Chapter 809 The Three Great Alliances
"My Demon Body Demon Blade can't break your Demon Body armor, you, who are you, why is your Demon Body like this?"

Surprised, he really looked at Chu Tian's demon body armor and couldn't take his eyes off it.

He was also attracted by Chutian's demon body armor.

But now Chutian had already arrived in front of the Ice God.

As soon as he raised his hand, he took the ice god directly, turned around and wanted to leave here.

Only Tian Kui in front of him noticed that his face changed, and he immediately reacted at this moment.

"I see. You are the leader of Sun and Moon Tonghui this time. It seems that your relationship with this guy is not simple. Can you control Sun and Moon Tonghui!"

"We must not let them go!"

With a cry, some people behind him reacted.

As soon as these ancient demon ancestors moved, they stepped forward one after another, blocking Chu Tian's way.

As soon as Chutian's movements stopped, he now grabbed Hui Bing with one hand and controlled the demon body armor with the other.

Facing more than a dozen ancient demon ancestors in front of them, I really felt a little pressure.

Even if these ancient demon ancestors are all strong in the early stage, there is only one person in the middle stage.

But there are more than a dozen ancient demon ancestors, but there are many patriarchs of the ancient clans. Without the strength of the ancient demon ancestors, it is very difficult to deal with them.

As soon as Chu Tian turned his head and glanced at Hui Bing, it was obvious that Hui Bing was tied up, and it was really impossible to help her.

Tian Kui not far away clearly understood Chu Tian's thoughts.

Walking forward, she continued to smile and said, "You can't damage it anymore, her ice-cold chain, this ancient sacred artifact, is the most precious treasure of our Taiyin Tianyuan."

"Even with the strength of the ancient demon ancestor, don't even think about letting her go!"

With a proud face, he approached directly, and he was really not afraid of Chu Tian alone.

"When you get here, there is only one person. It's ridiculous to think of saving her by yourself."

With his eyes fixed, he swept over, really swept Chu Tian's body up and down, and took a deep breath.

Continued: "Your demon body armor really surprised me. If you can become my man, it will definitely help our Taiyin Tianyuan to a higher level!"

"Dual cultivation between you and me will definitely become the most powerful dual cultivation person in this chaotic street!"

It really is a pair of eyes, shining with light.

Staring at Chutian, it was all a kind of thought of wanting to snatch it.

Chutian's demon body armor really attracted her, and she also noticed that Chutian's demon body was special, which made her want to get Chutian very much.

This made Chutian never expect that the woman in front of him was so bold.

The face of the other party is indeed not much worse than that of Bingshen.

It also made Chu Tian hesitate a little.

All of this, falling into the eyes of Bingshen at the side, also made Bingshen anxious.

"You must not listen to her, don't forget, our ancestors of the sun and the moon are very optimistic about you."

His face was serious and serious.

This made Tian Kui on the side frown.

Looking at it, the face and expression are really unhappy.

"Ice God, let me tell you, I will also snatch your things. He is your double cultivation target, and I will not give up."

"I want to surpass you, no matter what means I use, I will surpass you!"

With a twinkle in his eyes, he really looked at Chu Tian with a kind of seriousness: "I, Tian Kui, will only choose one person with dual cultivation in my life. Now I have taken a fancy to your demon body, and my choice is you!"

A group of older generations in Taiyin Tianyuan were really shocked.

"Tiankui, you, don't mess around, this guy is not worth it at all."

"Yes, his talent is indeed good, but it hasn't reached the point where you make such a sacrifice!"

A group of people quickly persuaded.

Tiankui in front of her directly shook her head, her eyes filled with determination.

"No, I will do what I say, my choice is him, this will not change!"

Everyone looked helpless, they never thought that the Ice God would be so stubborn.

All of them smiled wryly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

When Chu Tian heard this, he also laughed directly.

Looking at the woman in front of him, with very direct eyes, he shook his head and said, "It's a pity that you alone can't satisfy me."

Tiankui's face changed, and she was also stunned by Chutian's words: "What did you say?"

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth turned up, and he continued to smile and said, "I told you, you are really not worthy of me by yourself!"

After speaking, as soon as Chutian's twin souls appeared, this time, Chutian also directly took out his god body and soul.

This made Tian Kui's face change again.

Seeing Chu Tian's divine body, his face changed, and he gritted his teeth, really unhappy.

"You actually cultivated such an ugly god body. It's a waste of money. I want you to abandon the god body and cultivate the demon body and demon soul. You can only major in demon soul!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand, without even thinking about it, he rushed over and struck at Chu Tian's divine body.

"Let me help you destroy the god body and cultivate the god body. It is of no use to you at all. You can only become an ancient demon cultivator!"

The voice was loud, and it was really in front of Chutian's god body, and they fought with Chutian's god body.

This woman was really stubborn enough, she actually wanted to destroy his god body in order for him to only cultivate the demon body.

It's a pity that his current god body is much stronger than his demon body, and it is impossible for Hui Bing in front of him to destroy it.

Watching the other party rush forward and fight with his god body.

It also made Chu Tian impatient.

"What I practice has nothing to do with you, but you did me a favor."

Seeing the other party alone, Chu Tian's eyes sparkled, and he rushed forward and raised his hand.

He even relied on his demon body armor to cover the god body.

Tian Kui in front was so angry that she refused to admit Chu Tian's abuse of the demon body, which made her tremble with anger.

It also made it clear that he did not intend to let Chutian go, and the fight with Chutian became more and more intense.

This made many people look at all this, and their faces really changed. For a while, it was too late to step forward to stop it.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Chutian's mouth, some people's faces changed drastically.

"Master Tiankui, don't mess around!"

"Don't continue to entangle with this guy, come back quickly!"

It's a pity that it was too late for everyone to stop it.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he wrapped Tiankui in front of him, together with the opponent's demon body, directly into his ancient world.

There is no nonsense, and Huibing is also forcibly brought in.

Block all three of them in this ancient world.

All this happened very suddenly, and it was too late for everyone.

Seeing this scene, he was shocked for a long time. If he wanted to stop it, he couldn't break Chutian's ancient worlds in a short time!

(End of this chapter)

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