Chapter 666
Xue Huawu looked down upon her face, then she taunted loudly.

The words in the mouth, as well as the sound, also made Xue Manqing's face change in front of him.

Clenching his fists, he really looked unconvinced.

Just don't scold her.

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of her, even her customers, would mock her.

How could she bear it!
"Snowflake Dance, don't think that you can outcompete because you have many distinguished customers. The people our Chamber of Commerce finds are the real distinguished customers of our Snow God Shop!"

"It's not the same as the people you found in a mess!"

With a displeased face, it turned out to be a kind of cold stare.

The words in his mouth and the expression on his face all changed Xue Huawu's face in front of him.

Looking over with fixed eyes, he said in a cold voice; "Xue Manqing, you can only call me that now, and now the ancestor wants us to prove our ability."

"You said that the person you found is stronger than me, and you are stronger than me, then well, prove it to the ancestor!"

The look of disdain in his eyes also made Xue Manqing speechless.

What Snowflake Dance gave was very powerful.

It is much more than some of the funds she controls now, and it is really incomparable.

It made her complexion change, and it was really a sigh.

That gloomy expression fell into the eyes of Xue Huawu in front of her, which also made Xue Huawu laugh again.

"I said, you can't compare to us at all. Your development in Fengjie is such rubbish."

"The shops that I bought are all the lowest. If you have the ability, just show me a copy of the best shop. If you can do it, I promise to admit defeat!"

He laughed loudly, and the sarcasm was heard in Xue Manqing's ears.

He clenched his fists and wanted to lose his temper, but he couldn't at all.

Just like the words of Snowflake Dance.

She has no strength at all, and she can produce any high-end shops.

Just when she was at a loss, someone stepped forward.

Chutian walked over like this, and when he reached Xue Manqing's side, he said calmly, "If it's a shop, I actually have a scroll for a Fengjie shop, and I'm going to ask you about it."

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, the expression of Xue Huawu in front of him changed.

Even Xue Manqing looked over with a complicated face.

Chu Tian glanced at Xue Huawu at the side, curled his lips into a smile, and took out the shop in his hand without any nonsense.

No matter what, he wanted to help Xue Manqing in front of him as much as possible.

I don't want to watch the woman in front of me get the management position of Xueshen shop.

Only when Xue Manqing gets it can he benefit a lot.

Watching Chutian take out a scroll of land deed shops.

Xue Huawu let out a cold snort, and looked over indifferently, her face was really cold.

Said mockingly; "It's not a good thing at first glance. Just relying on this land lease, what can you change? Let me tell you, this kind of rubbish land lease costs less than 10 god stones!"

Looking at it with cold eyes, he really looked down on what Chu Tian took out.

Xue Manqing, on the other hand, has a serious face. Even the land deed of 10 divine stones is very valuable to her now.

After all, Snowflake Dance revealed that all the big shops that were acquired were worth less than 5 million divine stones!
She, Xue Manqing, can only come up with the value of 2 million stores.

Thinking of all this, Xue Manqing opened the land deed of the Chutian store with a serious face.

A ray of light flashed by, looking at this ancient title deed, Xue Manqing's expression changed.

It was a look of astonishment and surprise.

"This, this is..."

Notice the light on the title deed, those words, and a big logo pattern.

Snowflake Dance in front of her also changed her expression, she looked over in disbelief.

A look of astonishment, a look of shock.

"This, this is impossible at all, this is the eternal deed of heaven and land in the wind field in the center of Fengjie!"

"No, it's impossible. This deed of heaven and land has been lost for hundreds of millions of years. Why, why is it here?"

His face was stunned, and even more surprised, so he stared at him with an ugly face.

The words in the mouth and the expression on the face.

It also made Chu Tian a little curious.

Looking at Xue Manqing in front of him with a strange face, he said, "How about this land deed?"

"My lord, you, how did you get this title deed?"

"Someone gave it to me, what's the matter, can't this land deed work?"

It could be seen that Xue Manqing in front of him looked excited, and the change in his face was a kind of excitement.

The whole body is trembling.

It clearly proves that this land deed is not impossible.

But it's too powerful!

That's right, this land deed is the most powerful location that someone can touch. I really didn't expect that this lot is in her hands.

Xue Manqing took a deep breath, just looked over, stared at Chu Tiandao; "My lord, can you lease this piece of title deed to the Central Wind Sanctuary to us?"


"Yes, we can rent you 100 million god stones every year."

The rent of 100 million divine stones?
This is simply not too powerful, it's so cool!

Chu Tian's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xue Manqing in front of him in disbelief.

He seemed to notice the curiosity on Chu Tian's face.

Xue Manqing said directly, "Lord Chu, you don't know that Fengjie has a central wind sanctuary. This is the most mysterious place in Fengjie. It is said that it was founded by an ancient great sage."

"No one else is allowed to step in, but this central sanctuary is very important geographically, it is the core of the entire Fengjie!"

Originally, the entire Wind Street was born because of this Wind Sanctuary.

But in the wind sanctuary, no one can step in.

Because there is no key of the ancient great ancestor, no one can break into it.

So this is the most important, the most special place, which has always been closed.

As the central area, this good place has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years!
This is a huge loss, and many big shops want to get this location.

Get this key.

Unexpectedly, the title deed of this key is in the hands of Chu Tian.

This is something that Xueshen Shop can't even think of.

The joy and excitement on Xue Manqing's face is enough to show that this land deed is what Chutian got from the Super Shenhao system.

It is incomparably precious.

Seeing Xue Manqing's face, Feng Luxuan who was beside Chutian was also a little curious.

He couldn't help asking: "How valuable is this land deed, are you willing to pay the value of 100 million sacred stones a year?"

Hearing this sentence, Xue Manqing's expression changed.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and it was really an expression that was difficult to estimate.

"This land deed is very valuable and cannot be measured by money. If your lord really wants to sell it, we promise that within a hundred years, we will collect enough 1000 million divine stones for your lord!"

1000 million god stones?

What kind of concept is this? Chu Tian never imagined that this land deed would be so valuable.

The value of tens of millions of divine stones!

(End of this chapter)

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