Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 667 The Unconvinced Missy

Chapter 667 The Unconvinced Missy

Xue Manqing looked over seriously, her face and expression proved that she was not joking at all.

But Snowflake Dance in front couldn't bear it anymore.

He clenched his fists and gritted his silver teeth to look over.

Without even thinking about it, he just raised his hand and said, "Wait, I, our Chamber of Commerce, is willing to give you a yearly rent of 2 million divine stones!"

"Give us this place, and I can give you 200 million divine stones right now!"

With a serious face, he spoke directly to Chu Tian.

As soon as the words came out, Xue Manqing's face changed, and he stared at the past with a pale face.

His eyes were full of anger, and he never expected that Xue Huawu would still want to poach her corner.

Instead, Chu Tian raised his head and looked at the serious face of the young lady in front of him.

After curling his lips into a smile, Chu Tian laughed straight away; "Miss, didn't you just say that we are all a bunch of rubbish."

"Oh, why are you willing to buy our rubbish things? Isn't this more proof that they are also rubbish?"

As soon as the words came out, Xue Huawu's face turned red, even if she was angry.

Still had to suppress the anger in my heart.

Just looking at it like this, he said directly; "250 million divine stones!"

Chu Tian laughed, and burst out laughing.

The smiling Xue Huawu's face was pale, not to mention, when Chu Tianguo opened her mouth, her face changed drastically.

"I just don't give it to you?"


Xue Huawu's eyes widened, she just looked over, glanced at Xue Manqing beside her, and snorted coldly; "If you give this place to them, they can only give you 150 million divine stones for a year at most!"

"And if we can give her one million more divine stones, don't you really think about it?"

He curled his lips and smiled, just looking at it like this.

The words in his mouth made Xue Manqing's face change.

Hearing Xue Huawu's words, he was really unconvinced and looked over.

He opened his mouth to Chu Tian and said, "Master Chu, although we can only give you a price of 150 million divine stones a year, but, nevertheless, we can give you certain benefits from the shops and chambers of commerce."

"We have decided to give you [-]% of the profit from our shop and chamber of commerce!"

At this moment, Xue Huawu's eyes widened.

Just looking at the past, clenched his fists, trembling with anger; "You!"

Xue Manqing looked over proudly, and said coldly: "How about it, can you compare with us, Snow Flower Dance?"

Snowflake Dance can't say it, such a huge profit is related to the entire chamber of commerce, and she really can't make the decision.

Without making a sound.

Xue Manqing even smiled and said to Chu Tian: "I promise to keep my word, with the witness of my ancestors, if I violate the promise, I will lose my mind and soul!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction.

Originally, he wanted to sell this item to Xue Manqing in front of him.

However, he was paid better.

Of course he has to choose this better reward!

Thinking of this, he couldn't stop smiling, and said directly, "Okay, I will hand over this land deed to you, and I hope you can take care of it for me!"

Xue Manqing's face brightened.

Snow Flower Dance's face was extremely gloomy.

The ancestor in front looked over with a calm expression, and just glanced at Xue Huawu.

His eyes fell on Xue Manqing, looking at the land deed, he said directly; "In my opinion, the land deed you got is much more valuable than the things in her hands."

"Especially if you allow your distinguished customers to hand things over to you, okay, but you are the hope of our Snow God Shop, this time the position of the general manager..."

The words are not over yet.

But when Xue Huawu raised her hand, she was very direct and decisive.

Sure enough, in the end, as long as they were from the Snow God Store, they would not give up so easily.

"Old Ancestor, I don't agree with her strength. What qualifications does their Chamber of Commerce have to get the position of general manager!"

"I have more potential than them to get it, ancestor. I want to challenge them again. If we lose, we are willing to hand over all the shops and guilds in our hands to them!"

With a serious face, he looked over seriously.

The words in his mouth also made the face of the ancestor in front of him change slightly.

Xue Manqing's complexion changed drastically.

I really didn't expect that Snowflake Dance would say this sentence.

With a look of astonishment, he looked over with a complicated expression.

Xue Huawu said proudly, "Do you dare to accept my challenge, Xue Manqing, or are you afraid?"

Xue Manqing, who clenched his fists, would not admit defeat like this.

Looking at Xue Huawu in front of him, he said directly; "What do you want to compare with our shop?"

"It's very simple. For the sales conference in the store, let's compare and see who can sell the most. I will give you one day to prepare, no matter what you sell."

Looking over with indifference, the words in his mouth made Xue Manqing frowned.

Noticing the eyes of the ancestor in front of him, he nodded unconvinced and said directly: "Okay, I promise you."

This made Xue Huawu curl her lips, and she couldn't stop smiling.

He glanced at Chu Tian, ​​snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

There is really a feeling of unconvinced.

How could she be convinced? If Chutian wasn't alone, she would have won the most important management position long ago.

But now, because of Chutian's intervention.

She definitely wouldn't let it go like this, she would gamble everything, no matter what she said, she would snatch the most important management position of Xueshen Store.

Xue Manqing didn't intend to admit defeat like this.

The Xueshen store is bound to be in turmoil.

Touching his nose, Chu Tian really realized that he was involved in the struggle of this medium-sized shop.


As soon as Xue Huawu left, Xue Manqing looked over.

His eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​and he thought of one thing and said, "My lord, let me customize one thing for you first."

"It is necessary to allow you to reach the strength of the ancient emperor in the shortest time. For this, I think our ancestors will be able to find someone to help you."

As soon as the words came out, they all looked at the ancestors on the side.

Xue Manqing stepped forward and said a few words.

Immediately, the face of the ancestor of the Snow God Shop changed, and he looked over with a nod.

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​he said directly, "I know, you want to gain the strength of the ancient emperor, but you don't have any soul in you now."

"I can't feel your divine soul, only the demon soul is there. It seems that you are also a person who wants to cultivate two souls together."

Chu Tian became a little curious: "Could it be that there are other fellow practitioners with twin souls?"

"There have been."

The ancestor of the Snow God Shop gave a very tactful answer.

Looking over with a calm face, he said again: "If you want to quickly grow your soul, I can introduce someone to you, but how short it will be to reach the strength of the ancient emperor depends on your luck."

"follow me."

The ancestor in front of him wanted to lead the way.

Chu Tian stepped forward, and Feng Luxuan followed closely behind.

The two followed the ancestor in front of them, and really left here.

The customized "products" of Xueshen Shop must be completed well.

The ancestor looked serious, and brought Chu Tian and Feng Lvxuan to a place without any nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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