Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 643 Excavating the Super God’s Treasure

Chapter 643 Excavating the Super God’s Treasure
His face was full of joy, and he raised his hand excitedly.

Just casually together like this really gave Chu Tian a little surprise.

Accompanied by the movement of the White Fox Immortal raising his hand.

It's all a fairy soul, rushing directly from her body.

In front of Chutian, this fairy soul also fell into Chutian's hands.

The White Fox Immortal trembled all over, and her whole body softened, without her fairy soul.

He looked really exhausted.

The Wufang Dragon King not far away looked at all this, his face changed, but his face was changing, and his eyes were complicated.

Up to now, he is still unwilling to hand over his immortal soul.

This made Chutian see it, and he also sneered; "Wufang Dragon King, didn't you say that you have the same heart for me, and you have helped me get rid of so many people. Now I make you a fairy slave!" .”

"From now on, it is a great honor for you to help me do things."

Wufang Dragon King trembled all over his body, and his expression was not reconciled when he heard Chu Tian's words.

Gritting his teeth, he made a lot of determination, but he still couldn't do it.

This caught the attention of the white fox fairy on the side.

He sneered and said, "My lord, he is the mastermind this time. He has summoned a lot of beast gods, and he wants to achieve his goal by going against your lord."


"Yes, he wants to rely on this to make him the new Lord Dragon King!"

Hearing this sentence, Chu Tian finally understood.

The cold light that flashed across his eyes was extremely indifferent.

Staring at the past with a cold face, he said indifferently; "If you want to use me to become the new Dragon King, it depends on whether you have this ability."

"Shooting your keel, digging out your dragon's tendons, how dare you act presumptuously in front of me!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian rushed forward.

The speed was so fast that the Wufang Dragon King couldn't react at all for an instant.

In a daze, he could only see Chu Tian directly in front of him.

Just like that, he raised his hand and grabbed him.

With a movement of his hand, Chu Tian directly pulled out his keel and tendons.

Seeing all this, the White Fox Immortal had a happy face, and the corners of his mouth turned up, with a really happy expression on his face.

The Wufang Dragon King trembled all over, and Chu Tian pulled out the dragon's tendons and pulled out the dragon's bone.

He who can no longer be called the Dragon King has lost more than half of his strength.

Now he could only kneel on the ground trembling, begging Chu Tian for mercy.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life, Xiaolong dare not, I will never dare."

Chu Tian glanced at it indifferently, and said without giving a good face; "I won't do anything to you now, I need to go to your Shenlongtianyu, take me there quickly."

The treasure digging task has not been completed yet.

He still wanted to wait until the treasure digging task was completed.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the five dragon kings in front of him did not dare to neglect.

He also took Chutian directly to Shenlong Tianyu.

The White Fox Immortal behind him also followed with a curious look on his face.


Shenlong Tianyu, this is the place where Shenlong and Dragon King practice.

This territory is all within the Dragon Mountain of the Shenlong Clan.

As soon as you enter Longshan Mountain, you can see a quick realm within a few hundred meters.

Only the Dragon King family can control this enchantment.

Open the enchantment with dragon blood.

The front flashed by, and everything suddenly became clear.

It also made Chutian feel that his eyes lit up, and his face was so curious.

He walked in expectantly.

As soon as he entered, there was really a voice next to his ear.

The victory of the task is also so exciting.

It made him jump with joy and look happy.

His face was extremely bright.

"Super Shenhao's treasure map was excavated successfully, and a medium treasure was obtained!"

"Get a super fairy coin gift package*1!"

"Get the intermediate god stone gift bag*1!"

"Get the fragment of the treasure chest of ancient gods and demons*2!"

"Get the gift of the ancient gods and demons, the pass for the secret treasure land of the ancient wind street!"

The first three things have already surprised Chu Tian.

Not to mention, the last gift from the ancient gods and demons really surprised him.

Well, it was a kind of excitement.

The corners of the mouth floated up, and there was a smile on his face.

Can't wait to see how the final stuff works.

It's a pity that this thing can only be used in the ancient land of gods and demons, which is also the ancient wind street.

Chu Tian still withdrew his mind and looked at the other items.

Needless to say, the super fairy coin spree.

With this opening, you can get hundreds of millions of fairy coins, and you can get up to tens of billions of fairy coins.

But the intermediate god stone gift bag made him even more excited.

Intermediate Sacred Stone Gift Bag: After opening, you can get 10-50 Sacred Stones.

This number also made Chu Tian smile.

With a bright face and an excited face.

It's not too cool, it's too pleasant.

When it was opened immediately, Chu Tian watched the divine stone beating, and his whole heart was about to jump out.

Thinking about getting 50 divine stones directly!
He really wasn't afraid of that ancient holy ancestor, and when the time came, he would order another holy artifact.

Look at the land of ancient gods and demons, who else dares to spy on him!

With a smile on his face, Chu Tian stopped looking at the numbers in front of him.

50 divine stones were not released in the divine stone gift bag.

Only 20 divine stones!
Looking at this number also made Chu Tian's face fluctuate.

Although he had the money he owed to the Snow God Shop, but it was only these things, and he wanted to buy more powerful things.

That's nothing left.

This made Chu Tian sigh.

He now needs a large amount of divine stones, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands.

Only hundreds of thousands, millions of divine stones can improve oneself.

Chu Tian was really looking forward to obtaining a large number of divine stones.

With a glance, they all fell on the last treasure chest fragment.

So far, there are only three fragments.

It takes ten to complete a group.

It seems that the process of getting it all together is also very long.

No matter what, the harvest this time was good, and Chu Tian was very satisfied.

The corners of the mouth floated up, with a smile on his face.

After putting away everything, he turned around and wanted to leave the Shenlonglongyu.

Just when he wanted to leave, but not far away, something directly attracted him.

The sudden appearance of this thing really seemed to seduce him.

A huge dragon heart stone appeared in front of Chu Tian.

This dragon heart stone is like the heart of a dragon.

Lifelike, really is constantly up and down.

A terrifying celestial power came out of it, covering the entire Shenlonglongyu.

Let Chutian feel all this, with a complex and strange expression on his face.

Presumably, this Dragon Heart Stone is also controlling this Shenlonglongyu.

This is a priceless treasure.

Is this supposed to be taken away?

Or should it be taken away?

Take it as the compensation given to him by the Shenlong Clan.

This must be taken away!

Without even thinking about it, Chu Tian stepped forward and raised his hand to grab the Dragon Heart Stone.

Unexpectedly, a huge force came, and it was obvious that the Dragon King had imposed restrictions on it.

Otherwise, people will easily touch the support of this world!

(End of this chapter)

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