Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 652 The Secret Treasure That Doesn't Exist

Chapter 652 The Secret Treasure That Doesn't Exist
Chu Tian's mocking words made the faces of the group of people in front flush.

The secret treasure of the heavens was obtained by them.

They believe that they are entitled to the secret treasure left by the heavens!
Now it is denied by others, and they really don't agree that they can get the secret treasure of heaven.

How could they not be angry.

He stared at him angrily.

The expression on his face changed, it turned out to be a serious face, and his cold eyes only fell on Chu Tian's eyes.

He really pouted and sneered, and looked over indifferently.

With an extremely cold face, he said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Damn it, do you mean that you are entitled to obtain the secret treasure of heaven?"

"We don't believe that you can get the secret treasure of the sky, and if you can find the secret treasure of the sky, we will admit defeat."

"Yes, boy, can you find the secret treasure of heaven and show us?"

The expressions of the group of people in front of them changed, they seemed to be staring at them with a serious face and a cold face.

The look in the eyes, the look on the face.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, he raised his head with such a calm expression, as if looking over indifferently.

With calm eyes, he said, "Yes, I can find the secret treasure of heaven, tell me some clues, and I will show them to you!"

He noticed Chu Tian's confident expression.

The people in front of them really looked at each other, with a smile on their lips, still smiling brightly.

He looked over with a playful face.

The corners of his mouth were really raised, with a cold smile on his face.

Since the guy in front of him wants to help them find the secret treasure of heaven.

Anyway, this guy is only one person.

When this guy finds the secret treasure and they snatch it, will this guy dare to fight against the five of them?
Looking at each other, the five felons all nodded.

Gave him a look of approval.

In this way, some clues were told to Chu Tian in front of him.

"Okay, you said you can find it, but let's see how you plan to find it."

"Heaven said that this secret treasure is here. He said a word that the secret treasure is not a real thing. According to our understanding, it may be a supernatural power, or an inheritance of a realm!"

"In short, this thing cannot be easily found."

Hearing these people, Chu Tian's expression changed.

Raising his head, he stared at the past with serious eyes.

The secret treasure hidden in the sky is absolutely impossible to be so simple.

To find out, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

This made his face change continuously.

Walking forward, I just want to know what the sky is hiding here.

Not real?

Is it really a supernatural power?
Or is it the inheritance of the heaven's realm?
This made Chu Tian look over with a puzzled expression and a dignified expression. There was nothing there in the empty place.

If he were heaven, how would he hide this thing.

This made him fall into a kind of contemplation.

A complexion fluctuates.

His face changed, he raised his head, and looked at the past seriously.

There was a little light in his eyes.

He clenched his fist, and without even thinking about it, he punched in the air!

The whole air trembled, noticing Chu Tian's movements, which made some people behind him look puzzled, so they looked over with strange expressions.

It's all a face that changes more than once.

The expression on his face was complicated, but he looked at him with a strange expression, very special.

"Who is this guy and what does he want to do?"

"Ignorant, he is losing his temper against the air, I think he can't find the secret treasure of heaven!"

"If he can find it, we will snatch it, but we can't let the secret treasure fall into his hands."

Some people straightened their faces.

Thinking of this, he has a serious and serious expression on his face.

Looking at Chutian in front of him, he couldn't look away.

Chu Tian punched the air, and the whole air trembled.

Accompanied by a circle of water waves, just like this.

When Chu Tian curled his lips, he couldn't stop smiling.

He raised his head and yelled directly to the sky; "Heaven, if I were you, I would never hand over my supernatural powers to others, nor would I pass on my strength to others!"

"If it were you, even if I die, I will find a way to resurrect, so what you leave behind is not a secret treasure at all, but your remnant soul. You want to come back from the dead, right?"

Chu Tian's words made a group of people's faces change.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, everyone's expressions changed.

It's a complex look, but it's a look of astonishment.

It never occurred to me that this heaven actually had such a plan.

Everyone's face was changing, and the eyes they looked at were even more astonished.

All I could see was a wave of water in front of me, and it was obvious that a figure appeared directly.

Sure enough, Chu Tian was right.

What the heavens left here was not some secret treasure.

Instead, a remnant soul was left behind, and this remnant soul represented the consciousness of the sky.

The sky doesn't want to die, and it doesn't plan to be destroyed in this world at all!
He will do everything possible to be resurrected.

Looking at the remnant soul in the sky in front of him, Chu Tian's eyes were fixed, and his face turned cold.

"You are really stubborn!"

"You don't want to die, but unfortunately even if you don't want to die, I will definitely let you die. If you don't die, I will be able to dominate this piece of heaven and earth, and this piece of ancient heaven will not still have me in charge. God, your time is long ago. It's over!"

Cang Tian's face was gloomy.

This man with a mediocre face and a gloomy face, his eyes fell on Chu Tian.

When you frown, you really have a special expression; "The aura on your body actually has an aura that scares me. It seems that my position is inherited by you!"

He clenched his fists tightly, and when he opened his mouth, the expressions of the ten felons in front changed.

Hearing Cangtian's words, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked shocked.

"What did the heavens say, he said, what did he say about his position?"

"Could it be that this person, he, he is the new Emperor of Heaven who took the position of heaven?"

"No, otherwise why did the heavens say that?"

At this moment, the ten repeat offenders finally understood.

Knowing that Chutian is the new emperor, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

It's a terrified expression.

Chu Tian curled his lips and sneered, the smile continued, every time he opened his mouth, he burst into laughter.

"That's right, I took your position and destroyed your descendants. Now, I want to snatch everything from you. You deliberately left a little remnant here."

"After such a long time, your remnant soul has not subsided, and you still have the current strength. I think, you are here, I am afraid that you will leave behind a good treasure!"

The corners of his mouth floated up, and Chu Tian looked over with a smile on his face.

The words in the mouth, the expression on the face.

It all falls in the eyes of the heaven ahead.

Feeling Chu Tian's gaze, the gaze that sees through him, really made his expression fluctuate.

(End of this chapter)

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