Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 688 Dare to step into China

Chapter 688 Dare to step into China
The strength of the Half-Wolf King in the form of a human-wolf really far exceeds that of the Three Emperors of the First Family.

This surprised Chu Tian a bit.

He is very clear that these people are at the bottom of the other three powers.

No wonder the Zhang family is so afraid. It seems that the Zhang family is weak.

Of course, Chutian never thought about it. The current result was only because of the Zhang family's three emperors, who had been severely injured by him long ago.

The injury has not fully recovered yet.

In the face of two powerful people sneak attack.

For a while, it was impossible to resist.

Now, only Zhang Fengfenghuang was left alone, and the half-wolf king who was standing in front of her alone, her face was extremely pale.

There is a kind of despair in the eyes.

In particular, I noticed that people around me were falling down.

The only ones who could stand were she and Emperor Wu, but with only two of them, it was impossible to have a chance to turn the tide.

Their Zhang family, this time, is really finished.

"Humble Huaxia people, let me tear you all to pieces!"

The half-wolf king laughed wildly, aimed at Zhang Feng, and his face pulled.

Move your whole body.

At this moment, he rushed over directly.

The speed is really fast, the speed in an instant is extremely fast.

That's fast.

It is like a ray of light, flashing past.

Before Zhang Feng could react, they all came in front of her and stared at her proudly.

Just like that, he raised his sharp claws coldly, and he was about to come with one claw.

However, this claw is not close yet.

Unexpectedly, a strong wind blows from the side.

It made him feel a threat of death, and his whole body trembled.

At this moment, the whole body quickly retreated.

Relying on the gap strength of his beast, he really escaped from Chu Tian's kick.

This surprised Chu Tian a bit.

She curled her lips and looked over with a surprised expression; "Oh, it looks like your alertness is pretty good too?"

With a curl of their lips, they all looked over with a smile on their faces.

The words in his mouth made the face of the wolf king in front of him change, and he noticed Chu Tian who suddenly appeared, and stopped his movement in an instant.

Standing in front of him made his face extremely ugly.

His face changed erratically, and his face was so gloomy that he almost let out the water; "Who are you, do you want to help the Zhang family?"

Chu Tian shook his head and said calmly, "I'm not interested in the Zhang family, but I am interested in you."

"When you step into Huaxia, you are stepping into my territory. As long as I see you, I will never let you go!"

His face darkened, Chu Tian's eyes flickered coldly, the expression on his face, the look in his eyes.

It only made people look like a wolf and half a wolf king, and took a few steps back again.

With his beast-like perception ability, he always felt that the person in front of him was absolutely threatening.

It was a sense of crisis like a natural enemy.

It only made him sweat on his forehead, and he really stared at Chutian, not daring to go forward.

This scene fell in Chu Tian's eyes, and he smiled with a curl of his lips: "Your alertness is very interesting. It seems that you can turn all of yourself into wild beasts, which is different from our Chinese way of cultivating Taoism."

"I really want to know how powerful you are in your power group, and who else made you dare to enter China!"

As soon as he lifted his foot, Chu Tian stepped forward with a terrifying aura.

It all made the face of the half wolf king in front of him change, and he felt Chu Tian's aura directly pressing him over.

Let him not catch his breath.

The whole body trembled, and the whole body could not move.

A face of awe, a very scared expression.

In the eyes of someone not far away, he really looked unhappy.

The deputy head of the Bronze Knights is also a person of good strength, even if he feels Chu Tian's aura.

However, without the posture of a half-wolf king and a wolf, he didn't understand how powerful Chu Tian was at all.

Looking over with a cold face, he really snorted; "Half-wolf king, why are you so afraid of this guy, or is it that the blood of the wolf king of your werewolf clan is nothing more than that."

"If you are really so weak, your werewolves are not qualified to cooperate with our Bronze Knights!"

He raised his head, with an arrogant and proud expression on his face.

They were all half-wolf kings who fell in front of them. They scanned them and noticed the mocking expression on the deputy head of the Bronze Knights.

This made him clenched his fists and was very angry.

Unconvinced, they were all completely enraged.

"My bloodline of the wolf king is much stronger than your knights. Okay, let me show you, our bloodline of the wolf king is really powerful!"

"Ahhh, I don't believe you have such a terrifying aura, you must be scaring me on purpose, I will never let you go!"

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and stared at Chu Tian.

With a movement of the whole body, the whole person rushed forward.

The speed was so fast that it turned into a ray of light, and it flew up in such an instant.

I really think that Chu Tian deliberately put on an appearance to scare him.

As his body approached Chutian.

In the eyes of Chu Tian, ​​it really feels ridiculous

To him, the opponent's physical body is like a piece of torn paper.

It's very easy for him to shatter with one punch!

Chu Tian, ​​who clenched his fist, just raised his hand and punched it directly.

"Enter my territory, die!"

This punch directly hit the human-wolf body of the half-wolf king.

The whole human wolf body was smashed to pieces by Chu Tian's punch.

With a sound of thought, the blood rushed directly.

The half-wolf king who fell to the ground was crushed by Chu Tian's punch.

The whole body turned into a meatloaf.

This caused quite a few deputy heads of the Bronze Knights to watch, their expressions changed, they looked astonished and shocked.

In his heart, he couldn't calm down at all.

This scene was too terrifying, it made him afraid too much!

Even if he thinks that the half-wolf king is no match for him, it is impossible to kill the half-wolf king with one punch.

He absolutely can't do it, not even their leader can do it.

But the boy in front of him punched very easily, directly turning the half-wolf king with the blood of the wolf king into meatloaf!
This is enough to show that Chutian's strength cannot be compared with him.

It made his body tremble.

The trembling couldn't stop at all.

After noticing Chu Tian's eyes that swept over him, his face changed, and his face was so ugly that his knees really went limp.

They all just knelt down.

Think about it.

The deputy head of the Bronze Knights knelt down in fear and begged for mercy: "No, don't hit me, I beg you to let me go."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, it's all my fault, please let me go!"

Trembling, the previous arrogance has long since disappeared, and they all have ugly fears on their faces.

This scene fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and he snorted coldly.

That gaze stared at him, with a cold and indifferent expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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