Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 699 You Can't Go In

Chapter 699 You Can't Go In

Some people's faces were full of sighs.

But he didn't see it, the ancestor of Xuanmo swept his eyes and landed on one person.

His face pulled, he curled his lips and sneered, without thinking, he stepped forward.

He originally wanted to attack Chu Tian here.

It's just that there is a rule in the Wild Demon Shop that fighting is not allowed in the place where the demon soul discusses the meeting.

This is a place to learn from each other, not a place to fight.

If someone violates it, the whole Desolate Demon Store will never forgive it.

This mother said that the influence of the wild devil shops is very huge.

This made Xuanhu Shengzu have to obey, but he couldn't let the boy in front of him like this.

He is the patriarch specially invited to impart the experience of the demon soul this time.

This kid in front of him is impossible to compare with him!
Thinking of this, he curled his lips and sneered, and raised his head with a look of arrogance.

Just don't even think about it, just approach the past, it is facing the gatekeeper in front.

He opened the mouth and said directly; "As the teacher this time, I don't allow him to enter it."

"He is not qualified to enter here at all, because his major is divine soul, not demonic soul!"

With a proud face, everyone's expressions changed when they spoke.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Saint Ancestor would actually target a person like this.

Unlucky for this one guy!
Being targeted by the Demon Saint Ancestor will definitely not end well!
Looking at Chu Tian, ​​many people were sympathetic.

The face of the gatekeeper in front also changed, and when he glanced over, his face changed.

"Is there such a thing?"

Chu Tian's face became unhappy, and he looked at the Xuanmo ancestor in front of him and didn't want to let him go.

Faced with the gatekeeper's question, his face darkened, and he said without thinking, "That's right, I'm majoring in divine soul now, but I'm also cultivating demonic soul. I'm cultivating both souls, isn't it possible?"

At this moment, people around were laughing.

"Haha, it's ridiculous, he actually wants to practice twin souls, it's ridiculous!"

"That's right, if he cultivates two souls, he can't focus on one soul. It's impossible for him to make much progress. He's really childish to the extreme!"

"This kind of person is not worthy to go in with us at all. What qualifications does he have to get the same opportunity as us!"

Some people sneered, and those eyes watched over.

Fortunately, his face was cold and frosty.

I really don't like Chutian.

After all, no one who cultivates dual souls has ever succeeded, and many people have stopped at the strength of ancient immortals.

Not even able to obtain the strength of the ancient emperor!
Why does this kid dare to say such big words.

Some people looked over mockingly.

Even the gatekeeper sneered, looked at Chu Tian and said, "Although, I don't know where you came from, so you got our admission ticket."

"However, I want to explain here that it is impossible for you to cultivate dual souls successfully. People like you are simply insulting our Demon Soul Discussion Conference this time!"

As soon as the words came out, they all looked contemptuous.

This made Chu Tian frowned, and his face was really unhappy.

What does he have to do with these people in front of him because he cultivates both souls.

This is the way he is going.

Who dares to stop him!
Hearing the gatekeepers in front of him, all of them turned pale, and Chu Tian asked without thinking, "What does my dual cultivation and dual souls have to do with you?"

"I have an entry ticket. Could it be that you won't let me in, and I also practice demon soul. In my opinion, my demon soul is as important as divine soul. I am qualified to enter it. You want to stop me?"

At this moment, the people in front were all speechless.

Not far away, only one person saw the situation here.

As soon as his face changed, he approached directly without even thinking about it.

"what happened?"

The sound of demonic energy coming from someone is really terrifying, and the whole body also gives people a very cold feeling.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and his gaze fell on Chu Tian as soon as he glanced around.

Seeing the Profound Demon Sacred Ancestor beside him, his expression changed and he became excited.

"Master Xuanmo Patriarch, I didn't expect that you finally came to participate in the activities of our Desolate Demon Store. This time, I would like to thank you for coming."

The Profound Demon Sacred Ancestor snorted coldly, didn't say anything, and just glanced at Chu Tian.

With a sneer on his face again, he sneered and said directly; "He is not qualified to participate in this event, he cannot go in."

As soon as the words came out, the man in front of him waved his hands at Chu Tian without thinking, "Did you hear that, our Master Demon Ancestor doesn't welcome you, get out of here."

"You are not eligible to participate!"

People around looked at it, and they were all booing.

I'm afraid this time, this kid will not be able to participate in this event at all.

Chu Tian's face was calm, and he was really not moved when he heard this sentence.

Staring coldly at the person in front of him, he said coldly, "Who are you? Why do you say I'm not qualified to participate?"

Facing Chutian's cold and unconvinced eyes, Huang Qing's face pulled, and he spoke directly with a very unhappy expression.

"I, you listen to me, I'm from the Fire Street Chamber of Commerce, and let me tell you, our Fire Desolation Demon Chamber of Commerce is the second largest leading chamber of commerce in the chamber of commerce."

"As the manager of this time, I am qualified to keep you from entering!"

With a cold snort, he looked over with a displeased face.

He really didn't intend to let Chutian enter.

This made Chu Tian's face completely sink, as if he was staring at him with a cold face.

His face was icy cold.

At this moment, a group of people are watching here.

There were quite a few people gathered around, and when they heard the arrogant tone of the Desolate Demon Shop, their faces were really complicated.

Even if you laugh at Chutian's double cultivation strength in front of you.

But the words about the Desolate Demon Shop still make people feel a little uncomfortable.

Chu Tian sneered; "Oh, I have an admission ticket, and I also practice Demon Soul. You say that I am not qualified to enter."

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous. From the looks of it, your Desolate Demon Shop is a dishonest person with no credit at all. You alone are worthy of being a shop?"

Huang Qing's face in front of him changed, and his face became ugly.

Shops are most concerned about credit, and the guy in front of him actually said that they have no credit.

His face was extremely ugly, and for a while, he couldn't object to Chu Tian's words at all.

After all, what Chu Tian said was the truth.

He couldn't find any reason to refute Chu Tian.

This moment really left him speechless.

Chutian continued without showing weakness; "It's fine for me to leave here, but this makes me really disappointed in your Desolate Demon Shop. It seems that I'll continue to look for Snow God Shop."

"The Snow God Shop can only give me special customized tasks. Your Desolate Demon Shop really doesn't have any ability at all!"

Huang Qing's face turned extremely ugly, and her face flushed; "You, you."

"Could I be wrong, your Desolate Demon Store really doesn't have any strength at all."

Chu Tian sneered and continued to speak.

But as soon as the words came out, not far away, a voice came over.

"Who said that our barren shop has no strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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