Chapter 677 Hurt Me By A Hair

How could the people of the Zhang family not be ready.

They've been here long ago.

There is no shortage of four emperors.

This time, Chutian's news was passed on through Wu Huang Zhang Crazy, so the Four Emperors had to be cautious.

Even if they look down on Chu Tian.

But Emperor Wu's attitude towards Chu Tian made them even more concerned.

They agree with Wu Huang's strength.

I almost suspected that Zhang Feng was really crazy.

The Zhang family's preparations were quick, and Chu Tian even accompanied Duan Ya.

Soon I saw this time, the remaining four emperors of the Zhang family.

All of them gathered here, and sure enough, the aura of these four was different from the others.

It also made Chu Tian feel a little weird, and stared at the past with serious eyes.

With a serious face, he looked at the four people in front of him.

The four emperors are divided into four factions.

These people have their own subordinates and their own territory.

The Zhang family of China's first family is not very complete, and several factions with the title of emperor all divide the Zhang family of the first family.

The Four Emperors who are here now are.

Flame Emperor, Zhang Yan.

Poison Emperor, Zhang Du.

True Emperor, Zhang Zhen.

Fenghuang, Zhang Feng.

Three men and one woman represent the absolute status and strength of the Zhang family!

The four of them had been waiting here for a long time, they glanced around and noticed Chu Tian coming.

Not to mention the people behind Chutian, all four of them looked indifferent.

His eyes were changing, and his face was changing, but he noticed the other people, and the four of them also changed their faces in an instant.

I saw the Bronze Knights and two outsiders of the werewolf race.

There are three of the Four Emperors, all of whom couldn't help raising their feet.

It is obvious that there is a sense of scrambling to be the first.

"You two, it's great that you can come here, please rest well with us, this time, I will show the two of you the strength of my Flame Emperor."

"Only I, the Flame Emperor, am the most powerful person in this family!"

With a face full of confidence, Zhang Yan had a face full of pride, and every time he opened his mouth, he showed a confident smile to the two people in front of him.

The words in the mouth, the expression on the face.

It all fell into the ears of the other two, and they were very upset.

"Flame Emperor, you don't feel complacent. You think you can beat me, Poison Emperor. If it wasn't for the Patriarch's order, you would have died in my hands."

"It's ridiculous, what kind of thing are you, the Flame Emperor? It's up to you. You want to compare with us. My lords, the only person you have to trust is me, the True Emperor!"

The other two didn't accept their weakness at all, and directly opened their mouths and yelled out loudly.

The purpose is to win over the two people in front of him.

As long as they are brought together and supported by the forces behind them, they can get a lot of rewards.

It can even become the number one force in the Zhang family in one fell swoop!

The abacus of the three of them is really good.

Only by letting Chu Tian see it in his eyes, he now understands the situation of the Zhang family, with his eyes sweeping across his eyes.

After sweeping past the two, it landed on another woman.

This Fenghuang's Zhang Feng is also a young woman.

Maybe it has something to do with her reaching the realm, rejuvenating, making her look very young.

It can only be said that she looks like a young lady!
It was Chu Tian who cared most about him, not his youthful appearance.Still the other party pouted.

Looking at the three people in front of him, he sneered, which made Chutian a little confused.

It seems that not everyone in the Zhang family wants the help of these two trash races.

And Zhang Feng in front obviously noticed Chu Tian's gaze.

With a pull on his face, and a change in his face, he really lifted his foot.

Just walked over directly.

With a serious face, he looked at Chu Tiandao with a serious face; "I heard from Emperor Wu that he recognized you as a master. I understand Zhang Crazy's personality very well. No one can make him submit, so let him be subdued."

"Few people can do it. This guy, you have to be completely convinced, unless your strength completely surpasses him!"

There was a flash of light in both eyes, and a serious face.

He watched with a serious face.

The look in his eyes was really speculating on Chutian's strength.

Hearing this, Chu Tian curled his lips and said with a smile, "Oh, so you want to admit defeat?"

Actually let her admit defeat?

Feng Huang Zhang Feng's face darkened, and his face was not good-looking.

Several people not far away heard Chu Tian's words.

At this moment, the other three people took a step forward without even thinking about it.

They had noticed Chutian's arrival a long time ago, and thought that Chutian was beyond his control.

I really didn't pay attention to it.

But they didn't expect that they still didn't despise the guy in front of them.

This guy dared to say such a thing.

Want them to take the initiative to admit defeat?

How crazy is this kid? I really think that a Martial Emperor Zhang Crazy is afraid of him!
The rest of them will be afraid!
"Haha, I, Flame Emperor, want to know why Zhang Feng said that we are no match for you."

"Hmph, my Poison Emperor's cultivation has long been close to the ascension realm. Who can be stronger than me? It won't take long for me, the Poison Emperor, to achieve the ascension that a cultivator dreams of."

"Hahaha, I'm not bad as a real emperor. My realm is still higher than all of you. I can handle this guy alone."

Zhang Feng didn't speak, but his icy eyes revealed a dangerous aura.

Looking at the four people in front of him, all eyes were finally on him.

Chu Tian smiled, looked around with a smile, and felt other people's gazes, also looking at him.

What he has to do now is to teach the Zhang family of the First Family a painful lesson.

This lesson must be more painful before they can wake up.

And he wants to completely suppress the first family in China.

Suppress the reputation of China's No. [-] family!
This made Chu Tian take a deep breath, straightened his face, and said without thinking, "I will give each of you a chance to show your full strength."

"If you can hurt a single hair of mine, I will count you as the winner!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he pointed at his hair.

He really took out a hair, and just said it arrogantly to the person in front of him.

The faces of the four of them changed, one by one.

Either blue or white, that can't calm the anger in my heart at all!
This guy actually said that if they hurt a hair, they would win.

This is how to look down on them!

People from other aristocratic families shook their heads and sighed: "He is really crazy. He dared to say such things in front of the four adults. He wanted to completely anger the four adults."

"He also said that a hair can't be hurt, who does he think he is, haha, it's ridiculous."

Laughing loudly, many people looked at Chu Tian with cold faces.

The words in the mouth, the expression on the face.

It was all for Chu Tian to see, and he also noticed that the four of them clearly did not believe what he said.

Let him say without any nonsense; "If you don't believe me, come and try."

The first to raise his foot was the true emperor who claimed to be the highest among the four of them!

As soon as he lifted his foot, he looked at Chu Tian with a look of disdain, his eyes were cold.

"You dare to underestimate my real emperor, it's ridiculous to hurt a hair of yours, and it will make you crippled!"

(End of this chapter)

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