Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 700 The Relationship between Ancient Gods and Demons

Chapter 700 The Relationship between Ancient Gods and Demons

The visitor's face was very unhappy, and he glanced at Chu Tian in front of him.

She was very dissatisfied when she heard Chu Tian's words.

As a member of the General Chamber of Commerce of Desolate Demon Stores, Desolate Snow stared at him with a very unsightly expression.

Looking at Chutian, they all seemed a little angry because of Chutian's words.

Notice the anger in the eyes of the woman in front of you.

As soon as Chu Tian curled his lips, his face still had a kind of arrogance, and the expression on his face didn't decrease much.

Just staring at the past like this, he said to the woman in front of him without showing any weakness: "Did I say something wrong?"

The indifferent eyes made the woman in front of her unconvinced.

They pay attention to credit in their shops, and they have heard of the name of Snow God's shop.

In her opinion, it is impossible for Snow God Store to be compared with them.

But the guy in front of him actually said that Xueshen Shop is more trustworthy than them.

How could she bear it.

Their faces turned cold, and they all gave a cold snort, looked at Chutian, and said directly: "Okay, okay, since you said that Xueshen Store is more trustworthy than us, I want to ask you."

"Where do they do better than us, and what can they do better than us?"

Chu Tian laughed, smiled lightly, and swept across the two people in front of him.

Looking at the demon ancestor, he sneered and said, "Since you are called a shop, what you do must be fair."

"You can't favor one side, otherwise, why don't you become other people's vassals? Snow God Store can not favor one side, but you, for the sake of a small holy ancestor, it is ridiculous."

The little holy ancestor, this made everyone's faces change.

Shengzu is not small.

The background of the other party is very terrifying!
However, this is only for ordinary people. For big shops, they know many holy ancestors.

Hearing Chutian's words, Huang Xue frowned, glanced over, looked at a man in front of him, and asked.

"What he said is true. You want to drive him away because you are partial to the ancestor of the devil?"

The previously arrogant man had an ugly face.

He lowered his head, his face really changed, and finally raised his head, and then he said, "He, he is not majoring in demon soul, he is cultivating in divine soul. I don't think he is qualified to come here."

Chu Tian sneered: "Oh, do you have such clear rules?"

"As long as you have cultivated the soul, or have the supernatural powers of the ancient gods, you can't come in, right?"

Chu Tian's words changed the expressions of the surrounding people.

Some people looked ugly.

They all looked over with dissatisfaction.

Dual cultivating the souls of gods and demons is one's own choice.

This is the same as how many ancient demons were involved with the ancient gods!
It would be ridiculous to be excluded by others for this reason!
The face of the man in front of him changed, and for a while, he really couldn't say a word.

Chu Tian laughed and said with a loud smile, "If that's the case, then I don't need to come here at all."

"Have you heard, they don't need people who are related to the ancient gods. In their eyes, these people are not qualified to carry out this activity with them at all!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the surrounding people changed again.

A whisper.

Because of Chu Tian's words, many people's faces changed, and their eyes were very complicated.

At this time, some people really looked dissatisfied.

"The people in the Desolate Devil Shop are too arrogant. It's only been tens of thousands of years, and you are so arrogant."

"That's right. Although our family is cultivating demon souls, we also learn some ancient gods' minds. From our point of view, there is no difference between ancient gods and demons."

"Don't forget that there are contracts with gods and demons from hundreds of millions of years ago. If you are so repulsive about being involved with the ancient gods, this will anger many ancient gods!"

"It seems that the vision of your Desolate Demon Shop is quite narrow. I don't think there is any need to carry out this kind of activity."

Some people were unhappy, and they were provoked by Chu Tian.

Not to mention the ugly face, it was even more cloudy and uncertain.

Those unhappy faces and indifferent eyes.

Immediately, the two people in front panicked.

Huang Qing didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Huang Xue also turned pale because of the anger of some people in front of him.

There are many big customers of the Desolate Demon Shop here, if these people crowd out the Desolate Demon Store, they will not want to do business with their store.

This is definitely a huge loss!
After the face changed, in order to restore the current situation, Huang Xue glanced and landed on a man in front of him.

It was a cold snort, the voice was cold.

His face was even more icy; "Huangqing, our Huangmo store has never rejected the existence of the ancient protoss. This time, we are not trying to provoke the relationship between the two."

Speaking of this, Huang Xue really had sweat on his forehead.

His face was extremely difficult to see.

The relationship between the ancient gods and demons, after hundreds of millions of years, has the current tranquility.

She doesn't want to provoke again, which will trigger the ancient gods and demons war, and she can't bear this responsibility.

With an ugly expression on his face, he stared at the man in front of him and shouted directly; "As a member of the Desolate Demon Shop, you are so ignorant. From now on, you are no longer a member of our shop."

"Also, quickly kneel down and apologize to this lord, and explain clearly to him the purpose of our activity."

Huang Qing's face was extremely ugly, being scolded by Huang Xue, she could only lower her head.

Facing Chutian in front of him, he knelt down directly.

Now he could only tremble, and said with an expression on the verge of tears: "My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me. I, I absolutely did not provoke the relationship between the two."

"Our Desolate Demon Shop, this activity is only for the peaceful coexistence between the ancient gods and demons. We have absolutely no two hearts!"

With a serious face, it was a direct oath.

This made Chu Tian laugh.

It seems that the land of ancient gods and demons, and the relationship between the two, are the biggest taboos.

No one dared to provoke the two casually.

Otherwise, the ancient war of gods and demons will very likely come again.

Chu Tian, ​​who understood this, also knew why the faces of these people in front of him changed.

Glancing at the ancestor of Xuanmo, he saw the gloomy face of the other party.

I want to laugh even more.

Huang Xue's face straightened, and she glanced at the Xuanmo Patriarch, but her eyes still fell on Chu Tian.

With a respectful expression on his face, he said directly, "My lord, since you are also cultivating demon souls and have an admission ticket, you are eligible to enter the venue of this conference."

"What happened just now was all the fault of our Desolate Demon Store. To make amends to you, we will give you the VIP certificate of this store for free!"

After finishing speaking, they all put a token in Chu Tian's hand.

The VIP token of the store is very useful, and Chu Tian has learned this from the Snow God store a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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