Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 682 Involvement with the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 682 Involvement with the Emperor of Heaven
It was learned that the Zhang family was actually involved with the Jade Emperor in the upper realm.

This made Chu Tian sneer all the time.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and that smile was a little playful.

The Zhang family of the first family really wanted to ask the Heavenly Emperor to help him, so that the Heavenly Emperor could deal with him.

What a joke, he was originally the Emperor of Heaven!

In the entire fairy world, who would dare to oppose him.

This made Chu Tian feel ridiculous, and planned to teach the Zhang family of the first family a lesson.

You can also play a little game with them!

Thinking of this, Chu Tian's face changed again, and without thinking about it, his whole body trembled.

Accompanied by a divine consciousness appeared directly.

Chu Tian used his status as the Emperor of Heaven to create his soul and consciousness!

"The Divine Soul of the Heavenly Emperor, the ruler of all things, the Zhang family of the first family, I will have fun with you!"

With a sneer, Chu Tian's soul moved, and he rushed over directly.

The soul was originally connected with him.

It's like his body.

However, the soul is not like a clone, because his soul has no consciousness.

Even if it is divine consciousness, it must be controlled by him, and he must control it.

This is just another body of his, which is equivalent to his second life!

Chu Tian, ​​who drives the soul and consciousness, just makes the soul and consciousness travel thousands of miles a day.

Go to where the Zhang family is.

Now the Patriarch of the Zhang Family is still in contact with the Heavenly Court of the Immortal World through some means, and wants to ask the Heavenly Emperor for help.

It just so happened that Chutian could fulfill them!

The sneer continued, and Chu Tian felt that the soul was approaching a place, and he was really summoned by some kind.

It seems that the Zhang family has something that can contact the Emperor of Heaven, which makes Chu Tian very curious.

Directly let the soul and consciousness go in to check.

Immediately found that in the huge villa, in the living room.

Many members of the Zhang family gathered here.

Not to mention the four emperors who were defeated by him, there was also a middle-aged man with a serious face, took out three incense sticks, and just stuck them on the altar in front of him.

The face was serious, and even more serious; "The head of the Zhang family, Zhang Chuan, begs the protection of the heavenly court in the fairy world. Our Zhang family will protect the incense for the Jade Emperor of the heavenly court for thousands of years, and ask the emperor to help our Zhang family tide over the difficulties!"

At this moment, the head of the Zhang family knelt down after finishing speaking.

Many people, along with them, directly bowed down.

The power of pious belief was passed on in this way, and along with the altar in front of him, it reached Chutian's soul and consciousness.

Let Chutian feel the whole body is very carefree, very hearty feeling.

The original Jade Emperor is long gone, and the new Heavenly Emperor is Chutian.

Therefore, if the other party wants to invite the Emperor of Heaven, they can only invite him.

He is the real emperor of heaven, which led to the transfer of countless beliefs directly to him.

It even directly sucked the soul and consciousness that Chutian was close to.

At this moment, Chutian's soul and consciousness shone brightly.

As soon as it appeared directly, the faces of the Zhang family changed.

Soul and consciousness have no entity, just like illusory phantoms.

This phantom floated in the air, shrouded in his own light.

It really made the eyes of the group of people in front of them unable to open.

Feeling the light of this divine power, the faces of the Zhang family were excited, and the most radiant face was the head of the Zhang family.

"It is a blessing for our Zhang family that the Heavenly Emperor descends, and the Heavenly Emperor personally descends. I never thought that after thousands of years, the Heavenly Emperor descended on our Zhang Family again!"

His face was full of excitement, so he looked over with a happy face.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian's face even more serious.

Thousands of years ago, it only descended once. It seems that the connection between the Zhang family and the Heavenly Court is not too deep.

This is also a matter of course, the Heavenly Court was originally the Jade Emperor, and it was just an ordinary promise to the Zhang family to protect the continuation of the incense of the Zhang family.

It needs to be enshrined by the Zhang family, which is just one of the Jade Emperor's many promises.

How could it be possible to take care of the Zhang family in person.

Within a thousand years, there was only one appearance in the Zhang family!
This time it appeared again, although the Zhang family didn't know, the world ahead had already been replaced.

But now they are still full of excitement, looking at Chu Tian's face, they are all changing.

An extremely happy expression.

They did not expect that the Lord Heavenly Emperor would appear in person.

Some members of the Zhang family all looked over curiously.

It's a pity that Chutian's whole body was shrouded in light, so he couldn't see Chutian's face, but could only feel his majesty.

This majesty made them so oppressive that they dared not stand up.

Notice the awe on the faces of the group in front of you.

Chu Tian sneered and raised his head just like that, with a proud expression on his face.

Staring at the group of people in front of him, without thinking, he said, "What do you want from me?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family looked serious, raised his head, and said without thinking, "Lord Heavenly Emperor, our Zhang family has encountered a troublesome matter, so we can only ask Lord Heavenly Emperor to help us solve it."

"The Zhang family was threatened by a person. This guy has a lot of background, his strength is not simple, and he has a lot of ties to the fairy world. I can only ask the Emperor of Heaven to take action, otherwise our Zhang family is really doomed!"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family had a painful expression on his face.

The face is changing, that ugly expression.

It is very clear that Chutian's strength can easily defeat the Four Emperors, but the Zhang family cannot resist.

I'm afraid ordinary immortals are no match for Chu Tian.

Only then did he ask the Heavenly Emperor to do it.

Feeling the patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him, his face was pale and his face was constantly changing.

Chu Tian smiled, straightened his face and said, "Oh, why should I help you? What benefits can you give me?"

As soon as the words came out, the head of the Zhang family was stunned.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​his face was pale, and for a while, he didn't know what he could give the Heavenly Emperor.

As an incomparably noble and lofty Heavenly Emperor, what else is lacking?
The Patriarch of the Zhang family lowered his head and couldn't help but said, "I don't know, what can our Zhang family have for the Lord Heavenly Emperor?"

"As long as our Zhang family has it, our Zhang family is willing to give everything."

Chu Tian laughed, and laughed loudly: "Okay, I want everything from your Zhang family. I'm afraid your Zhang family doesn't know now that we are not the previous Heavenly Emperor."

"It's the new emperor, I need your Zhang family's offerings, and I want your Zhang family to be a subordinate family of one person!"

The Zhang family looked at each other, and when they heard Chu Tian's words, they looked over with strange faces.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family asked with a strange expression; "I don't know, Young Master Chu, whose subordinates do you want us to be?"

"His name is Chu Tian, ​​and he is my agent in the mortal world. He represents the Emperor himself. All you have to do is to please him with all your strength!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the Zhang family completely changed.

She looked over in shock and astonishment.

A discussion continued.

"This, this person, no, no."

"Impossible, he, he is actually the agent of the Emperor of Heaven, this, this is simply impossible."

"No, with his strength, I'm afraid it is really possible. Otherwise, why can he easily defeat our Four Emperors!"

Patriarch Zhang's complexion instantly became clear, and his heart was full of remorse.

(End of this chapter)

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