Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 681 Contact from Heaven

Chapter 681 Contact from Heaven

Who would be willing to show weakness in a thousand-year-old Huaxia family?
Willing to be so weak?

It is true that the family that has lost contact with the fairy world has no ability to resist.

This is such a weak attitude.

Notice the words in Duan Ya's mouth, as well as the statement of the Duan family.

Quite a few people also straightened their faces and looked serious, so they looked over with serious faces.

Without thinking about it, he yelled out; "Yes, we are not willing to do this, we will not let the family become someone else's subordinates."

"If adults can help us become stronger, we are willing to give everything."

"We have to become stronger, so we are not afraid of these trash racial forces!"

Some people looked serious and looked at Chutian, putting their hopes on Chutian.

Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the Zhang family of the first family again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now he has the right to decide the number one position of the Huaxia family.

This made him speak directly to Zhang's family without thinking about it.

"Go back and tell your Patriarch that from now on, the name of the first family in Huaxia is no longer the property of the Zhang family. When I decide which family to be the first family, I will notify you."

What Chu Tian said was very direct and decisive.

The words in the mouth are exported.

The faces of the Zhang family in front of them changed drastically. They never expected that Chu Tian would win the title of the first family.

It is also up to him to decide the ownership of the first family.

If the Patriarch knew about this matter, the Patriarch would be so furious if he didn't know it.

It's a pity that Chu Tian didn't want to know what the head of the Zhang family thought.

He wanted to reinvigorate the entire Huaxia family, so he would definitely decide on the reassignment of the first family.

Only in this way can Huaxia World become stronger.

And he heard that Chu Tian wanted to redefine the ownership of the First Family.

Many thousand-year-old families have a little expectation.

A powerful family wants to get this position at all costs.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​some aristocratic families also made up their minds.

You must please the adult in front of you!
With the strength of this adult, it is enough to change the current pattern of the Huaxia family.


Get out of this place.

Chutian was surrounded by people.

Now, there is not a thousand-year-old family in China who excludes him, but instead fawns over him enthusiastically.

To please him, to surround him, to flatter him constantly.

Win him over and become a vassal of their family.

"Young Master Chu, I don't know how far your cultivation level has reached. I heard that you can compare with the immortals in the fairy world. Is it true?"

A person looked curious and couldn't help asking.

The others also looked puzzled and looked at them with very surprised expressions.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​they all looked curious.

I really want to know what is the current level of Chutian's cultivation.

Hearing these words, Chu Tian's expression was very calm, and he said indifferently: "If you talk about cultivation, I'm afraid I'm just not strong enough to return to the Void Realm."

This made everyone startled, and looked over in disbelief.

His face changed, he really didn't think that Chu Tian only had the ability to return to the Void.

"Young Master Chu, are you kidding me?"

Many people have strange faces.

That gaze and sight fell on Chu Tian, ​​and after sweeping everyone's gaze, he said calmly, "I'm not joking, it's just like that."

"If you don't believe it, forget it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, letting Duan Ya take him directly away from here.

I really don't want to talk about it.

For ordinary families, he is not interested in paying attention to them. Now he has to think about the whole arrangement of the first family.

He had to think about who this first family was going to be handed over to.

Looking at Chu Tian with a serious face and a pensive expression.

After Duan Ya followed, she didn't say much, but just swept past the weird person behind her.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, with a hint of contempt really.

If these people hadn't looked at Chu Tian's displayed strength, they probably wouldn't be so flattering.

Thinking of what happened today, Duan Ya was still a little happy.

The reputation of the Duan family is much louder, although she doesn't think their family can get the title of the first family.

But as long as they stay by Chutian's side, the benefits of their family will definitely be indispensable!

Her benefits are also indispensable!

"Young Master Chu, I don't think the Patriarch of the Zhang family will let it go this time. However, there is no one else they can rely on except the fairy world."

"Young Master Chu, who do you think they will ask for help from the fairy world?"

Chu Tian also had a little curiosity on his face.

I am a little concerned about Duan Ya's words, if the Zhang family of the first family has connections with the fairy world.

Who can I turn to for help?

Let him want to know this.

It was back to the hotel where Duan Ya was staying.

After returning to the hotel, Chu Tian went to rest in the same room and told Duan Ya to keep an eye on the two outsiders.

without disturbing others.

Chu Tian just wanted to take a break.

But he didn't expect it, and what he really didn't expect was that there was a message from the heavens on his own initiative.

Take the initiative to find him.

This surprised Chu Tian a bit.

As the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Realm, he can also communicate directly with the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in the Heavenly Realm.

The voice of a god general was transmitted to his mind.

It also made him understand that there was something to pass on to him from the Heavenly Court of the Immortal World.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, there is a small matter in the heavenly court that needs to be reported to you, but this matter has nothing to do with you."

The tactful voice of this divine general made Chu Tian curious.

He asked directly through the sound transmission of Tianting; "Oh, what do you mean?"

"This was originally a contract with the previous Heavenly Emperor, but now that the previous Jade Emperor is long gone, this can only be your turn."

Chu Tian's face became even more curious; "What is the contract of the previous Emperor of Heaven?"

"It's such an adult. The Jade Emperor has promised a family in the mortal world that as long as they enshrine enough beliefs, he can take care of them. This family seems to be in trouble and needs to find the Jade Emperor!"

This made Chu Tian startled.

I really thought of a family, frowned, and asked directly; "Did he say what his name is?"

"His name is Zhang Zhang!"

"Oh, I see, pass it on to him, and our Heavenly Court will be responsible for this matter!"

Knowing the other party's name, Chu Tian curled his lips and smiled.

He waved his hand and put down the words.

God will immediately do what He bids.

After chanting this name, Chu Tian realized that the Zhang family of the first family really had a connection with the Jade Emperor.

It can even get involved in the heavenly court.

Sure enough, the biggest hole card is hidden, but unfortunately, they don't know that the Jade Emperor is long gone in the fairy world.

The new Emperor of Heaven is Chu Tian!
The Patriarch of the Zhang family even contacted him who wanted to deal with the Zhang family!

(End of this chapter)

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