family ruled the dragons of the Three Realms, and their strength can be regarded as the strongest of all creatures.

They didn't want to watch the Shenlong Clan lose.

The younger brother of the Nine Heavens Dragon King.

The Dragon King of Sifang Tianlong, the thing to do now is to regain the status of the Shenlong clan.

Right now, he has gathered many races involved in the Shenlong clan here.

Just to discuss a big thing.

"You should all know that this time the new emperor has changed, and the temper of the new emperor is hard to guess."

"Not to mention, he shot very directly and decisively. Many strong people died in his hands. Even our Nine Heavens Dragon King was threatened by him!"

The faces of some people in front changed.

One of the women of the fox fairy clan raised her head and looked over with a puzzled expression.

"Shenlong Dragon King, is that all?"

"That's right, our Tiger Immortal Clan, if we are bullied, we won't let it go like this."

Some of the Beast Immortal clan's expression changed after seeing them.

It's really a fight for the Shenlong family.

This made Wufang Tianlong see it.

He nodded very satisfied, and just looked at the past calmly.

With a serious face, he said seriously; "Our Dragon King doesn't want to fight anymore, he's already planning to retire."

Everyone's expressions changed, and they seemed to be astonished.

Looking over with an ugly face, it was really a group of people, and they became angry.

"Why did the Dragon King of Nine Heavens actually want to retire? Why did he retire? He has been the Dragon King for so many years, why is he retiring now? This is obviously forced by the new emperor."

"That's right, this new Heavenly Emperor is abominable. He actually forced the Nine Heavens Dragon King back. Next, I'm afraid it will be us."

"Ah, I have already predicted that he will definitely attack our Tiger Immortal Clan. The terrifying strength of our Tiger Immortal Clan must have made him feel threatened."

One of the Tiger Immortal clan's expression turned pale.

It's a serious face, a serious expression.

It really made other beast fairies see it.

His face was strange, with a strange complexion.

The female fairy of the fox fairy clan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Looking over with a smile, he said, "What kind of strength does your Tiger Immortal Clan have? Let others think about it. I am very clear about the capabilities of your Tiger Immortal Clan. Let me tell you."

"It's time for Nine Heavens Shenlong to retire. He has been sitting on the position of Shenlong Dragon King for so many years, and he should take a good rest!"

The fox fairy had a charming face, but there was not only a smile, but also some playful words in his mouth.

All of them made the expressions of the group of people in front of them change.

There was even one person who slapped the table and stood up.

With a serious face, he looked over with a serious, very cold gaze.

The strong man of the Tiger Immortal Clan glared at him angrily, and said angrily, "What do you mean, you look down on our Tiger Immortal Clan, and even more so the Nine Heavens God Dragon King."

"White Fox Immortal, what exactly do you mean? Have you forgotten what we are discussing this time?"

Many people's faces changed, so they looked serious and looked at the past seriously.

Their gazes fell on the white fox fairy, the representative of the fox fairy clan, all of them looked very ugly.

After all, this time, their purpose was to discuss how to deal with the coercion of the new emperor.

If the new Heavenly Emperor wants to establish his prestige, it will definitely affect them.

This new emperor has a weird temper, they don't want to die in the hands of this new emperor for no reason.

Some people's complexions changed, looking at the white fox fairy who betrayed them in front of them, many people looked icy.

The White Fox Immortal curled his lips into a smile, that pretty face was really a charming smile.

He raised his head, looked over like this, looked around and said, "Our Fox Immortal Clan is different from you, our Fox Immortal Clan just wants to please Lord Xintiandi!"

"Xintiandi can beat Cangtian, but you trash beast fairy clan can compare."

She curled her lips and sneered, looking down on her very much.

Fortunately, with a cold face and a playful smile, the faces of the group of people in front immediately changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, the fox fairy clan had long wanted to seek refuge with the new Emperor of Heaven!
Among them, the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong had the most ugly complexion, and when his complexion changed, at that moment, the dragon's head was really revealed.

As soon as the dragon head exited, a mouthful of dragon's breath was sprayed towards the white fox fairy in front of him.

"Looking for death, the fox fairy clan, dare to act presumptuously in front of us, it's ridiculous, you little white fox fairy, what are you, watch me swallow you in one gulp!"

At this moment, the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong grew up in one bite, and it was really accompanied by the dragon's breath.

Bite towards the white fox fairy.

The entire Dragon Palace trembled.

Immortal White Fox's expression changed, and he quickly dodged away.

You can only see the tables and chairs in front of you, which are instantly changed.

In the huge Dragon Palace, the Dragon King of the Five Heavenly Dragons clearly wanted to reveal his real body.

Wanted to swallow her whole.

It made her look very ugly.

With an ugly face, he stared at the past with a very serious expression, watching Wufang Tianlong lose his temper.

Jiao snorted, and his face was also very ugly: "Wufang Tianlong Dragon King, I think you want to become the Dragon King, so you want to use us to help you win the Dragon King position."

"It's ridiculous. What are you saying about the other party's new emperor? You just want to use this to pull down the Dragon King and establish the majesty of your new Dragon King, don't you?"

A pair of eyes stared straight at the past, as if seeing through everything.

This made the faces of the other Beast Immortals change.

It was really because of Bai Huxian's words that everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Hao was stunned, and stared at the five dragons and dragon kings in front of him with an ugly expression.

Wufang Tianlong Dragon King laughed out loud, looking proudly at him and said, "The Nine Heavens Dragon King is not worthy to be a Dragon King at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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