Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 669 Suspecting Chutian's Origin

Chapter 669 Suspecting Chutian's Origin

With a little expectation; "I don't know about the customized products this time, what do you need?"

"Elevate this lord to the strength of an ancient holy emperor!"

Snow God Taizu spoke.

It also made the faces of the group of people in front of them change.

The face that changed the most was the ancient Xuanmo ancestor.

His face was extremely ugly, and he never thought that things would turn out like this.

Letting this kid improve his strength is simply going against his original intention.

He came here just to invite the Ancient Proud God Clan to work together to get rid of such a dangerous guy.

The ancient clan behind the opponent was also excavated.

How could it be possible for him to improve his strength!

"Impossible, it's impossible. He wants to become the ancient emperor. Hmph, I'm the first to say no. Our ancient mysterious demon clan doesn't want our enemies to grow stronger."

The ancestor of the ancient mysterious demon raised his foot, and stared at Chu Tiandao: "I just want to know who is the ancient god or demon behind you, and what is the purpose of coming here?"

Several ancient gods and demons are connected, and they are always fighting.

This time, Chutian's performance was too outstanding, and that financial resources did not seem like personal possession at all.

Chutian's so many sacred stones are all from the ancient Xuanmo clan of Renfeng Street. He doubts that this guy must have the support of other ancient gods and demons.

The purpose is to suppress the entire ancient gods and demons in Fengjie.

After staring at Chutian for two days, he became more and more suspicious.

How could this guy improve his strength.

Hearing this sentence, Chu Tian's face turned pale, he was very upset and was suspected.

Even being blocked by someone, he raised his head and stared at the past.

He stared at the ancient Xuanmo ancestor in front of him with a dissatisfied face.

This gaze and sight really made the faces of the two disciples of the Profound Demon Sacred Ancestor very uncertain.

"What kind of eyes do you have? What our ancestors said is not wrong. Let me tell you, you disrupted the activities of our shops in Fengjie. You are definitely someone else who came to destroy the gods and demons of Fengjie."

"Hmph, this time, don't try to run away, we won't let you go, we have to learn from you who is behind you."

He curled his lips and sneered, even with a bit of a sinister smile.

Lock on Chutian, knowing that there are many divine stones in Chutian.

It made their eyes shine brightly.

Capture Chutian and take away all his sacred stones, this is what they want to do more.

This kid actually dared to use 100 million god stones to find shops to customize product tasks.

It also proves that there are more than a million divine stones in his hands!

The faces of the two of them were gloomy and cold, which also made the Aolong Ancestor at the side pull his face, and just looked over like this.

I really couldn't help but said, "Mysterious Demon Patriarch, there is no evidence to prove that he was sent by other gods and demons to make trouble."

"It's impossible for me to do it with you."

As soon as the words came out, the face of the Xuanmo ancestor in front of him pulled, he was very dissatisfied, and looked over with an unhappy expression.

I was really annoyed: "What do you mean? Could it be that you want to help him?"

Ancestor Aolong, with a calm face, really didn't want to say; "I just believe in the ancestor of the snow god. With my friendship with him, it is impossible for him to deceive our ancient Ao Shen clan."

"So, we, the Ancient Proud God Clan, are willing to take over the customized products this time!"

As soon as the words came out, the snow god Taizu couldn't stop smiling.

The Profound Demon Patriarch's face was extremely ugly, and he never expected that the Proud Dragon Patriarch would agree to it without hesitation.

Now in this ancient proud god clan, he really didn't dare to act recklessly.

He could only cast a gloomy glance at Chu Tian.

With a cold snort, he turned his head and left as he said.

Just put down one sentence.

"Boy, don't even try to get out of this ancient proud god clan. When you leave here, it's your death day!"

Let go of this sentence arrogantly.

In this ancient proud god clan, he dared not make a move.

It's just that when Chutian leaves here, it's a good time and plan to really do something.

His face was extremely cold, and he led the two disciples away without saying a word.

Hearing the words from the mouth of Xuanmo Sacred Ancestor, Chu Tian also frowned and his face changed.

Very pensive expression.

From the looks of it, this mysterious demon clan really couldn't afford to live with him.

But he is so easy to mess with, wait until he gets the holy weapon that can deal with this guy.

It's the time of this guy's death!

Clenching his fists, Chu Tian looked serious, raised his head, and said to the ancient proud gods in front of him, "I need the shortest time to fulfill my request. If you can achieve it, I am willing to add another [-] divine stones as rewards." !"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the ancient Aolong ancestor in front of him lit up.

The other disciples were all excited.

"You, what are you saying is true?"

"Great, one hundred thousand more divine stones will be the reward of 90 divine stones. This, this piece is worth our family's income of a century's worth of divine stones!"

"That's right, there is hope for our ancient Sacred Ancestor Temple, Lord Sacred Ancestor, please promise to come down."

How could Aolong Shengzu not agree to this kind of money giving?

Nodding his head, he glanced at Chu Tian.

Looking around Chutian's body, he also understood a little why Chutian was willing to add the one hundred thousand god stones.

"Snow God Ancestor, the person you brought is not simple. I didn't expect that he already has an ancient demon soul, and he wants to learn the ancient divine soul!"

"No wonder he is willing to give out so many sacred stones, and let you bring him to me, the soul of dual cultivation, and only our Proud God Clan can teach it!"

There was a bit of confidence in his face. It seemed that he belonged to the ancient proud gods.

There is also a little research on the dual cultivation of gods and demon souls.

Otherwise, the Snow God Taizu would not have introduced Chu Tian.

Ancestor Aolong just raised his foot and approached, his eyes flashed.

Without even thinking about it, the divine power of the whole body also directly enveloped him.

"Let me see how powerful your demon soul is, so that I can customize your soul for you!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes released the momentum for a moment.

The originally old face really made Chu Tian feel that he was slowly regaining his youth.

Accompanied by the change in front of his eyes, he was really pulled into a divine domain by the other party's gaze.

Can only hear the voice coming from the ear.

"The realm of the gods is infinite, and the void is endless. We are proud of the realm of the gods, and we can create infinite things!"

"Let me see your demon soul. With your physique, I can copy a divine soul for you!"

Chu Tian was stunned, and was really stunned when he heard this; "Copy the soul?"

"Yes, the power of my holy ancestor can reach such a level, which is why the Snow God Taizu introduced you to me."

This is what Chu Tian didn't expect.

It's not enough to hear the other party's very confident words, or directly reveal his demon soul.

As soon as the demon soul came out, it made this God Realm extremely dark. Chutian's demon soul is still very good.

(End of this chapter)

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