Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 683: Agent of the Emperor of Heaven

Chapter 683: Agent of the Emperor of Heaven

"Do you have any questions?"

Chu Tian glanced over, really trying to hide a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now, with the radiance radiating from his whole body, people could not notice his face for a long time.

Hearing Chu Tian's opening, there was a bit of questioning.

Immediately, the faces of the Zhang family changed drastically.

Without even thinking about it, he just lowered his head, and the Patriarch of the Zhang family wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Directly said; "I, I know Lord Tiandi!"

Chu Tian laughed, very satisfied, looked at the Patriarch of the Zhang family, and then asked, "Okay, you haven't said, this time, what do you want from me?"

"What's the trouble with your Zhang family?"

The head of the Zhang family was speechless.

How could it be possible to tell the adults in front of them that the person they want to deal with is the person whom the adults want them to rely on.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family who lowered his head could only tremble and said, "We, we have nothing serious to do. I just hope that Lord Xintiandi will continue to protect our Zhang family in the future."

Chu Tian laughed, and laughed loudly; "Of course, as long as your Zhang family is obedient, I promise to protect your Zhang family's incense to continue."

This made the Patriarch of the Zhang Family breathe a sigh of relief.

After receiving the acceptance from the Emperor of Heaven, his face was full of joy, and he responded directly with a look of excitement.

Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked the Zhang family to follow his request.

Instantly withdraw the consciousness.

With the direct return of the spiritual consciousness, it really changed the faces of some people in the Zhang family.

Looking at the Patriarch of the Zhang Family in front of him, some people said: "Patriarch, I, I remember this time, the other party, our Zhang Family, is called Chutian?"

"Could it be that he is really the agent of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Thinking of what the Heavenly Emperor said just now, they were convinced of this in their hearts.

This person is not someone their Zhang family can provoke at all.

Zhang Chuan, who wanted to understand, also clenched his fists, nodded, and his face was serious.

He said directly, "No matter what, the Lord Heavenly Emperor has ordered us to do so. Where is that Lord?"

"I'm going to go there myself."

Immediately, someone prepared a car and sent the Patriarch of the Zhang family to a location.


Inside the hotel.

Chu Tian came back to his senses, and his soul returned to his body again.

This made him feel very funny.

I just don't know what the Zhang family plans next.

Tell the Zhang family that he is the agent of the new emperor, and I am afraid that the entire Zhang family will be messed up.

This made Chu Tian feel refreshed.

Next, he doesn't need to do it, he believes that the Zhang family will find it in person.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian waited in the room with peace of mind.

Don't rush to the fairyland.

Let's settle the matters of the aristocratic family this time in the mortal world.

His idea is very simple. If the Huaxia family arranges it well, it can give him a lot of faith, and this faith can bring a lot of benefits.

His majesty of the Emperor of Heaven, as well as the laws of the Emperor of Heaven, all depend on the worship of this power of faith.

If he can cultivate himself to become an immortal in the future, it will give him a lot of benefits.

Chu Tian was sure of this.

While thinking about all this.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the room.

The Zhang family did come very quickly, and it was the head of the Zhang family who came here in person.

Looking at Duan Ya in front of her, she has a strange expression.

It is clear that I don't understand why the Patriarch of the Zhang family came to him so quickly.

"Young Master Chu, they dare to come here like this because they didn't pay attention to our Duan family. I will go with you, Young Master Chu, and I promise not to let them mess around!"

Clenching her fists tightly, Duan Ya looked serious, clearly thinking that the Zhang family came here to demonstrate.

Only Chu Tian had a calm smile on his face.

With a very calm face, he said: "Okay, I will not let them go if they dare to do anything. They dare not do anything in front of me."

Duan Ya straightened and nodded.

Still following Chutian, together with Chutian, they arrived in the living room of the hotel.

Soon I saw the people from the Zhang family.

There were indeed quite a few people who came, among them was the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

This man has been seen before.

It's just that I saw him kneeling on the ground before, but now the Patriarch of the Zhang family has a proud face, and there is a lot of momentum in his eyes.

A noble aura of being the head of the first family was also revealed.

Many short family members saw it, and they really didn't dare to mess around.

The Zhang family has been the No. [-] family for so many years, but they did not get it for nothing.

If it weren't for Chutian, the Duan family would never have dared to confront the First Family.

Even Duan Ya has a tense expression, and is still somewhat taboo towards the First Family.

However, when she thought of Chu Tian being at the side, she only straightened her face, gritted her teeth, and looked serious.

As soon as he lifted his foot, he walked forward like this, and said firstly: "Patriarch Zhang, what do you want to do here?"

"Could it be, do you find any other helpers? Unfortunately, the strength of our young master Chu cannot be dealt with by the helpers invited by your Zhang family!"

With a cold and arrogant face, he pointed to the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him and opened his mouth.

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family frowned, and his eyes swept over Duan Ya, and fell on Chu Tian.

His eyes lit up, and he stood up immediately. When he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but say, "Young Master Chu, I am the head of the Zhang family, Zhang Chuan. This time, I found you, my lord, for the sake of our family's affairs."

"My lord, in your capacity, you don't need to associate with such a small family. Our Zhang family can give you a lot of good things!"

With a flattering smile on his face, he always flattered Chu Tian.

This made Duan Ya stunned for a moment, but she did not expect that the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him would have such a face.

However, when the other party said that their Duan family was the young Patriarch, their face was extremely ugly.

His face was changing, and Zhang Chuan, who was staring at the front, was very dissatisfied.

"Patriarch Zhang, what do you mean?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family raised his head, and swept Duan Ya with a sneer, he really looked down on the entire Duan family.

"Your Duan family is not worthy of this lord at all. I don't think your Duan family knows the identity and status of this lord."

"The status of this adult is not understood by a small family like yours, but only our Zhang family is worthy of being an adult. Our Zhang family is willing to do everything to fulfill any request of an adult!"

There was a loud sound, and the loud words made Duan Ya open his mouth.

With a look of disbelief, he looked at the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him, but his expression changed.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family didn't want to talk nonsense and waved his hands; "From now on, don't your Duan family appear in front of this lord. This lord will be handed over to our Zhang family to take care of."

Duan Ya clenched her fists, she was really angry.

The head of the Zhang family looked over without showing weakness, and said with a sneer, "What's the matter, do you really think that the Duan family is better than our Zhang family?"

"Can you really be more worthy of this adult than our Zhang family?"

The expression of sneering, as well as the face, made Duan Ya unable to say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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