Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 671 Still a Semi-Holy Ancestor

Chapter 671 Still a Semi-Holy Ancestor

Although Aotai Shengzu's heart method is only passed on to the talented people in the clan.

But Chutian's identity is different.

For the growth of the Proud God clan, Chutian's sacred stone is very important to their clan.

Of course, Chu Tian comprehended this mentality without reservation.

Especially with the help of Aolong Shengzu, it took less than a second for Chu Tian to master it.

Yes, in just one second, Chu Tian completely grasped it.

Although I haven't figured it out yet!
But with this set of secret books of mental techniques, Chu Tian can use his soul very well.

"The soul is united, the soul is separated, and the soul creates all things. Didn't you think that the soul is so useful?"

His demon soul is also good, but unfortunately, there are not many useful cheats for his demon soul.

Before using his demon soul, it was also completely forcibly bridging the demon soul on his supernatural powers.

This approach simply cannot fully display the strength of the demon soul.

Unexpectedly, there are so many ways to use the soul.

It even made Chutian look forward to it, wanting to know what use this demon soul is.

Before it was bright, there was a little light flickering.

Chutian has an idea.

Do you want to give this ancient Snow God shop another million god stones, and ask the other party to help him, someone who can teach him to control his demon soul.

It is very difficult to earn 100 million divine stones, even though the current him is still short of 60 divine stones from the Snow God Shop!
But he still has the Super Shenhao system.

I really don't believe it, he can't earn nearly 160 million divine stones.

Clenching his fists, Chu Tian looked serious.

And in front, Aolong Shengzu was really tired of teaching cheats.

In just a short moment, that face was almost 50 years old, becoming extremely old.

It fell to the ground in an instant.

Even more, the world disappeared immediately, and his eyes fell on Chu Tian. The Aolong Ancestor in front of him could only speak.

"I'm exhausted of my divine power today, I'm afraid I can't continue to teach you, come back tomorrow, and I will continue to teach you when I recover my divine power."

Hearing this, Chu Tian nodded, looked at the exhausted Aolong Ancestor in front of him, and thought of a question.

I couldn't help asking; "Master Shengzu, I don't know, how long will it take me to reach the strength of the ancient emperor?"

Hearing this, the Aolong 2 ancestor's face changed, and he looked over with a complicated expression.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "According to the current progress, it should be completed within a week, that is, a full 7 days."

Of course, during these 7 days, the Aolong Ancestor must constantly teach Chu Tian to fully understand their Aotai Ancestor's heart.

I heard it will take 7 days.

It really made Chu Tian frowned and muttered; "It actually takes 7 days, 7 days is a bit long."

With a sigh, the Profound Dragon Ancestor in front of him was taken aback.

The others looked over with strange expressions.

The members of the Proud God clan looked at Chu Tian with uncertain faces.

7 days, is it still called long?
From the ancient immortal saint to the ancient holy emperor, many people have spent tens of millions of years.

This is the chance to peek into the edge of Shinto!

There are very few people with the strength of the ancient emperors. Among the middle-level ancient gods and demons, they are all true geniuses in the front row.

This still takes tens of millions of years.

But for Chu Tian, ​​7 days is actually a long time.

Many people sighed.

Rich people are different from ordinary people.

Chu Tian has a lot of divine stones, as long as he is willing to spend the divine stones, 7 days is really a long time for him.

Together with the ancestor of the Snow God Shop, they all looked over directly.

He looked over seriously.

His eyes lit up, and he said with a smile; "Actually, our Snow God shop has many ancient celestial pills and various holy medicinal materials, which can help you improve."

"If you need it, I will personally find it for you when the time comes, and I will definitely give you a preferential price!"

When Chu Tian heard this, his eyes flashed.

With a smile on his face, he stared at the past with a bright face, and said with a smile; "Really, okay, I will do as you said. I need various medicinal materials that can meet my requirements within 3 days."

"But I don't care how much it costs!"

He has seen the ancient holy ancestor, and now he is even more eager to obtain this strength.

In the land of ancient gods and demons, there are many powerful people.

He is not willing to be a small role of an ancient saint, even an ancient saint emperor.

He can only be regarded as a small character, and his goal is still the ancient ancestor!

The power of the supernatural ancestor!
Therefore, he must obtain the strength of the ancient holy emperor quickly.

Anyway, his system has plenty of divine stones.

Sensing Chutian's gaze, the Snow God Patriarch in front of him agreed without a word.

The corner of his mouth was full of smiles, and he knew very well that this was definitely a big deal.


Leave from the Proud God Clan.

Chutian also bid farewell to Aolong Ancestor with Feng Luxuan, and made an appointment to come back tomorrow.

On the way back to Fengjie, Chutian took a look at Feng Luxuan who was at the side.

Still a little curious, he couldn't help but ask, "How do you feel about the strength of the Aolong Ancestor?"

Hearing Chutian's words, Feng Lvxuan was taken aback and looked over with complicated expressions.

His complexion fluctuated, and he said directly; "Actually, with his strength, he is also the strength of a semi-sacred ancestor. My lord, I seem to understand one thing."

What he said also made Chu Tian curious.

He looked over suspiciously; "What's the matter?"

"Now in the land of ancient gods and demons, all the semi-sacred ancestors are called holy ancestors, which is different from before. After the battle between gods and demons, those true holy ancestors seem to have fallen. I feel that the ancient gods and demons are now. "

"It can't be compared with before!"

Feng Luxuan sighed with a sigh.

What he said made Chu Tian think a little bit.

I didn't expect Feng Luxuan to feel this way.

The human ancestors encountered are not real ancestors, but half-sage ancestors.

Chu Tian did not think of this.

The most important thing is that the semi-sacred ancestor alone has such terrifying and powerful strength.

It really made Chu Tian sigh.

Just when he was sighing, he didn't expect that the two figures moved in a flash.

Accompanied by a cold snort, the tone was really bad.

"Your tone is really big. It is a joke to say that the ancestors of the Proud God clan are all semi-sacred ancestors."

"It's ridiculous, you really look down on the three major gods and demons of our Fengjie. It seems that you are sent by other gods and demons of the gods and demons?"

Appearing in two seconds, it was clear that these two people were the disciples of the ancient Xuanmo ancestor.

He had been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for Chutian to come out.

Seeing Chutian's expression soften, he was very unhappy with the conversation between Chutian and Feng Luxuan.

The three major clans of gods and demons in Fengjie are not much different in strength.

Dare to insult the Proud God Clan like this, it is an insult to the entire Fengjie.

They couldn't swallow this breath in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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