Chapter 802

Chu Tian broke into the heaven formed by thousands of people.

This matter, even the people of the Heizu Alliance, did not think of it.

A group of people looked at Chutian in shock. Under the change of expression, they never thought that Chutian would actually dare to break into their heaven.

This is exactly the rhythm of wanting to die.

The Black Race Alliance looked at each other, and at this moment, they really made up their minds.

"My lord, this is your intrusion into our heaven, don't blame us."

"Even if Sun Moon Tonghui blames it, it's because of you alone, and it has nothing to do with us."

Thousands of people stared at each other and immediately made up their minds.

Since the guy in front of him doesn't know how to live or die, let's give this guy some color.

The thousand members of the Heizu Alliance directly made up their minds.

They all planned to attack Chutian directly. Since Chutian was the first to attack, even if he was killed, the sun and the moon would shine together, and there was nothing he could do about them.

This puts them at ease.

They didn't spare any energy at all, they were constantly attacking Chu Tian who was in it.

The changes in the Qianren Tianyu also moved the surroundings.

There were also many tremors that day.

Tian Yu directly tore at Chu Tian, ​​and even made Chu Tian feel a terrifying force, directly forcing his whole body up and down.

Let him be constantly stimulated, let him go up and down, as if being pulled into pieces, the power is transmitted to the whole body.

Only Chu Tian curled his lips and smiled endlessly.

Feeling more and more power, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and move his whole body.

It really released the divine soul and demonic soul, and forcibly confronted the opponent's Thousand People Tianyu.

The two forces are entangled with each other, and they continue to collide.

Can only make a loud sound.

The sympathy it aroused, together with the entire North Chaos Street, has also undergone many changes.

There seemed to be some changes in the surroundings, which made everyone dumbfounded for a moment.

It was the first time that there was such a huge noise in the North Chaos Street.

If under the shock, everything around seems to be directly destroyed by two forces.

And now Chutian was at the center of it, with a serious face, as if he was constantly strengthening his strength with a serious face.

The destructive strength will completely destroy the surrounding area.

The Qianren Tianyu was also constantly worn and destroyed by him, and it was really consumed little by little.

All of this only made Chutian's power stronger and stronger.

The Demon Blocking Demon Ancestor on the side had long been a little stunned by the scene in front of him. He never thought that things would turn out like this.

That face was extremely ugly.

Chu Tian, ​​who was watching helplessly, forcibly resisted in the Qianren Tianyu.

It also directly and continuously wears down the Qianren Tianyu.

It even turned everything around into decay, which was enough to prove that Chu Tian's strength was above his.

Even if it is him, there is nothing he can do against the Thousand People Tianyu.

His ancient demon realm was destroyed, and he was made into such a mess and looked like this.

All this is because his strength is still too weak.

The Heizu Alliance is absolutely powerful, and the Ancient Alliance is truly powerful!

With such a weak ancient demon ancestor, he couldn't shake the opponent's fur at all.

His ambition, everything about him, was completely destroyed.

Now that he has lost a complete defeat, there is really nothing left.

All these things just made him grit his teeth.

His face changed unsteadily, and he raised his head, his eyes were fixed on Chu Tian, ​​and he couldn't look away.

Chu Tian's expression shocked him very much.

It can fight against the ancient alliance, and it can also resist the thousand-person sky domain.

How strong is the person in front of him?

"I'm destroying your ancient heaven domain now, and it's nothing in front of me!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, under the strong support, it really made the surroundings vibrate.

Boom boom!

The sound of crushing sounded directly, and everything around was really reduced to decay.

Thousand People Tianyu was directly smashed!
Under the pull of Chutian's twin souls, he was directly forcibly torn out a huge hole.

It only made everyone's face change.

In this short period of time, their Qianrentianyu now has no strength that can resist Chutian.

The opening that was pulled was constantly expanding.

It made the surroundings shake a lot, and everything was destroyed.

The Heavenly Domain of Thousand People was directly shattered, and the force gushing out swept across every place around.

Turn everything around into decay.

Together with the surrounding houses and buildings, it really disappeared directly.

If the people here were not cultivators of demons and gods, they would all be turned into dry bones under the impact just now.

As soon as the thousand-person Tianyu was shattered, the black alliance of thousands of people was also directly backlashed.

After spitting out blood, the whole person flew upside down.

Thousands of people were seriously injured, and no one was spared.

Chutian is located in the sky. His twin souls have not been put away yet, and the god body and demon body formed by the two souls are also in the sky, shaking constantly.

These two forces swept across the entire sky, and even completely covered that day.

The two terrifying forces, together with Chu Tian's god body and demon body, really shocked everyone's faces.

He was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Everyone is firmly imprinted in their hearts, it is the twin souls and twin bodies flying in the sky.

Who else can compare to this twin soul and twin body!

This terrifying power is enough to dominate the entire Northern Chaos Street.

Not to mention the North Chaos Street, a group of people looked terrified, and one of them was already shocked by this power.

The whole body trembled, and he knelt down directly.

The Dumo Demon Ancestor of the Dumo Clan was so frightened that he knelt down and bowed down.

Seeing the fear on that face, and the expression of panic, they were all directly frightened by everything in front of them.

To him, Chu Tian is the real strong man.

It is above him, stronger than him by countless numbers, and his strength cannot be compared at all.

It can directly destroy the Qianrentianyu, which almost made him die here.

This is enough to prove that Chutian's power has long been at the level of destruction.

It's not that he can resist, all he can do now is to beg for mercy, to beg Chutian to let their clan go, to give them a chance to not be exterminated.

"My lord, my lord's strength is the pinnacle of the entire Northern Chaos Street. I, I am willing to enshrine your lord's Chu God Clan as the master of the Northern Chaos. I, I will take our family and stay away from this place."

"I will leave Chaos Street, please give me a chance to survive. I have lost half of my strength without the Ancient Demon Realm. Please, sir, give me one last chance to survive!"

His face was ugly, and he was trembling all over. Now he had a face full of fear.

They just want to keep the family alive.

(End of this chapter)

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