Chapter 647
As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two prison priests changed.

His whole body trembled, and he turned his head, looking at the person coming, he was really taken aback.

Noticed Chutian, saw Chutian's cold eyes.

The two heavenly prison priests looked at each other, and when they spoke, Chu Tian really didn't think about it; "Who are you?"

"Are you new here? You don't know the rules. Didn't you see that we are training people? Get lost and stand aside!"

Unhappy, the two were very angry and stared over indifferently.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian startled, and soon, he curled his lips and smiled, and they all burst into laughter.

I really laughed out loud.

It was really, really interesting.

Even the new Heavenly Emperor couldn't recognize these two Heavenly Priests.

For a moment, Chu Tian felt that his IQ had been insulted!
Instead, a goddess in front of her changed her face.

For a moment, he bowed down directly in fear.

It surprised Chu Tian.

"See Lord Xintiandi!"

Goddess General, fortunately, her expression kept changing, she lowered her head, her face was full of panic.

This made Chu Tian look over at a glance, and opened his eyes, which seemed to be a special expression.

"What's your name?"

"My subordinate is Shi Xiao, Lord Heavenly Emperor. What happened this time was all due to the negligence of my subordinates. The fall of the prison is also the responsibility of one person!"

The goddess general who lowered her head said sadly, "As a god general, I have no ability to help Lord Heavenly Emperor guard this prison."

Hearing this sentence, looking at the goddess general in front of him, his expression was extremely regretful.

It all made Chu Tian smile a little, and said without any concern; "No, this matter has nothing to do with you. The sky prison is not stable in the first place, and there are too many repeat offenders in the sky prison, so you can't keep it."

"The most important thing is that there is no one guarding the dungeon now. Before this kind of thing happened, I haven't been notified. It seems that my reputation is not loud enough!"

With a curl of his lips and a playful smile, his eyes fell on the two priests in front of him.

Feel Chutian's sight, and that gaze.

The two priests trembled all over, noticing Chu Tian's identity and the indifferent eyes of the general who was looking at him from behind.

This made their legs tremble.

Without even thinking about it, I knelt down and bowed down.

He knelt down and kowtowed continuously.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, we, we deserve to die, we didn't know that you are Lord Heavenly Emperor, we should die!"

The words that he spoke, as well as the appearance of kowtowing constantly, fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

His eyes were so cold.

He just looked over with a cold and indifferent face.

"It's been a long time since I became the new Emperor of Heaven. You know me, and someone under your command actually knows me. You really have the face to beg for mercy in front of me!"

Many god generals raised their heads and saw that the two priests looked contemptuous.

That's right, Chutian, the new emperor, is known to some gods and generals.

But the two Priests of the Sky Prison didn't know about it, which is enough to prove that they didn't worry about things in the Sky Prison at all.

The faces of the two priests turned pale, and both faces were indescribably pale.

He hesitated and couldn't say a word at all.

Just let Chu Tian raise his hand, there is no nonsense.

"Come here, arrest them all. From now on, they are not priests of the prison, and they make such a mistake, and they will directly enter the first floor of the prison!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the general's face was filled with excitement, and he walked forward with a happy face.

According to Chu Tian's order, they were directly arrested.

The two wanted to resist, but Chu Tian stared at them.

That is not daring to do anything, but obediently resigning to fate.

In front of the Heavenly Emperor, they can only accept their fate!

Chu Tian didn't look at the two of them, and just raised his head.

With a glance, he landed on the goddess general in front of him. He nodded in satisfaction and said, "You did a good job. You take care of the sky prison. You understand the situation inside the sky prison. However, there are many people in the sky prison. Big problem."

"I am now temporarily appointing you as a member of the priesthood of the prison, and there is another priesthood that I can entrust to you to decide. As long as the gods are among the generals, have strength and ability, they are eligible to become the priesthood in charge of the prison! "

As soon as the words came out, Shi Xiao's eyes lit up, and he looked happy.

He agreed with an excited face.

The general behind him was equally happy.

Chutian's words were clearly saying that he did not rely on the identity of the other party.

As long as they have the ability and strength, even a small heavenly soldier is qualified to be a priest.

Gain clergy rank.

This was enough to make them happy, and they looked forward to seeing Chu Tian even more.

If Chu Tian wants to reorganize the current heaven, of course he must give a little hope to many people.

He also needs some powerful talents to strengthen his Heavenly Court.

Order some things.

Only then did Chutian look at the goddess general in front of him, and asked seriously, "How is the situation now, I want to know, what happened now?"

The face of the Goddess General fluctuated.

After a moment of silence, he explained to Chu Tian that this time, the prisoner escaped from the prison.

There are tens of thousands of mortals in prison at present.

Of the tens of thousands of people, half of them are ordinary prison inmates, which is not very powerful.

Now people have been sent to hunt them down, and half of them have been caught.

But the remaining half is not so simple.

After all, among the more than 5000 prison inmates, there are several special felons.

Five felons with the strength of immortal emperors, plus five felons with the strength of immortal emperors.

This caused headaches for all the gods in the prison.

And the Goddess General in front of him, although he is also a strong person with the strength of an immortal emperor.

But it is impossible to catch all these people back.

The goddess general with a wry smile said to Chu Tian, ​​"My lord, we have already had two immortal emperors and generals, but neither of them is the opponent of the other party. They are still in the hands of the other party and have been seriously injured."


Chu Tian was very surprised, it was not because of the injury to the two of them.

But among the gods, there is also the strength of the immortal emperor.

In this Heavenly Court, there are quite a few Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon people.

Nodding his head, Chu Tian looked at the goddess general in front of him and said, "For those who are injured, I will send the best medicine from Heaven."

"From now on, I will be the one to catch the criminals this time."

As soon as the words came out, the face of the goddess general in front changed drastically.

Just look at it with a serious face and a serious face.

He said directly; "My lord, this is not acceptable. My lord is an incomparably noble emperor of heaven. I can't and shouldn't do such a thing."

"What should I do if something happens to the Emperor of Heaven, this is absolutely impossible!"

With a serious face, he looked at Chu Tian with worried expression.

Chu Tian laughed, and said with a bright smile, "You think something will happen to me, don't forget my identity, this matter is settled like this."

"My identity as Emperor of Heaven cannot be underestimated by you. I want you all to know how powerful the new Emperor of Heaven you believe in is!"

Chu Tian, ​​who raised his head, was full of momentum, which also changed the face of the goddess general in front of him.

His face was moved, and he couldn't help but knelt down and said directly to Chu Tian, ​​"Long live the Emperor of Heaven!"

(End of this chapter)

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