Chapter 641
"Oh, so you admit it?"

Wufang Tianlong Dragon King raised his head, looked at the white fox fairy in front of him, and said directly: "Yes, although I want to become the Dragon King."

"But I think it's true to deal with Xintiandi. The Nine Heavens Dragon King, a coward, is planning to find a treasure and give it to Xintiandi in order to apologize to Xintiandi, but I am different."

After finishing speaking, he curled his lips and smiled.

He looked over with proud and proud eyes.

The arrogance on that face was all in the eyes of the White Fox Immortal.

With his eyes fixed, he just stared directly at the past.

He snorted coldly and said, "What arrogance do you have? Compared with the Nine Heavens Dragon King, you are simply incomparable."

"What are you, you dare to be so proud? Even I, the White Fox Immortal, can beat you!"

Hearing the words of the little fox fairy in front of him, the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong really laughed wildly.

The smile continued, and when he laughed, he even looked at him.

There was something cold in the eyes: "Little fox fairy, dare to be so presumptuous in front of this dragon, I will make your life worse than death!"

After finishing speaking, there was a dragon chant, and it really turned into a giant dragon directly.

In an instant, the [-]-meter-long giant dragon soared in the Dragon Palace.

Facing the white fox fairy in front of him, he rushed directly.

The huge figure has made many beast immortals look extremely ugly.

Looking at the real body of the Dragon King of the Five Dragons.

Everyone's face was astonished, as if they were afraid of being under the power of the dragon, their whole bodies trembled.

After all, here are some little beast fairies, not comparable to the Dragon King Dragon Fairy.

Not to mention, resisting that Longwei.

The entire Dragon Palace was bustling.

As soon as Chu Tian came in, he noticed the chaotic situation in the hall.

It really made him a little puzzled.

This Dragon King Palace is actually so noisy?

Dragon King of the Nine Heavens, what is he thinking?
In this case, I don't care, what does this Dragon King do.

It also made Chutian really puzzled.

With his eyes fixed, he raised his head and stared at the past with a glance.

Looking at a big dragon king in front of him, he really changed his real body and teased this woman.

Although this woman walks very fast, her skills are also very fast.

But obviously, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of this big black dragon king.

If things go on like this, they will only end up being swallowed directly.

Watching all this, Chu Tian stood in place without moving.

All I could see was the big black Dragon King in front of him laughing wantonly, with a bright smile, very proud, and excitedly laughing.

"Little Huxian, your meat is also nourishing. Let me swallow it in one bite, and it can also nourish my dragon yuan. Hahaha, you dare to fight against this Dragon King!"

The White Fox Immortal's expression changed.

Her face was ugly, and she really regretted it, she was too reckless.

Almost forgot, the other party is also the younger brother of Shenlong Dragon King.

The strength of the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong is also at the level of a fairy.

To deal with a big Luo Jinxian like her, don't be too simple, too easy.

But now, he didn't regret taking the medicine at all. Looking at the five dragons and dragon kings in front of him, he didn't want to play anymore.

Opening her mouth, she rushed over directly, wanting to swallow her in one gulp.

With a pull and a change in his face, the white fox fairy who was biting his teeth didn't know how to dodge.

But did not expect.

A person suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Just standing in front of her like this, this person is very majestic.

The young face and the incomparably powerful aura exuded from her whole body completely stunned her.

The aura of this young man was actually stronger than that of the five dragon kings in front of him.

Who is he?

"Who is looking for death, this dragon king swallowed you!"

He looked at Chu Tian who was standing in front of him suddenly.

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong opened his mouth, his face was angry, and when he grew the dragon's mouth, he just jumped at it directly.

The dragon's mouth was so huge that it just swallowed it.

It also made Chu Tian feel ridiculous.

Seeing the huge dragon's mouth approaching in front of him, he raised his hand without even thinking about it.

It was really a hand, pressing on the opponent's dragon head.

Let the Dragon King of the five directions be completely fixed in the air.

That [-]-meter body cannot be shaken.

It was also the face change that made everyone look over, their faces were shocked, and they stared at them with a surprised expression.

It was completely unexpected that someone could block the huge dragon mouth of the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong with one hand.

The White Fox Immortal looked over with his mouth wide open, with a look of surprise on his face.

Chu Tian looked at the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong in front of him, and frowned, noticing the constant struggle of the other party.

His face was very unhappy, and when he raised his hand casually, it was really under the grasp of five fingers.

He lifted the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong in front of him, and just threw his hands away.

The huge sound made the entire Dragon Palace tremble.

The [-]-meter-long Wufang Tianlong Dragon King was completely thrown into the air, hitting the wall of the Dragon Palace in front of him, and even made a huge hole.

Among them, the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong looked embarrassed.

His complexion fluctuated, and he finally got up.

When he raised his head, Chu Tian was already in front of him.

Looking at it with such eyes, it really made the huge body of the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong tremble.

His face was extremely embarrassing, pale and uncertain.

Feeling Chutian's eyes, and that gaze, his face was changing.

It was really a little scary.

Chu Tian stared at him and said coldly, "Are you the younger brother of the Nine Heavens Dragon King?"

"Yes, yes, you, who are you?"

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong trembled and looked at Chutian with a strange expression.

Chu Tian's strength is too terrifying, he can easily suppress him, even his elder brother, Nine Heavens Dragon King, is not so terrifying.

He really cared about Chutian's identity.

Looking at the five-fang Tianlong Dragon King in front of him with a puzzled expression.

Chu Tian frowned, with a look of displeasure.

"My strength as the new Emperor of Heaven is actually unclear. You, the younger brother of the Dragon King, don't even know me. It seems that my reputation is not loud enough."

"No wonder, when you saw me just now, you dared to mess around in front of me?"

As soon as he curled his lips, what Chu Tian said made the faces of the people around him change drastically.

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong trembled all over, with a look of astonishment, so shocked, so surprised to look over.

Now he understood why the person in front of him was so powerful.

This is the young new Emperor of Heaven!

At this moment, the huge body of Dragon King Wufang Tianlong trembled.

After another change, they all turned into human forms.

Kneeling directly in front of Chu Tian, ​​his face was full of fear.

With a face full of fear and fear, he said, "Congratulations to Lord Xintiandi, what happened just now is so offending, please forgive me, Lord Xintiandi!"

Lowering their heads, they all looked respectful and respectful to the new emperor in front of him.

That decisive apology, still in such a low profile.

Let the other Beast Immortals look over.

With strange faces, watching this scene, the faces of each one really changed.

These five dragons and dragon kings are simply too shameful!

(End of this chapter)

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