Chapter 648

The Goddess General, the possible location of the escaped felon.

He also personally took hundreds of generals and accompanied Chu Tian there.

Originally, Chutian wanted to arrest these people alone.

After all, to complete his task, he needs to do it himself, and no one else can help.

It's a pity that the newly appointed Goddess General of the Prison Priest in front of him disagrees with everything.

You must take people with you, protect him, and don't let him, the emperor of heaven, be in any danger!
It is rare for this goddess general to be so loyal.

Chutian also asked him to bring someone to witness.

A group of people set off in a mighty way.

Did not walk for long.

I met the general who was following this group of prisoners, who had been waiting here for a long time.

Knowing that the Lord Heavenly Emperor came over in person, they all looked serious.

Follow the goddess general and bring people over.

They all went forward to greet them immediately, and said respectfully, "It's our fault that the Lord Heavenly Emperor came here in person, and please condemn the Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

"We don't have the ability to catch these prisoners, because we are too weak!"

He lowered his head with guilt on his face.

Seeing the guilt on the faces of the group of people in front of him, Chu Tian waved his hands, but didn't say anything more.

"Okay, this matter is also related to me. I was the one who destroyed the sky prison. I will arrest them again and rebuild the sky prison!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the group of people in front of them changed.

Fortunately, with a happy face and an excited face, he agreed.

Chutian didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly; "How is the situation now?"

"The group of prisoners is right in front, and now they are all thinking about how they plan to leave the fairy world, find a place where no Heavenly Emperor can take care of them, and hide."

The corners of Chu Tian's mouth turned up when he heard this; "Oh, they have a good idea."

"I'll go and have a look, don't come with me."

When Chu Tian opened his mouth, the expressions of the group of people in front changed.

It really made some gods disagree.

He didn't want Chutian to go there alone.

This made Chutian very helpless. In the end, he could only bring the goddess general who strongly demanded to go with him.

Shi Xiao accompanied them.


Chu Tian, ​​who didn't bring the general with him, only planned to pretend to be a prisoner to check the situation.

He didn't want to scare the snake away, so he let go of ten repeat offenders.

His task completion is all on the ten seriously injured.

If ten people are here.

He wiped them all out.

If there are other people among the ten people in other places, be sure to ask carefully.

Talk to Shi Xiao who is behind him, and ask him not to reveal their identities.

Shi Xiao, who agreed without hesitation, followed Xia Feilong with a curious look on his face, and quickly approached where the fugitives were.

These fugitives are all repeat offenders of Heavenly Court, and each of them is really not bad.

Among them are led by ten strong men, these prisoners are really a very large organization.

As soon as Chutian stepped forward, he noticed that there were guards in front of him.

To enter this group of prisoners, one must also pass by the guard.

His face changed several times, he glanced at Shi Xiao behind him, gave him a look, and made Shi Xiao lower his face.

Chu Tian just raised his foot and walked in directly.

As the two approached, the guard in front of him reacted immediately.

The reaction was very quick, and when he glanced at the two men with scarred faces, their faces were cold.

"Stop, who are you?"

"The front is the site we guard, how did you find it here?"

The expressions of the two men changed, they locked onto Chu Tian and Shi Xiao, and they both stepped forward and immediately surrounded them.

Feel the faces of the two men.

Shi Xiao's face darkened, and he clenched his fists, making it clear that he wanted to do something directly.

But Chu Tianyi suppressed the movement of his hand with his gaze.

Chu Tian raised his head, with a calm face, and said indifferently; "I also just escaped from the prison, and now I know a very important thing."

"It must be explained to your leader."

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the two gatekeepers changed.

Fortunately, a strange look swept across Chu Tian's body, and his expression became even more indifferent.

"I have seen our leader, why should we let you see?"

"That's right, you said you escaped, why haven't you seen you before, aren't you the one sent by the gods?"

The faces of the two were cold, and they were really smart.

Seeing the suspicious eyes of the two, Chu Tian didn't panic, but turned cold.

With a cold snort, his eyes were extremely cold, and his face turned indifferent; "What are you, this matter concerns all of us. If you don't report to me, the consequences will be subdued!"

"I can only tell you that now, Lord Heavenly Emperor already knows about the prisoner's escape. Do you know what the consequences will be if Lord Heavenly Emperor knows?"

The faces of the two people in front changed when they heard this sentence.

All of them had complex expressions, but they looked at them with complicated and strange expressions.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian stepped forward without any nonsense, and gave the two of them an imposing look.

He said directly; "Go away, I'm going to report to you as the leader. If I delay things, you will definitely be blamed by them. Do you want to court death?"

The two men trembled all over.

If it really delayed the matter of the ten adults, giving them a few lives would not be enough.

The complexion kept changing, and he took a deep breath.

Or take the initiative to give way to the road.

He really bowed his head to Chu Tian with a respectful expression.

"We dare not, my lord please."

Just like that, Chutian entered their domain directly.

This made Shi Xiao completely unexpected, really unexpected, that it would be so easy, so easy to get involved.

This is all thanks to Chu Tian.

This Lord Xintiandi is really not simple!
Looking into Chu Tian's eyes, Shi Xiao became more and more charming.

With full confidence on his face.

Just like that, he followed Chu Tian to the area where the prisoner was.

She really didn't expect that the environment inside was quite different from what she had imagined.

After all, the discipline here is too complete.

These prisoners are really divided into several fields, and some powerful prisoners are completely separated.

Outside, there are also some ordinary sky prison criminals.

It is also the lowest, guarding the outermost, and doing the lowest things for the sake of others.

For example, looking for fairy fruits and hunting fairy beasts for food!

Let Shi Xiao look over, his expression is very complicated, he never thought that these prisoners are really organized so well.

Sensing Shi Xiao's sight, Chu Tian's face was calm, and he understood the reason; "These people are distinguished by their strength, which is actually the same as the heavens. Whoever has strength can get more."

"It's the same when I become a Heavenly Emperor!"

So in order to ensure his position as Emperor of Heaven, he must make continuous progress.

(End of this chapter)

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