Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 672 Two Geniuses Intercept

Chapter 672 Two Geniuses Intercept
The two of them were waiting here, and they were originally waiting for Chu Tian to come out.

Immediately report to their Xuanmo ancestor.

Let the ancestor of Xuanmo solve this matter.

They could have done it without their hands!
It's just that I heard the conversation between Chu Tian and Feng Luxuan.

It really made the two of them unable to sink their breath at all, and they didn't plan to report this matter to Lord Shengzu first.

They want to figure it out on their own.

Give the guy in front of you a little look.

The eyes that stared at Chu Tian were all ice-cold.

His face was icy cold, his expression was incomparably indifferent, and he looked over with a completely cold look.

One in front and the other in the back, they directly blocked Chu Tian's escape route.

Just staring at it like this, I really sneered.

Looking over indifferently, he said coldly: "You two don't want to leave, we want to see whose subordinates you are, dare to come to our Fengjie to make trouble, as disciples of the ancestor of Xuanmo."

"We won't let you go, obediently tell me who is behind you?"

With his eyes fixed, his face was serious and cold.

Lock on Chutian, the change on that face.

It is clear that they all think that behind Chutian, there must be some ulterior conspiracy.

This made Chu Tian's face darken.

Before making a move, Feng Luxuan on the side couldn't help it: "My lord, do you want to leave these two people to me?"

Feng Luxuan had a confident face, full of confidence.

Although her strength has not fully recovered.

But she would not pay attention to the strength of the two ancient immortal saints in front of her.

Just looking at it with such a serious face, I really want to do it.

However, when Chutian raised his hand to stop him, Chutian's mouth was raised, and his face was full of smiles.

"It's just right, I just got the soul, and I want to see how powerful the spirit of the Proud God Clan is."

"Try it, the strength of the twin-soul practitioner!"

Chu Tian really wanted to verify how powerful the determination of Aotai Shengzu was.

He already has a good spirit now.

Even more, there are demon souls coexisting, and I really want him to verify the extent of his strength.

In front of them are just two people with late-stage strength of Immortal Saints.

Even if it is the disciple of the holy ancestor, he doesn't pay attention at all.

Chu Tian walked forward just like that, with a little smile on the corner of his mouth, with a playful smile, and looked over with a bright face.

It is clear that he intends to face the siege of the two alone.

This made the two disciples of the Xuanmo ancestor in front of them never think of it.

I had to admit that Chu Tian was so arrogant that he dared to face the two of them alone.

How crazy is this guy!

How confident, don't even look, whose subordinates are they!

"It's ridiculous that you want to challenge the two of us by yourself."

"We are disciples of the outstanding generation under the command of Lord Xuanmo Sacred Ancestor. The gap between us and you is not a little bit. Let me tell you, you alone can't even compare with us alone."

Both of them are geniuses, and as the eldest disciples of the holy ancestor, their faces are full of arrogance.

His face pulled, and at this moment, the two took the lead without talking nonsense.

"We want to take you down and hand you over to Master Xuanmo Sacred Ancestor!"

"Hmph, we can settle you down without any action from the Holy Ancestor!"

The two of them really looked proud, disobeying the orders given by the Holy Ancestor.

I just want to take down Chutian directly.

The speed of the two was very fast, and once they used the demon soul, the sky was even more gloomy.

There was no light all around.

The determination of both of them is exactly the same!
"Mysterious demons cover the sun, the sky cannot sleep, myriad mysterious Taoist demons destroy the world, let me destroy it!"

The whole world is under the palm of the two, constantly shattering.

One front and one back, there was really boundless darkness, and they rushed directly towards Chu Tian.

From the front and rear directions, it really directly envelops Chu Tian.

Feeling all this, Chu Tian's face turned icy as the two approached.

It was really a cold snort, without any reservation, without any mercy.

With a movement of the hand, the movement of the hand is even more impolite!
"Divine soul, demonic soul, I want to see how powerful I am as a fellow practitioner with two souls, and how powerful I am compared to you gods and devils, the sons of heaven!"

Call out.

Chu Tian's whole body trembled, accompanied by his twin souls coming out.

The appearance of the god soul and the demon soul really brought about a big change in this world once again.

The soul has a strong light, making this dark world full of light.

And as soon as Chu Tian's demon soul came out, it covered the light even more.

The pitch-black light swept across the surroundings, completely resisting the power of the demon souls of the two disciples.

It also made Chutian's soul grow stronger and stronger.

The current Chutian has not yet reached the point of unity of mind and soul.

The soul can only be attached to his body and appear outside the body.

However, this was enough for Chutian and the other two in front of him.

"I use the Aotai Sacred Ancestor's determination to strengthen my soul, let me see how far my soul determination can go!"

Soul determination is different from person to person.

How strong is Chu Tian's mind and heart, and what scene does he see.

Even he doesn't know.

Accompanied by the determination of the ancestor of Aotai, he appeared.

The outer body of Chutian's soul trembled again, accompanied by the change of the outer body of the soul.

In an instant, it changed into a multicolored dragon, and the dragon changed again, like a phoenix flame bird flying in the sky.

That constantly changing posture also made Chu Tianhao look puzzled.

He really didn't understand, what was his mind and soul determination?
Looking at the two people before and after, Chu Tian frowned, and directly changed his soul again without talking nonsense.

At this moment, it was really an instant split of the mind and soul.

Different from the previous ones, the Shenlong Divine Soul and the Divine Phoenix Divine Soul were directly separated!

Two souls in one body, two souls separated!
This made Chu Tian's eyes light up, with surprise and astonishment on his face.

"It seems that my mind and soul are different from others, and I can be considered a genius if I can separate my mind and soul!"

Chu Tian laughed out loud.

He cultivates two souls, of course, it is different from others, it is impossible for two souls to practice together without influence.

There must be some connection between the divine soul and the demonic soul.

This caused Chu Tian to raise his hand, and split his soul into two.

Shenlong Shenhun rushed forward directly.

Shenfeng Shenhun turned his head and rushed to the rear!
The faces of the two disciples changed. They never expected that Chu Tian's movements would be so fast, and the two terrifying avatars separated from their souls.

It also made the faces of the two of them change drastically. When they raised their hands, they both wanted to resist.

It's a pity that Chutian's demon soul is suppressing them, leaving them with little energy to resist.

Under the bite of the dragon, a disciple of the Xuanmo ancestor was directly swallowed.

Shenfeng opened his mouth wide, and breathed out divine fire, and it was Shenhuo that rushed forward and completely wrapped up another disciple.

Under the direct explosion of the divine fire, another disciple also turned into ashes!
(End of this chapter)

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