Chapter 646
Returned to the heaven.

After Chu Tian settled the white fox fairy, he also carefully inspected the Dragon Heart Stone, a treasure of the Dragon Clan.

This thing has a lot of functions, and it can build a big world by itself.

Let this piece of heaven and earth rebuild a new world.

If it weren't for this dragon heart stone, it would be very small.

Even if it is possible to directly construct the entire Heavenly Emperor, it is extremely easy.

Knowing this, Chu Tian still planned to use this dragon heart stone to do something.

Thinking, do you want to expand the entire heaven?
Re-create it, a heaven and a new world?

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian never imagined that there would be gods coming to report outside the heavenly court.

As soon as one incident came out, his Super Shenhao system was given a mission.

"Master Heavenly Emperor, it's not good, the prisoner in the prison has escaped!"

Chu Tian was startled, and heard a general with a flustered face come up to him and speak.

It also made Chu Tian startled.

Back then, the entire dungeon was destroyed by him, even more so directly.

It really hasn't been repaired until now, the dilapidated sky prison can't hold prisoners.

Now, finally, something went wrong!
This made Chu Tian look thoughtful.

I was thinking about the situation in the dungeon.

He was very surprised by the sound of the system next to his ear.

"Get a special task, a special task for the super god, become famous, the order of the emperor of heaven will be reset, and 10 repeat offenders will be arrested!"

"Repair the sky prison, complete the task, and get evaluation rewards. The rewards are the treasure map of the super god, the treasure box, etc.!"

The tasks that appeared were really special.

are divided into two parts.

Some of them were 10 prisoners who had escaped from prison.

The other part is to rebuild the entire dungeon.

Rely on the completion of these two tasks to get the reward.

This made Chutian very curious, and also with a little expectation!

No matter what, he has accepted this task.

This is simply giving rewards for nothing.

How could it not be possible!

As soon as Chu Tian stood up, he really showed the aura of the emperor of heaven for a moment, and said proudly; "The sky prison can't be guarded, and I want this emperor, take the emperor of heaven to have a look, you bunch of idiots! "

Feeling the aura of the Emperor of Heaven, the general in front of him knelt on the ground, trembling.

At this moment, Chutian really felt that being the Emperor of Heaven was very enjoyable.

Cursing people can be justified in this way.

It is not wrong to scold these generals.

Originally, these generals were numerous in number, but they couldn't even watch over a few prisoners.

This made Chu Tian very disappointed.

He also asked the Emperor of Heaven to arrest the criminals himself.

In this group of heavenly prison generals, how many people live on nothing?
Those priesthoods, I am afraid they are also free food!

With a serious expression on his face, it looked like the dignified Chu Tian, ​​who followed the general to the place where the prison was located.


The current sky prison is in dilapidated condition.

Although the last destruction did not destroy the sky prison much, it has already destroyed the foundation of the sky prison.

But this time, all the prisoners in the sky prison rioted directly.

It made the entire dungeon even more chaotic.

When Chutian arrived, he saw a mess ahead of him.

The sky prison no longer exists, there are only ruins, and above the entire white cloud are a mess of abandoned buildings.

And many gods will look downcast.

Several priests among them really looked potbellied and oily.

Raising his hand, his face was very arrogant, and he yelled at a group of gods in front of him.

"You are really a bunch of trash. A bunch of criminals escaped and couldn't be caught. What use are you for? Trash, you are all trash. You have no ability. What kind of generals are you?"

"You are also accompanying the gods of the heavenly court, go back and be your trash fairy!"

"You are just a bunch of trash, do you hear that, you trash, what can you say, this matter is known by the Emperor of Heaven, don't think that the Emperor of Heaven will let you go!"

As soon as they waved their hands, the two priests all looked unhappy, and their eyes stared over, so their faces were cold.

A look of cold eyes.

As soon as the words came out, the group of gods in front of them really had a completely dumb expression.

However, in the eyes of many people, they are still a little unconvinced.

One of the female Heavenly Prison Generals really just raised her head, looked at the two Heavenly Prison priests in front of her and said, "My lord, this time in the Heavenly Prison, ten felons have joined forces, and these ten serious injuries are all the least serious. They are all in the late stage of Xianjun, and more than half of them are the strength of Xiandi."

"Even if we want to stop it, it's impossible to stop it!"

The two heavenly prison priests all turned pale when they heard the words of the goddess general.

A look of displeasure; "I said you are terrible, but you still dare to talk back, you can't stop it, don't you want to resist desperately?"

"You group of people, death is not a pity, let these felons escape, and I will be implicated by you at that time, you are really useless!"

With a cold snort, the words in his mouth made the face of the goddess general in front of him change, so that he turned pale.

With an extremely ugly face: "My lord, we, if we fight with our lives, we will end up dead. When, when."

"I'm afraid that none of us will be left."

The two heavenly prison priests saw it, and they really didn't give a good face.

"So what, even if you are all dead, and it proves that you have all worked hard, I can still explain to Lord Heavenly Emperor."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor won't blame us!"

The two of them straightened their faces, looking proudly and imposingly.

The words in his mouth made the goddess general in front even more unconvinced.

He clenched his fists tightly, stared at the past, and said airily, "My lord, the Emperor of Heaven, will not just watch us die."

Many god generals also stared at them angrily, they didn't want to die in vain.

The two heavenly prison priests saw it and laughed.

It was really a loud smile, and he laughed loudly and said, "What the Lord Heavenly Emperor needs is someone with strength. How could you guys fall into the eyes of the Lord Heavenly Emperor?"

"You bunch of trash, even if you are used as cannon fodder, you will lose face to the Emperor of Heaven. You are only worth as cannon fodder!"

She curled her lips and sneered, with a cold face, looking indifferently.

The words in his mouth made the goddess general in front very angry, so angry that he was obviously about to hit someone.

That angry expression fell into the eyes of the two potbellied priests of the prison.

He looked over indifferently and said, "Am I wrong? You are a bunch of trash, a bunch of trash, a bunch of scum, and the Emperor of Heaven will take a fancy to you scum!"

Being outnumbered also made the goddess general in front look happy.

Just those two prison priests wanted to continue yelling.

Instead, a cold voice came over; "You two are very dignified, is this the place you guard?"

(End of this chapter)

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