Chapter 663
This made everyone's faces change.

Looking at Chu Tian who was not injured, they couldn't believe it at all.

"Here, is this guy all right?"

Xue Kong was the most astonished, with the most shocking expression on his face. The two he selected carefully joined forces.

Lian Rang, the ancient immortal saint, died here directly in the middle stage.

But the guy in front of him didn't have a thing at all, which made him unable to figure it out at all.

Of course he couldn't figure it out.

Chutian inherited Cangtian's ancient way of heaven, plus his supernatural powers, he has already reached the early stage of ancient immortal saints.

Being able to drink the first battle of the ancient immortal sage, not to mention, he comprehended the ancient way of heaven.

There is also the belief power of the entire ancient heaven, as a supplement to his immortal power.

This made him proud enough to squint at the two people in front of him.

When the two of them stretched out their hands, they looked even more disdainful: "I thought that you people from the land of ancient gods and demons are so powerful, but it seems that they are nothing more than that."

"The two of you joined forces, you can't compare to the remnant soul of the sky."

Shaking his head and sighing, Chu Tian's words were completely insulting to the two people in front of him.

Looking at Chu Tian who was not injured, the two of them looked ugly.

He clenched his fists and was so angry.

When they moved their hands, the two wanted to do it directly.

It's a pity that Chutian is one step ahead this time.

"It's me, look at the ancient way of heaven that I took, I want to see, you are better than this ancient way of heaven!"

Chutian wanted to try to see how powerful the sky was.

He originally came from the land of ancient gods and demons.

From the hands of the ancient gods and demons, they took away the ancient heavens and obtained the way of heaven.

Peeping at the way of heaven, this is the way of heaven in ancient times.

Not to mention that he controls all the ancient ways of heaven, at least half of the ancient ways of heaven are directly comprehended by him because of the remnant soul of the sky!
This made him have a strong feeling, wanting to know whether it is the land of the ancient gods and demons to win the heavens and the heavens.

What kind of strength it has!
"The way of heaven in ancient times, the sky will be destroyed by me, and it will be destroyed by me!"

The whole sky was smashed to pieces by Chu Tian.

That's right, with Chutian as the center, the entire sky exploded into a black hole.

The instantly expanding black hole sucked everything in.

It is even more crushed in order to smash it, leaving no survivors.

It made the faces of the two people in front of them change before they had time to make a move. At this moment, their faces flashed with horror.

They never thought that Chu Tian would be such a powerful duo.

With a big change in his face, he turned his head and wanted to run away directly.

It's a pity that the two of them hadn't run away yet, but they were directly dragged into this black hole by Chu Tian.

Both of them let out a scream.

"no, do not want."

"You, you can actually destroy the sky, you, who are you, this, this is the peak strength of the ancient holy emperor, no, it is impossible that you will use it!"

At this moment, the two of them were directly shattered by Chu Tian in just an instant.

Together with the spirit, it also disappeared directly.

To everyone's surprise, they also had a new understanding of Chutian's strength.

The most important thing is the power of controlling the sky used by Chutian.

This is the real ability to control the sky!
It is unique and unprecedented, which makes many people look very ugly.

Xue Huawu also frowned, and looked at Chu Tian with a complicated expression, unable to shift her expression.

Xuekong's whole body trembled, and he took a few steps back, completely unable to believe that his person was actually destroyed.

Xue Manqing was equally astonished.

His expression changed, and he looked at Chu Tian, ​​and couldn't help muttering: "It is rumored that an ancient devil emperor found a piece of secret treasure world, took this piece of world as his own, and even relied on this huge secret treasure land."

"Peeping into the way of heaven and comprehending the way of controlling the sky, this generation of geniuses who are the masters of the sky, shocked the nine heavens with the way of controlling the sky. It seems that this thing is true!"

It was really impossible to divert her eyes from Chutian, and she only realized it now.

Chutian's future is unpredictable.

Can get the guidance of that adult, get this way of controlling the sky.

Chu Tian would definitely be able to leapfrog the challenge alone, even if it was the late stage of the Ancient Immortal Sage, Chu Tian would probably be in his eyes.

Thinking of all this, Xue Manqing really has a pocketbook, Chutian breaks through his strength and reaches the strength of the ancient holy emperor.

What kind of horror will this be?
Right now.

Chu Tian directly killed the two of them, and Feng Luxuan also settled everything.

After breaking through the Snow Saint Domain, he wanted to leave.

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​who knows, Chu Tian waved his hands calmly and said, "You go first, I want to see how strong the remaining two are."

Hearing Chutian's words, Feng Luxuan was taken aback, knowing that Chutian planned to wait for the remaining two to show up.

Even if there is no need to fight this time, the two winners will have already been determined.

But Chutian still wants to see what the opponent's strength and ability are!
He needs to know how powerful the ancient saints in this land of ancient gods and demons are.

This is a good opportunity.

Anyway, if he can't fight, he can leave directly.

Look for opportunities to improve yourself.

Determined to pay attention, Chu Tian didn't leave directly, but just waited here.

Sure enough, within a short while, the two ancient immortal saints of Snow Flower Dance also broke through the small space.

Appeared in front of Chu Tian.

The two female ancient immortal saints all noticed Chu Tian alone, and their faces were stunned.

With a glance, he understood the current situation.

No matter what Chutian said, he was also Xue Manqing's person, and the person he brought now has left the field alone.

And Chu Tian waiting here can only prove that the guy in front of him is the two of them.

The two took a deep breath and looked over with serious faces.

With a serious face, he said, "Where are the young master Xuekong?"

"Could it be that they all died tragically at your hands?"

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they looked over in disbelief.

Chu Tian smiled faintly, and said with a smile on his face; "That's right, now I want to have a try with you and see what your strength is like."

"If you can escape in my ancient way of heaven, I will give you a chance to leave here!"

Chu Tian said it in a very loud tone, which also made the two female ancient immortal saints very upset.

Even Xue Kong's two subordinates were defeated by Chu Tian.

They don't want to admit defeat like this.

Why did this guy make them admit defeat, and dare to say this to them so arrogantly.

The faces of the two women darkened, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, your tone is not small, we are by Xuehuawu's side, and we are very confident in our own strength when we come here."

"If you want to learn about it, we will let you see it."

The two women took a deep breath and joined hands in an instant.

Instead, Chu Tian's eyes lit up and he laughed.

No more scruples: "That's right, this makes me want to overcome and leave, and see my ancient way of heaven."

"Heavenly loss!"


Bang bang bang!
Accompanied by the sky wind, at this moment, the sky was torn apart.

Sensing Chu Tian's movements, the faces of the two female ancient immortal saints changed.

Not to mention the two women, even the ancestors who controlled this area frowned.

Noticing Chu Tian's movements, his face became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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