Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 689 Unconvinced Phoenix Emperor

Chapter 689 Unconvinced Phoenix Emperor
Emperor Wu noticed Chu Tian's arrival.

His face was full of joy, especially when he saw Chu Tian make a move, his face was even more excited.


His expression turned respectful in front of Chu Tian.

Looking at the deputy head of the Bronze Knights in front of them, they all snorted coldly and said loudly; "You Bronze Knights, dare to challenge my patriarch, you are really tired of work."

"You Bronze Knights, just wait for the end."

After speaking, his eyes fell on Chu Tian again.

He said directly: "Master Patriarch, this person cannot be let go. He has a lot of status in the Bronze Knights, and he has a lot of ties to that werewolf clan."

"As long as you catch it, you will definitely be able to lure the two major factions out."

As soon as Zhang Feng's words came out, Chu Tian curled his lips.

Looking over with a smile on his face, his smile was bright; "Oh, really?"

The smile on the face, the look in the eyes.

They all fell into the eyes of the deputy head of the Bronze Knights in front, and his face was full of fear.

About to cry.

All this fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and he really burst out laughing.

He waved his hand directly and said, "Okay, I'll let you go, as long as you are willing to hand over all the people behind you to me."

The deputy head of the Bronze Knights in front of him trembled all over.

His face was terrified, really scared, with an ugly expression.

Now he has no ability to resist.

Lowering his head, he could only conform to Chu Tian's words; "Yes, it's my lord, I just ask you to bypass me."

The man in front of him really has no backbone at all.

In Chutian's eyes, he curled his lips, that was very pessimistic.

I don't want to pay more attention to it, but just leave it to Duan Ya behind me.

After doing all this, his eyes fell on the Patriarch of the Zhang Family.

The current Patriarch of the Zhang family, noticing the mess of the Chang family in front of him, has a painful expression on his face, all of which have ugly expressions on his face.

After noticing Chu Tian's gaze, he opened his mouth, but unfortunately, he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Feng Huang, one of the five emperors, clenched his fists.

As soon as he looked up, his face was serious, and he looked over with a serious expression.

Facing the owner of the Zhang family, he said, "My lord, our Zhang family has never been so humiliated before. These people have broken their promises."

"They are not the ones who can help our Zhang family. Now that our Zhang family has been made like this by them, is our Zhang family really going to swallow this breath?"

With an angry face, he gritted his teeth and looked over with anger on his face.

This look fell into the eyes of the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family lowered his head, and he really sighed; "I have already made a commitment, our Zhang family cannot be involved with the Huaxia family, our Zhang family plans to retire!"

Zhang Feng's face was still unhappy when he heard this.

Lifting his head, he just looked over with a cold face.

He was very unhappy and said, "Even so, our Zhang family really doesn't do anything."

"Before the Zhang family retires, at least you have to tell this. Those who dare to make trouble in our Zhang family, our Zhang family is not easy to bully, I can't swallow this breath!"

A look of anger, with a serious expression on his face.

It's a pity that the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front shook his head and sighed, "Our Zhang family can't win at all. Our Zhang family wants to win."

"Totally impossible!"

Zhang Feng still said angrily; "Even if we can't win, we still have to show them some color, my lord, I can't let it go."

Patriarch Zhang raised his head and wanted to say something, but he still couldn't say it.

All of this fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Chu Tian watched and couldn't help saying, "Patriarch Zhang, it looks like you are really weak. No wonder the Zhang family has become like this."

"This is also a lot of responsibility for you. With the support of your Huaxia world, it is ridiculous to turn the Zhang family into this!"

Under the sneer, Chu Tian's words and the expression on his face.

It all made the Patriarch of the Zhang Family in front of him smile wryly, unable to utter a single word.

Facing Chutian's ridicule, he could only lower his head, not daring to say more.

Chu Tian didn't want to take another look. In his eyes, the Zhang family seemed to be completely ruined.

However, the expression in Yihuang's eyes in front of him made him very satisfied.

"You want to avenge the Zhang family?"

As soon as the words came out, he looked over with a little questioning.

The words in his mouth made Zhang Feng's expression change in front of him, and he nodded seriously when facing Chu Tian's gaze.

There was a look of revenge in her eyes.

"I want to avenge the Zhang family. I absolutely don't want to forget about it. Even if I'm alone, I want to avenge myself!"

"My subordinates are all dead, and my confidants were all played to death by those people. I will never forget about this matter. If the Patriarch disagrees, I want to take revenge!"

A pair of eyes full of anger showed the anger in her heart.

As the Four Emperors, she is not weaker than the Zhang Family Patriarch.

The current strength and status are all obtained by herself.

It is impossible for her to submit to others!
The fighting spirit in those eyes is obviously much more than that in the eyes of the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

This made Chutian see it, and he nodded with satisfaction, all smiling; "Okay, I am very satisfied with the look in your eyes."

"For you, I am willing to make an exception, help you, and give you something good, so that you can help your Zhang family get revenge!"

As soon as Chu Tian said the words, the face of the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him also changed, with a look of surprise and astonishment.

Zhang Feng's eyes were also shocked, and he looked over with a complicated expression.

I really don't understand what Chu Tian said.

"What's the matter, you don't believe that I can improve your ability?"

Shocked, Zhang Feng shook his head, thinking of Chutian's strength.

His face became more serious; "I believe that as long as you are willing to help me and avenge the Zhang family, I am willing to give everything."

After finishing speaking, he half-knelt down like this, and the power of loyalty on his face was transmitted to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was very satisfied, facing Zhang Feng's seriousness.

This made him raise his hand without any nonsense.

Just like that, the room trembled, and the surrounding air froze in an instant.

"Originally, your Zhang family was involved with Tianting, and your Zhang family also knows that I am the endorsement of someone in Tianting."

"Now I can replace him and teach you the method of cultivating immortals in heaven, which is also the method of cultivating immortals created by that adult!"

As soon as Chu Tian's words came out, Zhang Feng in front of him was very surprised, and also looked surprised and excited.

"Many, thank you sir!"

Chu Tian glanced at him, and it also fell on Wu Huang Zhang Feng. He was equally satisfied with Wu Huang's performance.

The voice was loud, without nonsense; "There is also Emperor Wu Zhang Crazy, I can also teach you two."

"Teach you, that lord's method of cultivating immortals!"

Martial Emperor Zhang Crazy's face was agitated, and he knelt down, but his whole body was trembling; "Thank you, thank you Patriarch!"

Of course, the adult that Chutian was talking about was himself.

This set of methods of cultivating immortals was also created by him according to the heaven's laws of seizing the heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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