Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 804 Driving the Sun and the Moon to Shine Together

Chapter 804 Driving the Sun and the Moon to Shine Together
Sun Moon Tonghui is in trouble, and has a lot to do with him.

The battlefield relics were originally something that the three major alliances were interested in, and there was an unwritten rule that the three major alliances did not allow outsiders to rob the battlefield relics.

It's okay if it's someone in the alliance, but if it's someone else.

It really is to let other people come to snatch the remains of the battlefield and help the other party snatch it.

This is completely taboo among the three major alliances.

Now the other two major alliances have become angry, and they just want to teach Sun and Moon Tonghui a lesson for breaking the rules.

The turmoil in the entire central street was also caused by this.

This time, Riyue Tonghui was definitely in big trouble.

Looking at the situation ahead, there are only a few people from Sun and Moon Tonghui. This is besieged by two major alliances, and they cannot leave it. It is very dangerous.

All of this made Chu Tian's eyes concentrate, and it was really at the same time that the other party wanted to kill him directly.

The whole person rushed forward and intervened.

"These people belong to me, you dare to touch them!"

Chu Tian was so fast that he was in front of the person in front of him in an instant.

The actions of the two major alliances were blocked.

With Chu Tian raising his hand, the divine body appeared, and the expressions of the people from the two major alliances changed, and they all retreated directly.

It was really taboo to look at Chu Tian.

Especially Chutian's words made people from the two major alliances very upset.

"who are you?"

"Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, get out!"

"That's right, if you are a person with the same brilliance as the sun and the moon, be careful of yourself."

"Do you know who we are, our two major alliances, could it be you who can resist!"

The appearance of Chu Tian also made Sun and Moon Tonghui shine.

Many people knew about Chutian's identity.

Now I am really excited and happy.

"Master Chu, you, you are here."

"Sun Moon Tonghui is in trouble now. The two ancestors are both in trouble, and the ice god is still missing. We, we need the help of adults."

"My lord, please return to Sun and Moon Tonghui quickly, there are important things to deal with."

From the looks of it, a lot of things happened within Sun and Moon.

Not to mention the accidents of the two great patriarchs, even the Huibing Ice God no longer exists.

This made Chu Tian look strange.

It is true that Riyuetonghui is in trouble now, but it is also a good opportunity.

Strengthen his reputation and control many forces of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

The corner of his mouth turned up, and Chu Tian also laughed, and his eyes fell on the two major alliances in front of him, who also made up their minds.

"I am the Chu God of Sun and Moon Tonghui. Now that the two great ancestors are gone, I will be in charge of Sun and Moon Tonghui. If you dare to do anything to my Sun and Moon Tonghui, you are tired of your work!"

The voice was loud and spread out at once.

Not to mention the changes in the expressions of the members of the two major alliances, the expressions of other people also changed.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, many onlookers were surprised.

"What's going on, is he a man of the same glory as the sun and the moon?"

"Why have I never seen him before? Judging from his tone, I am afraid that he has a lot of status in Sun and Moon Tonghui."

Some people's expressions changed, they were really surprised, and they were directly shocked by Chu Tian's words.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, two souls came out, two souls and two bodies, directly shocking the faces of the two major alliances in front of him.

All he could see was Chu Tian's twin souls and twin bodies rushing towards him in such a frightening manner.

They bumped into each other directly, which really made the faces of the two major alliances change, so that they looked shocked.

Can't resist Chutian's twin souls and twin bodies at all.

"Damn it, this guy is actually a fellow practitioner with two souls."

"Let's get out of here quickly. This guy's strength is not something we can deal with. There are too few people here. Let's go back and find someone to help."

"it is good."

The complexion of a group of people changed, and they really retreated directly.

Knowing that Chutian's strength is astonishing, he dared not resist, so they ran away one after another.

In less than a while, he left here quickly.

Chu Tian watched a group of people leave in front of him, but he didn't chase them.

After all, there are other important things to attend to.

Now within Sun and Moon, there is no leader among the dragons, but this is his great opportunity.

Sparing the escaped few people, Chu Tian's eyes fell on the group of Sun and Moon Tonghui again.

With a straight face, he looked over seriously, and said directly: "What happened to Sun and Moon Tonghui, take me there quickly."

"Yes, sir!"

The people of Sun and Moon Tonghui all looked grateful, being rescued by Chu Tian, ​​they were also deeply moved.

How to put it, Chu Tian is also a person who the ancestor of Riyue Tonghui agrees with.

Helping them now was when Sun and Moon Tonghui was most in danger, but it moved them very much.

Thinking of the current situation where the sun and the moon are shining together, these people immediately looked serious.

He hurriedly led Chu Tian towards Sun and Moon Tonghui, and explained the current situation.


Arrived within the same brightness of the sun and the moon.

Entering the enchantment, Chu Tian's face became even sharper.

Along the way, I also learned about the current situation of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

The two great ancestors also had something to negotiate because of the other two major alliances. Who knows, after this trip, they never came back.

The other two major alliances have no news of the two ancestors at all.

This made Sun Yue Tonghui anxious, and Hui Bing couldn't bear it even more because he didn't get any news from the two ancestors.

Immediately go to the two major alliances to investigate this matter.

Who knows, once Hui Bing left, he didn't come back either.

This made Sun and Moon Tonghui panic immediately, and many ancient clans also became chaotic.

This kind of thing has never happened before, which has caused many ancient clans to be nervous. The safety of the three represents the entire Sun and Moon Tonghui.

When Chu Tian walked into Sun and Moon Tonghui, he really saw a mess, and now it is an extremely chaotic scene.

Who wants to be the most authoritative? The absence of the three made Sun and Moon Tonghui shake up and down, under the shock.

There are quite a few people who are planning to make a fuss.

"Now that the Ice God is gone, our clan should have ruled the entire Sun and Moon Tonghui."

"No, we, the Cyan Demon Clan, are the ones who can truly dominate the Sun and the Moon!"

"Are you not paying attention to our Sun God family!"

"Damn it, we, the Moon Demon Clan, will not bypass those who dare to occupy the Sun and the Moon. We, the Moon Demon Clan, are the real managers."

"Your Sun and Moon ancestors are gone, what qualifications do you have, continue to manage, now you have to re-select talents."

Groups of noisy voices came over.

It was only then that Chutian realized that the current scene was really chaotic to the extreme.

For the dominance of Sun and Moon Tonghui, many people are fighting with each other, which makes a group of people even more embarrassing.

Chu Tian curled his lips with a little sneer.

He raised his feet and stepped forward, and said loudly: "The ancient alliance is nothing more than that, just because you are like this, dare to be called one of the three major alliances!"

(End of this chapter)

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