Chapter 808
Being plotted against by others, the entire Taiyin Tianyuan has been accompanied by their ancient world.

Thousands of people appeared in Chutian's ancient world, and they were all put in by him long ago, in order to help him hold back the group of people in front of him.

The purpose was well achieved.

The strength of thousands of people really made the opponent feel a lot of pressure.

Chu Tian, ​​who didn't want to stay here any longer, still planned to rescue the Ice God first, since he already knew that the Ice God was imprisoned elsewhere.

Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and went directly not far away, that is, he flew directly there.

With his speed, he wanted to catch up with those people who hurriedly left.

It really doesn't take much effort or time.

The figures of the few people who left were quickly tracked down.

Chu Tian, ​​who was not close to the past, followed closely behind, and followed a group of people in front, heading for a place.

Before seeing the ice god, he still planned to move.

Staring directly at the front, his face was also serious, and he soon discovered that the other party was walking to the edge of the central street.

Raise your hand to reveal the small ancient world here.

And in it, Chu Tian could also feel the aura of many people.

His eyes fell on the front, Chu Tian also frowned, his eyes were fixed, and he looked up directly.

Sure enough, it was discovered that there were not a few powerful ancient demon ancestors.

From the looks of it, it was all planned this time. For the Ice God, these people really put in a lot of effort.

Within the small ancient world.

Several people came in a hurry, and they all arrived at a place very quickly, facing a very young and very aloof woman.

They all knelt on the ground immediately, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Lord Tiankui, the people of Sun and Moon Tonghui have discovered that it is our people who kidnapped their Ice God, and now they have brought a group of people here."

"The strength of the leader among them is very powerful. I'm afraid it's impossible for Mr. Taiqing to deal with it alone."

As soon as the words come out.

Tian Kui in front of her also frowned, with a serious expression on her face.

Hao Shi looked over with a serious face; "Why are people with the same brightness of the sun and the moon so fast?"

"Their two ancestors disappeared, and the Ice God was kidnapped. Now they should be arguing with each other. There are many people who want to be the leader. It is impossible to gather together so quickly."

His face was pensive, but his face was serious.

Not to mention that her complexion was not good-looking, the complexions of the elders in Taiyin Tianyuan behind her also changed.

It was a look of astonishment.

"Someone was able to gather people from the Sun and the Moon in such a short period of time. Who is this person?"

"That's right, what kind of ability does he have? He actually managed to bring Sun and Moon Tonghui to the door in such a short period of time. This, this is something we can't believe."

"What's the origin of this guy?"

"What do we do now?"

A group of people were a little flustered, but anyway, it exceeded their expectations.

Even if they don't think, they are not the opponents of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

But their ancestors were no exception, and they were also very messy when encountering such unexpected things.

I don't even know what to do next.

The changes in each face also fell into Tian Kui's eyes.

Her complexion changed, and she raised her hand immediately, and said loudly; "Okay, now the initiative is still in our hands, bring that woman out, I want to ask her, what is the relationship between them? Inside, there are some powerful people there."

After finishing speaking, he immediately asked his subordinates to walk out with a woman.

Those hands and feet were bound and held together by precious cold iron.

While trapping her physical body, her soul and body are also firmly locked. This is an ancient sacred weapon.

She must not be allowed to break free, and not ordinary people can open it.

Looking at Hui Bing in front of him, Tian Kui looked arrogant: "Ice God, now you have to understand your situation, let me tell you, we can control your life and death."

"Listen to us obediently, maybe you still have a chance to survive!"

With a cold snort, his eyes were cold, and he looked over with an indifferent and icy expression.

The words in his mouth also made Hui Bing frown, looking at Tian Kui in front of him, he really gritted his teeth and spat out.

The voice was very upset and said: "What are you, if you fight with me alone, how can you be my opponent, I know you are jealous of me, let me tell you, my strength is not because you can catch up. "

"Chaos Street, the new Ancient Saint Taizu will be me!"

As soon as those words were uttered, Tian Kui's face only changed, and his face was ugly, with a gritted teeth expression.

Her talent is indeed inferior to that of the woman in front of her, as long as she sees this woman, she will have an arrogant face.

Just let her not control his anger.

As soon as he clenched his fist, it was really a demon body coming out.

His demon body turned into a demon soldier, with the long blade facing Hui Bing just like that.

If it wasn't for someone directly stopping her, she might have made a move.

"Wait, Lord Tiankui, this woman is very useful to us. We need to know as soon as possible what happened to the ancestors of our three alliances?"

"Yes, the ancestors of the three major alliances are all missing now, and few people know about this matter. There must be some news about this woman!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian, ​​who was hiding his figure not far away, was taken aback.

I really didn't expect that, except for Sun and Moon Tonghui, the ancestors of the other three major alliances are all missing.

It's a big deal, what happened.

It really made him extremely concerned.

Looking at Hui Bing in front of him, Chu Tian's eyes flashed.

You can see Hui Bing's expression that is obviously hiding something and doesn't want to say it.

Hui Bing didn't even say a word, just sneered at the people in front of him and said: "Why should I tell you, you people are not qualified to know."


Tiankui was really angry this time, and she didn't care about other people's stop.

The magic sword in the direct hand was lifted up for an instant, and it was about to slash across.

Hui Bing, whose body and soul had been sealed off, was absolutely impossible to come to a good end if he was hit this time.

It only made her complexion change, and even she was a little flustered.

Gritting his teeth, he didn't intend to say anything at all.

Just when she almost closed her eyes, a very familiar voice came from not far away.

But she didn't expect it.

"She's mine!"

As soon as Chu Tian appeared, the demon body armor also appeared all over his body, and he rushed towards him like a war god.

Before Hui Bing landed, he really relied on his demon body armor to resist the opponent's demon body blade.


The huge sound directly made Tiankui's demon body and blade tremble in front of him, and it was completely blocked by Chu Tian.

This made her face look astonished, and she raised her head to look over with a fluctuating expression.

Those eyes were full of surprise, and even more so, an indescribable shock.

Looking at Chutian's demon body, he was really attracted by Chutian's demon body.

(End of this chapter)

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