Chapter 676

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the people in front of him couldn't help but sneer.

It's really a cold, full of mocking look on his face.

He fixed his eyes on Chutian, the look in his eyes and the coldness on his face showed that he didn't listen to Chutian's words.

"What are you, the decision made by our Zhang family, which round will you be able to resist?"

"Also, the strength of these two adults is enough for our Zhang family to treat them well. Our Zhang family needs the help of such powerful people!"

The faces were full of pride, all for the sake of joining forces with these trash races, and they were all happy.

A look of admiration.

The look in those eyes, the changes on his face, all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Only let Chutian see it in his eyes, and his eyes were fixed, and he had a new understanding of the Zhang family.

The Zhang family needs to tidy up.

It's a pity that the person in front of him really didn't know what Chu Tian was thinking.

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​he was very contemptuous, and he really did not forget to continue: "Let me tell you, these two adults are not only recognized by our Zhang family, but also other aristocratic families, for the two adults."

"I am also very concerned, these two adults are the saviors of our Huaxia family!"

When it came to the end, his face was full of admiration, and even more serious.

There was no joke in that look.

Only Chu Tian frowned: "Savior?"

"That's right, he is the savior of our Huaxia family. However, on this point, you won't understand at all, you won't understand at all."

Those eyes were full of contempt, and Chu Tian really didn't understand that these two people of the trash race were the saviors of the Huaxia family.

It is just the existence of the lowest power in other countries, what can it do to help the Chinese thousand-year-old family?
Could it be that the current Chinese thousand-year-old family has fallen to this point?
Just as Chu Tian's expression changed, many people approached in front of him.

It's the same as the people in the family in front of me said.

Many people's faces changed for a while, and their eyes lit up when they looked at the faces on this side, especially noticing the Bronze Knights.

There are also two outsiders of the werewolf race, and quite a few people came forward enthusiastically.

With a look of joy, he welcomed the two of them.

"I didn't expect that the two adults from the Bronze Knights and the werewolf race would come here. As a representative of the Huaxia family, I feel very honored."

"Yes, we will definitely do what the two adults have ordered, and we will never neglect the two adults."

With a flattering face, a bright face.

He looked over with a smile on his face.

He smiled and spoke directly to the two of them, with serious eyes.

With a flattering expression on his face, he really put his attitude to the lowest level.

This made Chu Tian see it, and his expression changed. Originally, he only thought that only the Zhang family was so flattering.

It seems that there are really many other families who are so flattering.

This caused the two people in front to be very defiant, and they really laughed out very confidently.

Haha laughed, and the members of the Bronze Knights said proudly; "We are here entirely for the sake of the Zhang family, the number one family in China, if the head of the Zhang family hadn't personally invited us."

"We're not coming at all."

"Yes, what are you guys? We are here for the Zhang family. Let me tell you, our werewolf race only cooperates with the Zhang family. You rubbish, go away, you are not qualified to cooperate with us!"

With a look of arrogance, the words in his mouth.

You're really welcome.

Even if he spoke in such an arrogant tone, the people in front of him really didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Everyone lowered their heads and bent down, but the licking was disgusting enough!
It also made Chu Tian frown, and now he understands why the reputation of a thousand-year-old Huaxia family is so bad.

It's no wonder that in the heavens, there are not many people who want to take care of this thousand-year-old Chinese family.

This is just as bad as hell.

With a flash of indifference in his eyes, Chu Tian looked at the two people in front of him.

I couldn't help stepping forward, and said coldly: "I'm here to tell you that the Zhang family you believe in is not the root of the Huaxia family."

"A rubbish Zhang family, let you be so crazy, I will destroy the entire Zhang family in front of you today!"

The voice was loud, and as soon as the words came out, the expressions of several people in front of them changed.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, his face changed erratically, so many people looked at him with a look of astonishment and shock.

A group of people immediately whispered.

"Is he the one who challenged the Four Emperors of the Zhang Family?"

"That's right, I heard that he gathered the four emperors of the Zhang family, saying that he was alone and wanted to challenge all of them, and even took the initiative to call us to witness."

"Speaking of which, behind him, there are really a few Chinese families supporting him. I think these Chinese families are also crazy."

"This time, the four emperors of the Zhang family are all here, so I want to see how he died."

Watching with cold eyes, it is not uncommon to want to watch a good show.

Some people looked over indifferently.

The coldness in the eyes, the frost in the eyes, did not pay attention to Chu Tian at all.

Even the Chinese family beside Chutian despised him.

This made Duan Ya, as well as some people around her, very dissatisfied.

Before waiting for Chu Tian to speak.

A group of people from the Huaxia family around Duan Ya looked over with displeased faces.

He called out directly and said, "Master Chu's strength, isn't it something you can understand."

"Young Master Chu, but you have taken down one of the three major faction's blood clan, how can you fellows understand how powerful Young Master Chu is?"

When someone opened his mouth, the words in his mouth made the expressions of the two outsiders in front of him change.

With a look of astonishment, he stared at him with a fluctuating expression.

They looked at each other with indescribable astonishment in their eyes.

"Did you hear that he actually took down the Blood Race?"

"Impossible. I haven't gotten any news yet. This guy is obviously playing tricks."

"That's right, I and the Bronze Knights don't have any news either, he must have made it up."

The two didn't believe it at all.

He looked over with distrustful eyes.

Those gazes and gazes were completely in Chu Tian's eyes, and Chu Tian could only see them and listen to the conversation between the two.

The eyes are extremely cold.

Really look down upon.

Both of them are the lowest existences of the three major powers.

After he taught the blood clan a lesson, he didn't stay long before returning to Huaxia.

This matter must only be known to the top.

It will take no one knows how long it will take for these lowest power groups to know.

Chutian didn't talk nonsense, and didn't want to explain. He just looked at the people from the Zhang family in front of him and said, "Where are the people from the Zhang family? Are you ready?"

He came here just to teach the Zhang family a lesson.

This is his ultimate goal. Only by teaching the first family of Huaxia a good lesson can the current situation be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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