Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 684 Zhang Family's Ingratiation

Chapter 684 Zhang Family's Ingratiation

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family is the Duan Family who despises Duan Ya with a look of disdain.

The Duan family is completely ignored.

In his opinion, their Zhang family is infinitely more powerful than the Duan family, an existence that the Duan family cannot surpass.

How could the agent of the Heavenly Emperor in front of him choose the Duan family instead of their Zhang family?

Looking at Chutian in front of him with a smile on his face, he just wanted to see Chutian's satisfied eyes.

It's a pity that Chutian's face really didn't change at all from the beginning to the end.

He looked over calmly and coldly.

That sight and gaze only made the Patriarch of the Zhang family sweat coldly on his forehead, and he felt Chu Tian's sight and his originally imposing face.

At this moment, it was also much weaker.

He could only look at Chu Tian helplessly, and couldn't help but whisper, "My lord, I'm telling the truth. Our Zhang family really hopes for your lord's arrival."

"With the potential and ability of our Zhang family, we must do better than the Duan family."

After finishing speaking, he just looked over eagerly.

The expression on his face and the look in his eyes were all in Chu Tian's eyes, and Chu Tian curled his lips.

Eyes fixed on the past.

That was completely ignoring the words of the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him.

She really waved her hand directly and said, "I'm not interested in your Zhang family at all."

As soon as the words came out, the face of the Patriarch of the Zhang family changed drastically. His face was extremely ugly, and it was obvious that he couldn't keep calm.

Looked like he was about to cry.

"My lord, we, our Zhang family can't live without you. Our Zhang family is willing to give it away. I beg your forgiveness. You, you must not abandon our Zhang family."

The head of the Zhang family almost knelt down.

The fearful look and the pale face all fell in the eyes of Duan Ya in front of her.

The expression on his face was very strange, and he really couldn't figure out why, the Patriarch of the Zhang family, looked so scared.

Of course Duan Ya didn't know.

Chu Tian understood very well that when he used his soul and consciousness, he had told the Zhang family to treat himself well.

Without his promise, without his forgiveness.

The head of the Zhang family was very frightened, and the emperor blamed him that day.

It's a pity that the Patriarch of the Zhang Family in front of him really doesn't understand at all that the real Emperor of Heaven is right in front of him.

Seeing the Patriarch of the Zhang Family's complexion was ugly, he had a pale expression.

It all made Chu Tian curl his lips, looked over with a smile on his face and said, "Oh, you Zhang Family Patriarch, ask me to forgive you, do you Zhang Family know it's wrong?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang family trembled all over, lowered his head, and said without thinking.

"Yes, my lord, this time, our Zhang family made thousands of mistakes, and it's all because of us. I offended you, my lord, please forgive us, no matter what we do, we are willing."

With a serious expression on his face, he looked over at him seriously.

In Chutian's eyes, it made Chutian contemplate.

After thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "Well, your Zhang family is related to the forces of those two outsiders, isn't it?"

"I want your Zhang family to tell us all the news about them."

As soon as the words came out, the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him was stunned, his expression was astonished, and he looked over with a complicated expression.

I couldn't help asking; "My lord, no, I don't know what you want to know about this?"

I always feel that Chu Tian in front of me has an ugly face.

He knew that Chu Tian immediately arrested the outsider.

This made him uneasy, and when he heard Chu Tian's words, his expression changed drastically.

"Nonsense, those who dare to enter our territory in China, dare to be so arrogant, whether it is them or the forces behind them, I will not let them go!"

Patriarch Zhang's face changed drastically upon hearing Chu Tian's words.

His whole body trembled, and he almost sat on the ground.

The expression on his face was extremely ugly. He raised his head and noticed Chu Tian's expression, which was a look of fear and uneasiness.

He couldn't help whispering: "My lord, there are too many entanglements behind these two major forces. We, we should not fight against them."

There was a little fear on his face, like a panic.

It all made Chu Tian frowned, looking at the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him, he really looked very pessimistic.

"what do you mean?"

Taking a deep breath, the Patriarch of the Zhang Family hurriedly said, "My lord, the forces behind them are terrifying. We'd better not provoke them easily."

"According to me, we should find an opportunity to communicate with them more, maybe we can get in touch with someone higher up, it will be very helpful to our Huaxia family!"

Looking over with a serious face, the words in this mouth are clearly a sign of weakness.

This is also the practice of the Zhang family in the past.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Tian was not optimistic about the Zhang family at all.

Hearing the words of the Patriarch of the Zhang family, even in his heart, he lowered the status of the Zhang family a lot.

His face was swept away, and he snorted coldly; "You Zhang family wants to show weakness, but I am different. I represent the entire Huaxia fairyland."

"The fairy world is different from your Chinese families, and you, as a Chinese family, are showing weakness to other forces. Do you know what the fairy world will think?"

Chu Tian looked aggressive.

This made the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front speechless.

He lowered his head, his face was ugly.

Chutian didn't want to talk nonsense; "Your Zhang family doesn't want to tell me, I will investigate it myself, but, from now on."

"You Zhang family no longer need to appear in the Huaxia family."

He waved his hand and said very decisively, but also very suddenly.

This changed the face of the Patriarch of the Zhang family, and it was clear that Chu Tian wanted the entire Zhang family to give way.

Thinking of the Zhang family giving up everything made him feel a little bit unwilling.

The complexion changed, that complex complexion.

It all fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and it also made Chu Tian concentrate his eyes and say, "What's the matter, do you have any opinions?"

Facing Chutian's gaze, he thought of the Heavenly Emperor behind Chutian!
With a tremor all over his body, the Patriarch of the Zhang family lowered his head and said in awe, "No, I dare not, no, but my lord, our Zhang family can give up the position of the first family."

"But, can my lord let our Zhang family go, let us at least survive in the Huaxia family!"

Without Chutian's consent, the Zhang family really would not dare to appear in the Huaxia family.

Chu Tian, ​​who heard this sentence, thought about it.

Looking at the Zhang family in front of him, he said, "When your Zhang family has something to contribute, I will promise you this."

"But from now on, I forbid, you are involved with other families!"

Knowing that the Patriarch of the Zhang family really wants to unite with other foreign forces.

Chu Tian didn't want the Zhang family to be recruited to other aristocratic families, and he was colluding with other foreign forces.

Otherwise, when the time comes, the Zhang family will be in charge of the Huaxia family.

This is not what Chu Tian wants to see.

Not only to take away the status of the Zhang family, but also to put the Zhang family under its feet, and not give it a chance to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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