Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 644 Obtaining the Dragon Treasure

Chapter 644 Obtaining the Dragon Treasure
Unexpectedly, Shenlong and Dragon King have imposed such a powerful restriction.

It's no wonder that this item is priceless.

At a glance in Chutian, he saw a burst of immortal power contained in it.

It also made him couldn't help but want to snatch it directly.

The Shenlong Dragon Clan caused a lot of losses to him.

No matter how you put it, you have to give him a little compensation, which can be regarded as making up for him!
Thinking of all this, he curled his lips into a smile, and raised his hand with a smile on his face.

Without even thinking about it, he grabbed it with one hand.

Xia Feilong broke all the dragon restrictions in front of him.

The entire Shenlong trembled.

It collapsed in an instant!
Xia Feilong grabbed the Dragon Heart Stone without any hindrance.

This huge dragon heart stone really cannot be grasped with one hand.

As soon as he got it, Chu Tian could feel the trembling of the artifact in his hand.

As if unwilling to be controlled by others, he has the blood of the Dragon King.

It cannot be exploited by others.

Xia Feilong, who understood all this, curled his lips and smiled endlessly.

The corners of his mouth floated up, and he just smiled and raised his hand directly.

Do not want to.

All the divine power is also input into the past, and is continuously input into it.

It also made the entire Dragon Heart Stone tremble.

Feeling the power of Chutian, it is really stronger than the Dragon King.

Let the dragon heart stone continue to scream.

In less than a minute, he was directly subdued by Chutian, and his mark was also engraved by Chutian.

Only then did he snatch the Dragon Heart Stone completely from the hands of the Dragon King.

As he took control of the Dragon Heart Stone.

Grab it directly.

The whole earth began to tremble continuously.

Shenlong Tianyu has no support, no Dragon Heart Stone as the foundation.

In this short moment, it collapsed directly.

The Shenlong Tianyu, which was hundreds of millions of years old, was completely shattered just like that.

Only the expression of Wufang Dragon King, who was watching all this from outside, changed, and he opened his mouth wide, showing a look of astonishment and shock.

The White Fox Immortal's expression also kept changing.

However, when he saw Chu Tian appearing, his eyes lit up, and he walked over with a happy face.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, are you all right? Why did the Heavenly Territory break through and shatter? Was Lord Heavenly Emperor not injured?"

The White Fox Immortal looked concerned.

Looking at the little fox fairy in front of him, he cared from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as Chu Tian curled his lips, his face was full of smiles, his face was indifferent, and he just smiled and raised his head.

As soon as he raised his hand, he took out something directly.

"Because this thing is in my hands!"

The appearance of the Dragon Heart Stone changed the faces of the five dragon kings in front, and the expressions changed drastically.

His face turned pale: "This, this is..."

On the contrary, Immortal White Fox looked curious, and couldn't help raising his hand, wanting to touch it.

It's a pity that he hadn't touched it yet, but the Wufang Dragon King behind him roared and withdrew his hand directly.

Wufang Dragon King had a cold face, so he looked over with a cold face.

With a very bad face, he said: "This is a sacred object in our dragon clan, and it is something that a small thing like you can touch. Open it for me and take your dirty hands away."

Waiting for the past with an angry look, the expression on his face.

The look in his eyes made the face of the Wubai Fox Immortal in front of him change.

Gritting his teeth, his expression fluctuated, and he looked at the things in Chutian's hands in front of him.

This dragon heart stone is very beautiful, which really makes her feel a little bit unwilling.

All of this fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

With a curl of lips and a smile on his face, he just casually lifted and threw this thing into the hands of the White Fox Immortal.

"If you want to see it, you can see it, this thing, let me keep it for you!"

Just throwing it away casually like this really made Immortal Bai Hu's face change.

Touching this dragon heart stone, the whole body trembled.

Only now did she realize that the Dragon King of Five Fangs was right.

This incomparably terrifying dragon aura, and its endless stream of immortal power.

All prove that this is definitely a genuine Dragon Clan treasure!
I really didn't expect that Chutian would be so simple, and he would leave it to her so reassuringly.

It made her face full of excitement, and she was even more moved when she looked at Chu Tian: "Thank you, Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

The corner of the mouth floated up, and his eyes swept across the five dragon kings in front of him.

Just curling his lips like this, and lifting his hand casually, he lifted the Dragon Heart Stone directly.

In front of the Wufang Dragon King in front of him, he just moved a few times casually.

That proud look made Wufang Dragon King very angry, but he could see Chu Tian's gaze.

He didn't dare to go forward, knowing very well that Chu Tian had taken this treasure in Tianyu.

This caused Tianyu to collapse instantly.

Seeing that Chutian didn't want to return this thing at all.

It really made his face change, and he just looked at it seriously, and couldn't help but say, "My lord, this treasure is a treasure of our dragon clan. It has been in our dragon clan for hundreds of millions of years."

"My lord, can you, after reading it, give it back to us?"

He looked over eagerly, staring at Xia Feilong, his expression constantly changing.

The words in his mouth and the expression on his face were seen in Chu Tian's eyes.

Just like that, he glanced over indifferently.

His face was indifferent, and he really didn't even think about it; "Why?"

As soon as the words came out, the five dragon kings in front of him froze, feeling Chu Tian's aggressive gaze.

For a while, they couldn't say a word.

Chu Tian snorted coldly, with a displeased expression on his face; "I haven't settled with you for the previous matter, but for this treasure, you dragon clan will compensate me."

"If you want to take it, you can go up and take it, but let's see if you have the ability to take it away from me!"

Chu Tianhao's cold eyes made Wufang Dragon King bow his head, but he really didn't dare to speak a word.

He is not as powerful as Xintiandi, not even a single finger of Xintiandi.

Rushing forward like this is an act of courting death.

That face was ugly, but it was changing constantly.

The expression in his eyes, the expression on his face, all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

With a cold smile, his eyes swept away, and he really didn't pay attention to it.

It also made the White Fox Immortal on the side look at the Wufang Dragon King's deflated appearance.

More than smile.

He couldn't help but lift up the Dragon Heart Stone, really angry with the Dragon King on purpose, he turned his hands around and held it in his hands.

They all looked like they were playing ball.

This made Wufang Dragon King see it in his eyes, his eyes widened, and he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

Let the white fox see it in his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Chu Tian didn't care. After taking this treasure, he wanted to go back. He really didn't want to stay longer.

Just going to leave here.

But he didn't take a few steps, and he really dared to accompany the little fox fairy back to the Dragon King Palace of the dragon clan.

All I could hear was a loud thunder in the sky.

A big dragon with five colors shining all over its body also came from flying high in the sky.

This made Wufang Dragon King's eyes brighten, and he looked happy and brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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