Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 642 The Abominable Dragon King

Chapter 642 The Abominable Dragon King

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong licked his face and greeted Chu Tian more than once.

With a quick glance, his eyes fell on a group of beast immortals in front of him.

His face changed, he looked serious, and looked over with a cold face.

With a cold snort, "You guys, dare to conspire against Xin Tiandi, and want to win me over. The new loss-making Dragon King has seen through your plot."

"Deliberately pretending to be in the same boat as you, hmph, you are showing off your feet now, don't think that Lord Xintiandi will let you go!"

With a serious face, he just looked over with a cold face.

The words in his mouth made the expressions of the beast fairies in front of him change.

It was completely unexpected that the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong would say such a thing.

The faces of each of them changed drastically, and they looked astonished and terrified.

They were all dumbfounded.

The Beast Immortal never thought that the Dragon King of the Five Heavenly Dragons could be so unlimited.

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong straightened his face, raised his head, and his eyes fell on Chu Tian.

His complexion changed, and he said to Chu Tian respectfully, "My lord, these guys dare to rebel. In my opinion, they should all die here."

"One word from the important adults, this Dragon King can swallow them all in one gulp!"

A serious look, then a glance, that cold look.

The indifferent eyes made a group of beast fairies tremble.

No one dared to say anything.

Chu Tian frowned.

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong let out a roar, and then turned into a dragon again, facing the beast fairy in front of him, without even thinking about it, he opened his huge mouth.

"How dare you conspire against the Emperor of Heaven, you bastards, give me all to die, just rely on you, dare to provoke the Emperor of Heaven, court death!"

As soon as the dragon's mouth opened, it just pointed forward and absorbed it forcefully.

It also prevented many beast immortals from escaping, and it really flew over in an instant.

It was swallowed by the Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong in one gulp.

Seeing all this, Beast Immortal was terrified.

Among them, there is only one Hu Xian, that huge man, trembling unceasingly.

Kneeling down for a moment, kowtowing to Chu Tian in front of him.

"I beg Lord Heavenly Emperor to spare me, we dare not, our Tiger Immortal Clan will never dare to betray Your Excellency, please Lord Heavenly Emperor let me go!"

Begging for mercy.

It's a pity that the Dragon King of the Five Heavenly Dragons in front just stared at him like this.

He didn't show any good looks, in front of Chu Tian.

He opened his mouth directly, and swallowed the Tiger Immortal Clan into his stomach again.

"It's ridiculous, why did Lord Heavenly Emperor let you go? You people deserve to die, and so does your race. If you are swallowed by the Dragon King, you must help Lord Heavenly Emperor to destroy your race!"

Swallow it in one gulp.

At this moment, there was really not a single Beast Fairy left.

Let Chutian look at all this, and his face fell on the five-fang Tianlong Dragon King in front of him with a strange expression.

The Dragon King of Wufang Tianlong hadn't finished yet, his eyes swept away and fell on the last person in front of him.

The White Fox Immortal trembled all over, feeling the sight of the Dragon King of the Five Heavenly Dragons.

His face was extremely pale, and he stared at him angrily.

He was so angry that he yelled out; "Wufang Dragon King, you, you think that if you kill these people, the Heavenly Emperor won't know, all of this was planned by you, you are too shameless."

"Hmph, Lord Heavenly Emperor will not let you go!"

His eyes were cold, and he just looked at him seriously.

The words in his mouth made the Wufang Dragon King's face pull.

Looking over with one eye, his complexion kept changing, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes.

Landing on him, he said directly to Chu Tian, ​​"Lord Xintiandi, this guy is also one of those traitors. Just now, she wanted to lead these people to find trouble in the heavenly court."

"I don't agree, she actually turned against me, Lord Heavenly Emperor, please enlighten me, we Shenlong clan, absolutely have no half-heartedness towards Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

The words in the mouth are exported.

It all caused the Baihu Immortal's expression to change. When he heard this sentence, he looked over in astonishment and with a strange look on his face.

I was so angry that I trembled all over.

As soon as the five dragon kings in front finished speaking, they opened their mouths without even thinking about it.

Do it directly.

"Let me help Lord Heavenly Emperor solve this problem, little fox fairy, dare to be rude to Lord Heavenly Emperor, this Dragon King will swallow you right now!"

The White Fox Immortal trembled all over, watching the Wufang Dragon King charge forward.

At the same time, I didn't have time to react, and I didn't know what to do.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, he saw the five dragon kings rushing forward again.

A cold light flashed across his eyes.

The cold light flickered, his eyes were cold, and he stared at the Wufang Dragon King in front of him, all of them gave a cold snort.

With a movement of the whole body, he had already taken the first step to stop the Wufang Dragon King.

"Did I ask you to do it? Are you too presumptuous in front of me?"

He clenched his fist and hit it directly.

It was really a punch that landed on the opponent's dragon head.

Let the whole body of the Dragon King of Five Fangs tremble.

With a scream, it turned into a human again and fell to the ground.

His face was pale, and he looked up ugly.

Sensing Chutian's gaze, he lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, "I dare not, but, Lord Heavenly Emperor, this little fox fairy really wants to harm Lord Heavenly Emperor."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, don't be fooled by them. They belong to the Fox Immortal family and are good at the art of fairy charm. They are definitely not the ones who sincerely want to follow Lord Heavenly Emperor, but only want the blood of Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

His face was serious, so he looked over with a serious face.

It's really firm.

The words in his mouth made the expression of Baihu Immortal beside Chutian change.

With a big change in his face, he shook his head directly at Chu Tian and said, "No, Lord Tiandi, we, our fox fairy clan, have never thought about it this way, our fox fairy clan, although the magic of immortals is very powerful."

"But our fox fairy clan never thought of using it on the Emperor of Heaven!"

In an instant, he knelt down and bowed down.

Chu Tian swept his eyes and landed on the fox fairy in front of him.

He looked at the five dragon kings in front of him again.

With a pensive expression on his face, he thought for a while before saying, "It's very difficult for me to judge what the two of you said, so why not?"

"Give me your fairy souls, I need your fairy souls, let you become my fairy slaves, can this show your sincerity?"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two people in front of them changed.

With a look of astonishment, his face changed drastically.

Give the fairy soul, and be refined into a slave soul by Chu Tian.

This is Chu Tian completely controlling the life of the immortal.

For the vengeful Wufang Dragon King, this is really worse than death.

He had an ugly face, but a pale face.

It all fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and when he curled his lips, his face couldn't stop smiling.

That was smiling, but it didn't occur to him that the people on the side didn't even think about it.

The voice was obviously a little excited, and he said directly; "I am the White Fox Immortal, and I am willing to hand over the immortal soul to the Lord to show my sincerity. Our fox fairy clan is all loyal to the Emperor of Heaven."

"It is my honor to be able to hand over the immortal soul to the lord and become the slave of the celestial being under the lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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