Chapter 664
The sky was instantly damaged, including the Snow Saint Domain.

It is really constantly cracking and constantly being damaged.

It also made everyone's complexion change. Looking at this side, everyone's complexion changed.

Fortunately, he had an ugly face, and even more so, he stared at the past with a complicated expression.

Together with the ancestors of the Snow Sacred Mountain, they also frowned and muttered solemnly.

"I didn't expect that he would have such a profound and unfathomable ancient technique. His future is limitless!"

A sigh was also heard by the other three people.

There was a change in his face, and he looked over seriously, staring at Chu Tian, ​​each with a strange light shining.

It can only be seen that when Chu Tian raised his hand, he forced the two women in front of him to a desperate situation.

Chutian's damage to the sky all came from the ancient way of heaven.

The ancient way of heaven is extremely terrifying!
It wasn't that the ordinary ancient immortals in front of them could fight against each other. Feeling Chu Tian's strength, the expressions of the two of them changed.

His face was extremely ugly, and at this moment, he just wanted to run away.

But within Chutian's bad days, he was already approaching quickly.

The two looked at each other, and one of them, the elder, said directly, "I'll send you out of here, Missy's plan cannot fail."


The other person's face changed, but he didn't say anything.

She could only feel a burst of divine power rushing towards her, causing her whole body to tremble, but she really didn't react.

The whole person was directly sent flying in an instant.

This caught Chu Tian by surprise.

The person in front of him actually planned to use his own strength to send the other person out first.

One person was left to fight against his ancient way of heaven.

It is enough to prove that these people are very sincere to their young lady.

It also made Chu Tian smile, and the power of the ancient heaven also restrained a bit.

I really don't want this sincere and nice woman to die here.

It just prevents the opponent from continuing to fight!
There was a loud explosion, and one of Xue Huawu's subordinates in front of him immediately knelt on the ground.

With a gray face and no strength in his whole body, he glanced at Chu Tian.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he fell to the ground, his expression was obviously full of fear.

Chu Tian took down the last person. Seeing that the previous person had left long ago, he raised his hand without any hesitation.

It was even louder.


The entire Snow Sacred Domain was directly shattered, and Chu Tian, ​​who rushed out in an instant, glanced at the ancestors who had glanced at the Snow Sacred Mountain in front of them.

He took a deep look, curled his lips, and just fell aside.

He is very clear that this person is the most powerful here.

The other party didn't make a move at all, just using a little divine power, he was able to create several spaces within Xuesheng's domain.

This made Chu Tian look forward to it, he wanted to have the same strength as this old ancestor.

He is even more yearning for the strength of the ancient Sage Emperor.

Right now, the first round of knockout rounds is over.

The ancestor in front of him glanced at Chu Tian and let out a dry cough.

His eyes fixed on one person, and he said directly, "The first-round knockout, Xue Kong, your Xueshen Chamber of Commerce in Kong Street, can no longer continue the second round of knockout!"

"You are not eligible for the position of general manager store!"

As soon as the words came out, Xue Kong's face in front of him changed.

That was very reconciled. He came here with a complete plan, and he did everything.

It is to get the management position of Xueshen Shop.

Unexpectedly, he was eliminated in the first knockout round.

He lost so badly.

It made his face extremely ugly, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and looked over with an expression of dissatisfaction.

They all couldn't help shouting out; "I don't accept it, I don't agree with this competition, why, why can he, an outsider, participate in our activities."

"I don't agree that he has such qualifications. As the ancestors of the Snow God, you are obviously showing favoritism on purpose. I absolutely don't agree!"

With an angry look on his face, he yelled out in anger.

The face of the ancestor in front of him sank, and at this moment, his face changed.

The surrounding weather and the air have all changed.

The strength of the ancient holy emperor, just an expression, can cause earth-shaking changes in the world.

"What did you say, can you say one more thing?"

The ancestor's face was very ugly. The status of the Snow Sacred Mountain is the supreme existence of the Snow God Shop.

They represent everything about this Xueshen store, and they decide the future of the Xueshen store.

They decide what to do and never allow others to object.

Represents the absolute authority and power of Snow God Shop.

Who dares to resist them?
Xuekong's face changed, and he noticed that the ancestor in front was angry, and was shocked by the opponent's momentum, so he took a step back.

But still looked over unconvinced, gritted his teeth and said, "I, I am not convinced, I, I think this time the knockout round!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole person was shocked.

They all flew out in an instant.

Spitting out blood, he flew out wildly.

The ancestors in front all had a cold face, and they didn't even see how he moved. It was because of his momentum that he could shake the snow sky.

With a cold snort, even Snow Sacred Mountain trembled.

Accompanied by his voice, it directly rang throughout the entire Snow Sacred Mountain!

"Xue Kong violated the rules of the Snow Sacred Mountain and kicked him out of our Snow God's shop. Whoever dares to speak for him will end up like him. Come and drag him out directly, and he is not allowed to step into our Snow Sacred Mountain again!"

The voice was so loud that the entire Snow Mountain trembled.

After a while, people from Xuekong came in a hurry.

Facing this old ancestor, they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Ancestor calm down, young master, young master didn't do it on purpose."

"My lord ancestor, please let the young master go?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they pleaded with the ancestors of Xuesheng Mountain.

It's a pity that the ancestor in front of him didn't show a good face, and he lowered his face and said, "This is the rule of our Snow God shop, and it is also the rule of our holy mountain. Do you want to be kicked out of the Snow God shop together with him?"

As soon as the words came out, the few people in front really couldn't open their mouths.

Unable to say a word, facing the cold eyes of the ancestor in front of them, several people understood very well that the ancestor was really angry.

The young master Xuekong is really finished.

Even the Snow God Shop and Chamber of Commerce in the empty street is completely finished.

Not eligible to compete for the general management of shops.

This is absolutely at the mercy of others.

The faces of several people were extremely ugly, they lowered their heads, and they all led the young master away with a dejected expression on their faces.

The ancestor of Xuesheng Mountain didn't take a look, and said directly to the rest of the people; "The second round of knockout continues. This time, the first ancestor will test you!"

Hearing this sentence, the faces of the two women changed.

Not to mention Xue Huawu, Xue Manqing was also surprised.

"Number one, is the first patriarch here to be the tester this time?"

"Really, is it really the First Patriarch?"

(End of this chapter)

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