Chapter 805
The appearance of Chu Tian changed the expressions of the group of people in front.

Looking at Chutian, there are not a few people who don't like Chutian.

This one suddenly joined the Sun and Moon Tonghui, and could still get the approval of the two ancestors, which really made many people deny this.

The expressions of each of them changed, the expression in the eyes, and the expression on the face.

Looking over with a completely cold look.

"What are you? You have the right to speak here. Even if you joined Sun and Moon Tonghui because of the favor of the two ancestors, you are not qualified to comment on us."

"Yes, obediently take it with you, this is an internal matter of our Sun Moon Tong Hui."

A group of people looked down on Chu Tian with disdain.

Chu Tian was not angry, but just stepped forward.

There was a flash of coldness in that gaze, and it was even louder, calling out directly to a group of people.

"Within the same brightness of the sun and the moon, the two ancestors are not here, and the ice god is also missing. How long are you going to make trouble? If you keep making trouble like this, who can you save?"

"Let me tell you, the entire Sun and Moon are shining now, and they can only follow my command. Only I can find the two ancestors and rescue the Ice God!"


Chu Tian's words shocked people's face, and it really changed.

The expressions on each face were strange, and it took less than a while.

A group of people laughed out loud.

"Joke, you come to command Sun and Moon Tonghui, what are you, and what qualifications do you have to command."

"It's ridiculous that you can find two ancestors and rescue the ice god. Don't think that you can make us believe you by deliberately mentioning these people."

"Go away, Sun and Moon Tonghui, you are not worthy to be in command!"

A group of people had cold expressions on their faces, and at the end of the laugh, they all sneered extremely.

Very mocking eyes.

This completely fell into Chutian's eyes, and it also made Chutian's eyes concentrate, and he raised his hand directly.

Between heaven and earth, there are also changes.

Chu Tian, ​​who doesn't talk nonsense, fully displayed the ancient world.

Spread out his majesty even more.

It just makes a lot of people feel it.

"I am the favorite of the two great ancestors. Why am I not qualified? I also got the relics of the battlefield. There are three ancient worlds. Who among you can compare to me."

"Even the talent of the Ice God is inferior to mine. She is not qualified, and neither are you!"

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they were completely angered by this sentence.

"What did you say!"

"You bastard, it seems that this time, you are really floating."

"Give this guy some color."

Many people looked angry and rushed over without even thinking about it.

At this moment, five ancient holy ancestors and ancient demon ancestors rushed forward, although they were all in the early stage of ancient holy emperors and ancient demon ancestors.

But it can also be regarded as a terrifying combat power.

Enough to surpass the strength of many small leagues.

These people locked onto Chutian, and when the ancient sanctuary and the ancient demon realm came out, they immediately covered Chutian's body completely.

Several demon domains and sanctuary domains are superimposed on each other, and they are really constantly squeezed.

He really wanted to crush Chutian directly into pieces.

It's a pity that Chutian's three ancient worlds are not empty at all. They resisted the five ancient holy ancestors and the ancient demon ancestors, and they continued to cancel each other's respective worlds.

Boom boom boom!
The sound was loud, accompanied by the constant friction of several heavens and earths.

It's really mutual, there are amazing noises erupting.

The disappearance of heaven and earth, together with the sky and the ground, is constantly disappearing and constantly being offset.

One of Chutian's ancient worlds completely disappeared, and the sanctuaries of the two ancient ancestors in front also disappeared directly.

puff puff!

The two ancient holy ancestors vomited blood directly from their mouths, and they flew upside down.

The rest of the two also had the same unsightly expressions, and when they looked at them, their expressions were extremely ugly.

It was completely unexpected that Chutian's ancient world was so powerful.

Now Chutian still has two ancient worlds. Although they still have three ancient demon realms and heavenly realms, it is absolutely impossible to completely destroy Chutian's ancient world.

Not to mention, the guy in front of him, except for the three ancient worlds.

There are also the remains of the battlefield, which is something they are very afraid of.

The five ancient demon ancestors and ancient holy ancestors were also in Chutian's hands, and they did not get any benefits.

This made everyone's expressions change.

I don't know who it is, his face straightened, and he walked forward, without really thinking about it.

"Now is the Sun and the Moon, the most critical time. We can no longer continue to fight among ourselves. This will allow the other two major alliances to find opportunities to threaten our Sun and Moon again."

"Yes, if this lord really has the means to find the two ancestors and rescue the Ice God, we must believe him."

"No matter what you say, he is also the person that the ancestors fancy. I support him and drive us to shine together!"

The people who had been rescued by Chutian before also cried out directly.

Many ancient clans also changed their faces, and of course they didn't want to see their own people fighting among themselves.

But now there must be a leader, and Chu Tian's strength is enough to be the leader.

It is still the target of the two great ancestors.

This alone is enough for them to agree.

"Okay, I'll just trust him once."

"Since he is recognized by the two great ancestors and has such amazing strength, he must be another hope for our Sun and Moon Tonghui."

"As long as he can save the Ice God and find the ancestor, I will follow my orders from now on!"

"Yes, so do we!"

A group of people yelled out, all intending to trust Chutian and let Chutian control Sun and Moon Tonghui.

The others booed directly, and only made the remaining three ancient demon ancestors and holy ancestors look at each other with complicated expressions.

The three of them sighed directly, but couldn't help but put their hands away.

Taking a few steps back, I just looked over with a complicated expression on my face.

He said directly: "Your strength, we have experienced it now, your talent is good, but it is comparable to the Ice God, and you are qualified to manage the entire Sun and Moon Tonghui."

"If you can rescue the Ice God as soon as possible, we promise to obediently obey all your orders!"

Chu Tian glanced at the people in front of him, raised his head, and looked at the group of people in front of him.

It's really a feeling of wanting to laugh.

Unexpectedly, it was really this crisis that allowed him to control the Sun and Moon Tonghui very well.

For him, this is a good opportunity to improve his prestige.

Sun and Moon Tonghui's ability is good, but it can help him a lot, destroy it, but can't control it.

That's the best way to do it.

He wants to become the master of the sun and the moon, and let a group of people follow him Chutian.

With a serious face, Chu Tian raised his hand and said loudly, "I promise, within today, Ice God will be rescued, and the two patriarchs will be found within two days!"

Chu Tian's words only caused the crowd to cheer directly.

(End of this chapter)

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