Chapter 665

The first ancestor of the Snow God Store was not the founder of the Snow God Store.

However, he is closely related to the rise of Snow God Store.

Many people want to take action against the Snow God Shop, and they have to consider the strength and status of the number one ancestor.

It also represents the entire Snow God store.

The First Patriarch hadn't left the Snow Sacred Mountain for a long time, and it was not easy to see him once.

This made the two women indescribably happy.

After all, for tens of thousands of years, the first ancestor has never appeared in front of everyone.

This time, they actually had to hold the second round of the knockout round in person.

It made the two women look forward to it even more.

Chu Tian looked at Xue Manqing's eyes with a little curiosity.

It shouldn't be easy for Xue Manqing to care so much, and to make Xueshen Shop so famous.

It made him want to see it for himself.

Together with Feng Luxuan.

The two followed behind the two girls curiously, and within a short while, they were taken to the forbidden area of ​​the Snow Sacred Mountain.

This is a very old building.

It's really unique, and the environment is very elegant.

Speaking of it, it is really comparable to Chutian's Heavenly Court's Immortal Mansion.

It is also a good place to enjoy.

The number one patriarch probably cultivated here, and even recuperated.

Accompanied by a few people appeared.

It was really a voice that came over, as if everyone was aware of it as soon as they stepped here.

"Guys, please come to the main room. The second round of elimination is not a fight, but a test. Which one of you can give our Snow God Clan a better future!"

As soon as the words came out, the two women turned their faces straight and looked at each other.

They all looked very unwilling to admit defeat, and walked into the main room in front of them together without even thinking about it.

As soon as he entered, a middle-aged man had been waiting here.

As soon as he came in, Chu Tian was always attracted by the other party's temperament.

The strength of the other party is really invisible, the whole body has no momentum at all, which also makes him feel like the person in front of him is an ordinary person.

I also think this is to see through the way of heaven.

Cultivated to become the true aura of the holy ancestor!
This was the first real holy ancestor he had seen.

Just in Chutian, there is a little expectation and a little sigh.

Unexpectedly, Feng Luxuan, who was at the side, couldn't help being a little surprised, and cried out.

"Hey, you are not the real ancestor, are you a fake ancestor?"

As soon as the words came out, the middle-aged man in front of him remained unchanged.

On the contrary, Xue Huawu and Xue Manqing's expressions changed.

Xue Huawu looked over with an ugly face, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, our first ancestor is something you can insult, do you want to die?"

His face was extremely angry, and he glared over.

I was about to make a move, but the first patriarch in front raised his hand and said calmly, "Nothing she said, I am not a true patriarch, and with my current strength, I can only be regarded as a semi-holy patriarch."

"Speaking of it, it can only be said to be a false ancestor."

Her face was calm, but she had an expression of hopelessness, her gaze fell on Feng Luxuan.

His face was very special, and he watched him with a strange expression.

She said that she didn't understand why Feng Luxuan could see through him at a glance.

Feng Luxuan saw through the man in front of her, and she really came to Chu Tian's side.

He said directly; "My lord, this is the half-step holy ancestor I told you about. In fact, they only have the peak of the ancient holy emperor, and they need a round of strength."

"I wasn't much worse than them before. If I can recover my strength, I can compete with him!"

Feng Luxuan looked confident.

The expression on that face is full of confidence and cuteness.

It really made Chu Tian startled.

I never thought that this maid is really so powerful.

He just knew that Feng Luxuan was a descendant of the ancient Nuwa clan.

Being the disciple of the ancient Nuwa must not be easy.

Unexpectedly, Feng Luxuan's real strength has reached the point where the semi-sacred ancestor can compete.

The true ancient ancestor of the ancient Nuwa.

What kind of strength is the ancient Nuwa?

This is beyond Chu Tian's imagination.

Just as Chu Tian was contemplating, the number one patriarch in front of him said directly, "Let me explain the rules for the second knockout round."

"Our Xueshen store is a medium-sized store. It has not only relied on strength, but also various fortunes. It has developed to the present stage. You are very clear about this."

Looking at it seriously, both women nodded.

No one is really convinced.

The first ancestor's face was calm, and he just said directly; "Well, I need you to show me now that you can show me the strength you can show, let me see it with my own eyes, and you can bring great profits to the Snow God Shop. .”

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two women changed, and the changes couldn't stop.

The first ancestor's words are very obvious, it is not for the two of them to compete with each other on how powerful their subordinates are.

It is all the benefits they have in their hands that are beneficial to the Snow God Shop.

This is the root of the Snow God Store.

Whoever can reveal more and better things is of course qualified to be the manager of Snow God Store.

This made the two women look pensive.

It was still Xue Huawu in front who glanced at Xue Manqing, and then smiled and said directly.

"Old Ancestor, on behalf of our Chamber of Commerce, I intend to show you our strength!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, the light flashed in an instant.

An item just appeared before Snowflake Dance.

Looking over with a smile on his face, he said with a bright face; "This is the list of shops we have acquired in other gods and demons street. Although they are not big shops, these small shops, combined, already have a list comparable to big shops." Ability."

"I believe that relying on me will definitely make the Snow God Shop stronger and stronger than it is now!"

His face was full of arrogance.

Looking over with confidence, he just displayed the list and the shops on the acquisition road directly in front of the first ancestor in front of him.

Looking at the list of these shops, the ancestor's expression changed in various ways.

The corners of the mouth were raised, obviously, in the end, they all smiled with satisfaction.

Nodding his head, his eyes fell on Xue Manqing.

Xue Manqing's face changed, he really didn't expect that Xue Huawu in front of him would come up with such a thing.

It's all making his face change, and his face is constantly changing, and he really has a wry smile.

The preparations for Snow Flower Dance were complete, but they did too many things for the Snow God Shop.

In this regard, she is really incomparable.

Just when she doesn't know what to do.

Snowflake Dance in front immediately taunted loudly.

"Xue Manqing, you should obediently admit defeat, your Fengjie Chamber of Commerce is rubbish."

"Don't say that you are a piece of trash, even the customers of your store are a bunch of trash. With all this trash, how can you expand our Snow God store? Let me tell you, it's impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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