Chapter 651

Chu Tian took this piece of heaven and earth as his prison, and in an instant, he rushed out of many sky chains and faced the five people in front of him.

Just like that.

Immediately blocking the five people made the expressions of the five people change, and they noticed Chu Tian's moves.

His complexion changed drastically, and he was full of fear for this kind of sky chains.

"You, who are you, this, what kind of move is this, ah, I don't want to be locked, break it for me, break it!"

"I just got out of the prison, but I don't want to be imprisoned again, I don't want to, I don't want to be imprisoned!"

"Break it, break it!"

The five people struggled continuously, but unfortunately, with their strength, it was really impossible for them to break free. Chu Tian used divine power as a guide, and Hua Tian came out of the prison.

If Chu Tian is willing, the five of them can be imprisoned in this piece of heaven and earth for tens of millions of years.

However, Chu Tian did not do this.

After all, there were still five people who did not show up, and he still didn't want to reveal his identity.

He just looked over indifferently, staring at the five people in front of him and said, "Are you convinced?"

The face is proud, just so indifferent, it seems that he looks over with a sneer.

The faces of the five people changed, and they realized that no matter what, they couldn't break free from Chu Tian's chains.

Under the sudden change of expression, the five of them had to lower their heads.

Even if they were not reconciled, they still could only speak.

"Please, my lord, let us go."

"We know we are wrong, and please let us go."

Chu Tian laughed, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he just waved his hands with a smile.

It is to make the chains on the five people in front disappear directly.

This made the five of them breathe a sigh of relief.

His complexion changed, but he looked over with a complicated and weird expression.

Chu Tian waved his hand, and said without any nonsense, "Take me to meet the rest of you. Now the new emperors are coming soon, and the hundred thousand generals of heavenly soldiers are also coming."

"We have to discuss it carefully, and what to do next!"

As soon as the words came out, a group of people in front of them looked at each other with serious faces.

The most important thing now is how to deal with Lord Xintiandi.

All of them changed their faces.

Nod your head, and look over with a serious face.

Those eyes and gazes were completely in Chu Tian's eyes, which also made Chu Tian laugh.

It looks like things are close to success.

Chu Tian had a smile on his face, and they all followed the five people in front of them and went to the depths.

It is also within the domain of the ten felons.

After arriving at this site, Chu Tian finally understood why these five people did not show up.


Within the ruins of a fairyland, this place is really very desolate.

This place does not belong to one of the four heavenly realms.

Nor is it where heaven is.

But the place of handover!

Why these recidivists choose this place is also something that Chu Tian doesn't understand.

Originally, he just wanted to complete his system tasks quickly, but he didn't expect to see the remaining five felons again once he arrived in the desolation where he was.

Only then did I understand that these people had a premeditated plan long ago.

"Why did you come back now, what happened?"

"Who is this guy?"

"Why are you bringing two outsiders here? This time, the heaven's secret treasure belongs to ten of us, and we can no longer share it with outsiders!"

His face changed, and the group of people in front of him looked over with fluctuating expressions.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian a little interested.

The action that I wanted to do at first also stopped immediately.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, the corners of his mouth turned up, with a little playfulness.

Only now did he understand why these people dared to leave the prison.

Don't be afraid of him anymore!
She couldn't figure it out before, these people didn't have the same Celestial Card as him, so it was impossible for them to leave the fairy world.

Even if you go to the way of Tongtian, you can't pass the way of heaven guarded by heavy soldiers.

Unless there are other ways to allow them to enter the human world.

It seems that this method is what is called here.

Above the secret treasure of heaven!

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, he looked over curiously, and asked with a puzzled expression, "Cang Tian's secret treasure, Cang Tian has been dead for so long, does he still have any treasures left behind?"

"Does the Lord Heavenly Emperor not know about this?"

With curious faces, the corners of the mouths of the five people in front of them rose as soon as the words came out.

For a moment, he smiled proudly.

"Of course the Emperor of Heaven is not clear. We were the first to discover this matter!"

"Speaking of it, it's also a coincidence. The sky prison was established by the sky, and the sky is in the sky prison, leaving a little bit of consciousness, and this little consciousness knows where the secret treasure of the sky is."

"That's right, through this bit of residual knowledge, we already know that Heaven has hidden some treasures here. If anyone can break the restriction here, whoever can get those secret treasures!"

After finishing speaking, the five people looked excited and yearning.

However, this expression did not last long.

They all sighed, and their faces changed constantly: "Unfortunately, we got the specific location, but we didn't find it at all, the forbidden secret realm that the sky said!"

"We have been searching for a day, but we still haven't found anything. If this continues, I think it will take us a few days to find it."

As soon as the person in front of him spoke, it also made the five felons beside Chutian.

His face changed drastically, and he couldn't help it long ago, and directly said Chu Tian's words; "No, this is absolutely impossible, now the Emperor of Heaven has brought people here, and the Emperor of Heaven has found out and escaped."

"We will definitely find where we are, we must not stay here!"

"We'd better get out of here quickly, and discover the treasure location this time when Lord Heavenly Emperor comes here!"

With a serious face, he looked over with a serious face.

The words in his mouth also made Chu Tian's face twitch.

He glanced ahead, and he really didn't see anything weird.

He could only look at the group of people in front of him and said, "Is there any clue in the sky?"

As soon as the words came out, the five people still looked over with unhappy faces.

Not agreeing at all, Chu Tian, ​​an outsider, joined.

Not to mention Chu Tian's joining, plus Shi Xiao who is behind Chu Tian, ​​if both of them join in.

But it takes two more.

This is the heaven's secret treasure, and they are very distressed to share an extra share.

"You are not qualified to get the secret treasure of heaven, don't think about me telling you."

"We are the only ones who can get the secret treasure. Don't even think about it. It is impossible for us to hand over the secret treasure to you!"

All of them had cold faces, and what they said made Chu Tian curl his lips and sneer.

Just looking over with a smile on his face, he sneered and said, "You don't want to share the secret treasure of heaven, it's ridiculous, can you get it yourself?"

"For so long, you haven't found it. You simply don't have the ability to obtain the secret treasure of the sky. After all, the secret treasure left by the sky is also for those who have the strength to get it!"

Chu Tian looked over with such a sneer.

The ridicule made the five of them blush.

Glaring over, they were all very angry, so angry that they couldn't speak; "You said that the secret treasures of the sky are given to those with strength, but you mean that we have no strength, but you have strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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