Chapter 668
The ancestor of the Snow God Shop led the way.

Soon they all arrived at a place.

This place is also near the wind street.

A piece of ancient-style buildings also stands here, it is really like a town in ancient times.

The ancestor of the Snow God shop who stepped in directly glanced at Chu Tian.

I couldn't help but said, "You should have heard about the three major gods and demons who dominate Fengjie, right?"

Chu Tian nodded.

He had learned from Xue Manqing a long time ago, and he also understood that one of the ancient demons was after him.

He didn't want to let him go, which made him want to improve himself quickly.

Patriarch Snow God noticed Chu Tian's expression.

He nodded again and said, "Okay, I want to introduce you to the leader of the three major clans, the Ancient Proud God Clan!"

"Ancient Proud God Clan?"

Chu Tian always had a face full of curiosity and doubt.

Really came a little bit of interest.

There are three leading clans of ancient gods and demons in Fengjie, and this is the one that rules the entire Fengjie.

Where the order of Fengjie is maintained.

None of these three families is simple.

Not to mention, it is now the first ancient demon race.

This demon clan represents Fengjie's status, as well as Fengjie's current strength.

It also has a lot of contacts with the Xueshen store of the medium store.

It is someone who is familiar with the ancestor of the Snow God, the ancestor of the Snow God, the person he is looking for is the leader of the ancient proud god clan, Master Demon Ancestor!

As soon as the Snow God Patriarch stepped into this area.

All the watchmen came to pay attention, and when they saw the ancestors of the Snow God shop, some of them looked calm.

There is no difference at all.

He also greeted me very warmly.

"Master Snow God Ancestor, why do you come here when you have time? Could it be that this time, you also want to come to discuss with us adults?"

"The ancient phoenix heart that the ancestor sent us last time was really good. It also gathered a lot of divine power in our place."

"Yes, if there are still these good things, our family will be able to grow a lot."

Some people's faces were bright, and they looked excitedly at the ancestor of the Snow God.

There are many good things in the Snow God store.

These are items that many gods and demons want.

They really warmly welcomed the arrival of the Snow God Patriarch.

The patriarch of the Snow God who walked along the way also arrived at a place unimpeded.

It is the most central part of this ancient building.

It is also a very beautiful shrine.

This entire shrine is like a fairyland on earth.

Let Chutian feel the horror of the divine power in it, and it was completely arranged by people to gather everything in the world at this point.

It also formed a vast small space.

This made Chu Tian sigh, and followed the ancestor of the Snow God.

As soon as they approached the past, someone immediately appeared in front of the Snow God Patriarch.

The female disciple with a calm face said respectfully to Patriarch Snow God; "Master Snow God Patriarch, our holy ancestor is receiving other distinguished guests, please come and wait with me in the side room."

After finishing speaking, he led the two of them directly into this divine palace.

Chu Tian followed behind the Snow God Patriarch.

Just lamenting the nice surroundings, unexpectedly, a voice came from ahead.

It really has a bold flavor.

"Ao Shen, don't forget that our three clans are originally one, do you want to let other people invade our Fengjie three clans?"

"This kid is definitely behind an ancient family who is spying on our Fengjie!"

With a cold snort, the voice was loud and transmitted directly.

Hearing this voice, for some reason, it really shocked Chu Tian's heart.

For a moment, the brows were furrowed.

Based on his perception, the person who has been staring at him must be here.

This made his complexion change.

He had a strange, complicated expression on his face.

Taking a deep breath, he still lifted his foot and followed behind the ancestor of the Snow God, and soon saw several people in the room.

There are several men and women in the room.

The most conspicuous among them is the demon soul breath emanating from the water covered in the ancient demons.

This wraps the entire house directly.

Very amazing, very full of evil spirits.

The ancestor of the proud dragon of the ancient proud god family.

The age of that face is really very old, compared to the leader demon ancestor of the ancient demon clan.

They are all much older.

Of course, Chu Tian couldn't guess the age of the two of them.

And as soon as Chu Tian stepped in, it was obvious that the eyes of the ancient demon ancestor who was full of evil spirit also turned cold.

He looked over with a cold and indifferent expression.

His face was very ugly.

"Why did you come here, and who brought you in?"

A pair of eyes fell directly on Chu Tian's body, and with a movement of the whole body, a breath directly broke through the sky.

It really formed a prehistoric monster.

This is clearly a roaring prehistoric tiger!
Just floating behind the man like this also made Chutian feel a little pressure.

As soon as his face pulled, his face became even more cloudy and uncertain.

And following the words of the ancient demon ancestor, two disciples of the ancient demon ancestor watched over.

It fell on Chu Tian, ​​with a special look on his face.

"Lord Demon Ancestor, he is the one who disrupted the activities of our Fengjie shops and bullied the Fengjie demons!"

"Lord Demon Ancestor, let me give this kid some color."

While speaking, they all stepped forward.

These two disciples are clearly the late stage strength of the ancient immortal saints.

As an outstanding disciple of the Demon Ancestor, he had a proud expression on his face.

Just look at it like this, staring at Chutian, not wanting to let Chutian go like this.

It also made Chu Tian's face change, and noticed that the expressions of the two people were really changing.

Before Chu Tian could speak, the Aolong God Ancestor in front of him coughed.

Looking over with a calm face; "This is the territory of our Proud God Clan, and it's not your turn to the Ancient Mysterious Demon Clan to mess around here."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chutian, and landed on the Snow God Taizu.

With a calm face, he just asked directly; "What's the matter with the Snow God Taizu coming this time?"

Looking at Chu Tian who was beside the Snow God Taizu, his brows were also furrowed, his expression fluctuating.

Snow God Taizu didn't pay much attention to the situation in front of him.

Directly facing the Aolong Ancestor, he said, "Aolong Ancestor, this time our Snow God Shop has accepted a custom product, which is very special."

"The deposit is 50, and there will be another 50 afterwards. You should know the rules of our Xueshen shop!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the eyes of the people from the Proud God Clan in front of them lit up.

The disciples around the ancestor of Aolong all looked happy.

Called out directly.

"The customization of 100 million divine stones, so to speak, according to your previous rules, the intermediary will take 80%, and our Proud God Clan can get [-] divine stones!"

"Master Shengzu, this is 80 sacred stones. With these sacred stones, we can build the holy ancestor temple of our proud god clan!"

The Aolong Ancestor also looked over with a flash of light.

(End of this chapter)

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