Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 803 The Chaos of the Three Major Alliances

Chapter 803 The Rebellion of the Three Great Alliances
Chu Tian glanced over and saw the trembling of the person in front of him, which seemed to be an expression of fear.

He also focused his eyes and looked around his whole body.

I really feel that the opponent's ancient demon realm has been shattered, and his strength has also been reduced by half. Now he is really not much stronger than an ancient demon emperor in the late stage.

The other party's fearful expression made Chu Tian curl his lips.

Sneered directly: "Give me a reason to let you go."

He looked at him with a serious face, and even with a cold face.

Those gazes and gazes only made the Dumo Demon Ancestor in front of him tremble all over, and he was really stimulated by Chu Tian's eyes.

Right now, he just wants to survive, and for this, he is willing to sacrifice everything.

"I, after I leave here, I will spread the prestige of Lord Chu God Clan to other places. I am willing to help Lord Chu God Clan grow the reputation of Lord Chu God Clan!"

"Let Master Chu God, you get the unparalleled status in the entire ancient land of gods and demons!"

I have to admit that the other party's words really made Chu Tian curl his lips, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile.

"Oh, to strengthen the reputation of my family?"

"Yes, I swear by my demon soul, I will definitely do what I say, otherwise, I am willing to die!"

He directly raised his hand, without even thinking about it, and made a heavy oath.

Exported directly with his oath.

Chu Tian's complexion changed, and with a casual movement, it really moved the world, causing the laws of the world to change directly.

"Under my twin souls, the laws of heaven and earth have been changed by me. Now, what you say must be fulfilled. Otherwise, you will die without a place to die, just like your oath."

Yes, he can change the rules and make the other party's oath come true.

If it weren't for the ancient holy emperor and the later stage strength of the ancient devil emperor, it would be impossible to unlock his law changes.

After finishing all this, Chu Tian raised his hand and let Du Mo in front of him leave from Chaos Street.

"I allow you to take ten members of your family and leave the street of chaos, and you are not allowed to appear here again."

Dumo Mozu's face was full of surprise, no matter what, he was very excited to be able to save his life.

Immediately thanking Chu Tian continuously, turning around, it was the ten most proud disciples who found him directly, and hurriedly left Chaos Street.

I am afraid that he will never step into this world again.

It is very common for masters to change in various places on Chaos Street.

The escape of the Dumo Clan was surprising, but not many people thought of avenging the Dumo Clan and driving Chu Tian away.

Instead, he felt that Chutian's strength was astonishing.

In an instant, the people around were all surprised, and it was a kind of deep admiration.

"Master Chu God, long live!"

"Master Chu God is mighty!"

"Welcome Lord Chu God, rule our North Chaos Street!"

"I am willing to dedicate my soul to Lord Chu God!"

"Me too, me too!"

The voices sounded in one piece, really loud, and the continuous noise was passed on.

It has long been gathered into a wave of faith, and it really has been continuously transmitted to Chutian's body.

It also made Chutian feel a lot of benefits.

Now, the entire Northern Chaos Street is finally allowed to rule by him, even if it is only a small step.

But it was enough to make him very excited.

As soon as he raised his hand, the voice was loud, and he said very loudly: "Listen to me, from now on, my Chu God Clan will rule the North Chaos Street. My Chu God Clan is divided into two clans, the inner clan and the outer clan. "

"The people of the inner clan are above everything else, while the people of the foreign clan are still members of my Chu God clan. The people of my inner clan must be the ones I admit to choosing, one in a million, and the people of the foreign clan are also must. Few exist!"

Dividing the Chu God clan into two major clans is also for future development.

Those with strength can of course enter the inner clan.

It's just that there can't be only the inner clan, otherwise, if he wants to establish a big ancient clan, the number of people is still too small.

Therefore, the existence of another foreign race was established.

He can include people with ordinary talents, especially those who are dedicated to the entire Chu God Clan, into the foreign clan.

As long as he has amazing achievements, he can become a member of his inner clan.

In this short moment, Chutian made the rules.

The North Chaos Street was full of cheers, and many people were willing to become Chutian, members of the Chu God Clan.

The Chu God Clan will definitely grow stronger on this day.


Controlled the entire Northern Chaos Street.

Chutian also planned to tidy up the North Chaos Street, but he arranged some manpower to start distinguishing between internal and external races.

It is also time to repair the entire North Chaos Street.

Someone sent a message directly.

Within Sun and Moon Tonghui, there are always people delivering news that there is an important alliance meeting, and he must be allowed to attend.

This made him look puzzled, and he didn't understand what happened in Sun and Moon Tonghui.

No matter what, Sun and Moon Tonghui is also one of his backers, and he really needs a little help.

This made Chu Tian not even think about it, and he went with him to the Sun and Moon Tonghui.

Bid farewell to the North Chaos Street, and soon returned to the Central Street.

Now that the extermination activities have ended, Chaos Central Street is no longer bustling with previous activities, and there are not many ancient clans.

Only a powerful alliance can stay here.

The noisy sound from this area also made Chu Tian's face change. Looking around, he really felt a special anger.

"Damn it, you guys dare to ambush us. Do you know who we are?"

"Ah, you guys, you actually dare to attack our Sun and Moon Tonghui people, our ancestors know that you will definitely die!"

The noisy sound made Chu Tian lift his feet and walk over, and immediately discovered that the people of Sun and Moon Tonghui were all besieged.

This battle is really spectacular, but the atmosphere is also very strange.

There were a lot of people watching around, but no one stepped forward to help, because they were also attracted by this siege battle.

Some whispered.

"This time, the three major alliances seem to have internal fighting. They really broke the rules of Chaos Street and attacked each other in ambush."

"Yeah, I think the whole Chaos Street is going to be in chaos."

A group of people sighed, and they really couldn't stop sighing.

The rules are set by the alliance, and of course they can be broken. The status of the three major alliances represents the existence of half the sky in the central Chaos Street.

It is also the rule of Chaos Street!
Now that there is a little turmoil in the three major alliances, it also breaks the rules. The infighting among the three major alliances will definitely affect the entire Chaos Street.

The scene ahead was chaotic, but Chu Tian discovered that the people from the two major alliances were besieging Sun and Moon Tonghui.

It is said that the three major alliances are in chaos, and I am afraid that only Sun and Moon Tonghui will be in trouble.

"I heard that the sun and the moon broke the rules of the battlefield relics this time, brought outsiders, relied on external forces, robbed the battlefield relics, and destroyed the rules of thousands of years!"

"The other two major alliances are now angry. They want to show some color to the sun and moon that have broken the rules."

(End of this chapter)

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