Chapter 810

It's a pity that Chutian is not controlled by other people at all, and it is impossible for him to give up everything about him for one person.

Sun Moon Tonghui has what he needs, and these things cannot be given by Taiyin Tianyuan.

Now that he has led the Sun and Moon Tonghui to act, he has also obtained a good status.

It is impossible for him to give up so easily.

Pull Tiankui directly into his ancient world.

Feeling that Taiyin Tianyuan and his group were in a hurry and constantly attacking his ancient world, Chu Tian curled his lips.

They all had smiles on their faces, and they just raised their heads with a smile.

That gaze stared at the past, looked at Tiankui in front of him, and said directly: "Now, in my ancient world, no one will come in to save you in a while."

"And if I want to make your soul fly away, it's only a blink of an eye, that is to say, no one can save you."

Chu Tian explained the current situation.

Let Tiankui look around, still really feel that this piece of world is completely sealed off, with her strength, it can't be done in a short time at all.

Straight out.

This is completely impossible, being controlled by Chu Tian made her look very ugly.

With a cold snort, he cast a fierce glance at Hui Bing who was beside Chutian, and it was obvious that his eyes were unwilling.

Yes, but she is not reconciled, with her status, it is impossible to compare with Hui Bing.

Huibing is the most talented existence in the three major alliances, and the degree of dazzling has surpassed many people.

It also completely conceals their brilliance.

Because of Hui Bing's existence, her originally heaven-defying talent has also become dimmed, and she really can't compare with Hui Bing's reputation in the entire Chaos Street.

It is also very common!

Thinking of all this, Tiankui also felt unwilling and clenched her fists.

He looked directly over and said, "Ice God, I still can't compare to you, not to mention your talent, your luck is also so good."

"If you give me a little more time, as long as you give me a certain amount of time, I will definitely surpass you directly!"

Gritting her teeth, she looked angry. It seemed that she didn't want to let it go.

All of this, in Chutian's eyes, made Chutian not want to talk nonsense.

"Okay, I still have something to ask you. I must ask you to tell me about some things you know in Taiyin Tianyuan."

"If the answer is good, I will let you go."

Tiankui's face changed again, looked at Chutian, took a deep breath and said, "I know, what do you want to know, about the two great ancestors in our alliance, we don't know where they are."

"We know very little about what happened in the past two days. The one we know the most is the Ice God beside you."

As soon as he raised his hand and pointed at Hui Bing, Chu Tian looked over with curiosity.

Hui Bing frowned, noticing the other party's indifferent eyes, and really doubted her very much.

It also made her face darken, and she said without thinking: "Your ancestor's disappearance has nothing to do with us."

"In the end, this was originally caused by Taiyin Tianyuan. You two ancestors came to the door suddenly. In order to avoid trouble, our ancestors can only leave with him to solve the problems within the alliance this time."

Speaking of this moment, Hui Bing's face changed again, with a look of sadness.

It's also complicated.

"After the ancestors left, there was no other news. I only know that the ancestors in your alliance took them away. If you want to know the situation, you should know everything."

From the looks of it, Hui Bing also doesn't know anything.

However, Tian Kui in front really didn't think so.

"Hmph, don't try to cheat. You must know something. Don't think that if you say that on purpose, I won't believe it. You don't know anything about the inside story."

"Now the six ancestors of the three major alliances have disappeared, and these six ancestors agree with your talent very much. If you can say that you can be involved with the six ancestors, you are the only one!"

Unexpectedly, Huibing's identity is also so important.

Chaos Central Street, the name of the first genius is true.

It is precisely because of this that when the three major alliances were closely related, Huibing had contact with the ancestors of the three major alliances.

If this time, what happens to the ancestors of the three major alliances.

Most likely, Hui Bing was the only one who knew the real situation.

Tiankui's purpose is still to learn from Huibing about the ancestors of the three major alliances.

Of course, among them, the first genius in front of him also fell here.

It's a pity that this purpose has long since failed.

Tiankui's complexion changed, she looked at Chutian, and continued: "She is a person recognized by the ancestors of the three major alliances. If you want to understand what happened this time, you can only understand it from her. Our Taiyin Tianyuan can Not much is known about it.”

With a serious face, his complexion and expression made Chu Tian believe that the other party was not lying.

And Hui Bing's cold face showed that she didn't know what happened, and she was not busy with framing Tian Kui.

Between the two women, I'm afraid they really don't know anything.

It was just mutual misunderstanding that led to the current result.

Knowing this, Chu Tian calmed down and said no nonsense.

"Okay, let me first believe that both of you are telling the truth. Also, since you are also for the ancestors of your alliance, you must also want to know their whereabouts, don't you?"

Facing Chutian's question, Tiankui nodded directly.

He said very decisively: "Of course, if it wasn't for the matter of the two great ancestors, I'm afraid I wouldn't let her live until now."


Hui Bing's face changed drastically, and he wanted to do something even more angrily.

It's a pity that when Chu Tian raised his hand, he stopped Hui Bing's movement.

Rang Huibing had a strange expression on his face, and looked over with a complicated expression, that expression was really a very strange expression.

Chu Tian looked serious, thought for a while, and then said: "Since this is the case, the most important thing now is the matter of the ancestors of the three major alliances."

"Your purpose is also for your ancestors. I admit and agree with you on this point. Why don't you start now and join us in finding the location of the three major alliances!"

Tiankui was taken aback, and Hui Bing was astonished.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian actually asked the woman in front of him to join, and he was also wooing this woman.

The faces of the two women have changed.

"God Chu, what are you talking about? You, you asked her to help us. You must know that she is from Taiyin Tianyuan. This incident was originally caused by them."

Hui Bing was very unhappy, gritted his teeth, and stared at Tian Kui in front of him.

Tiankui let out a cold snort, looked at Chutian, and said without thinking: "Okay, I promise you, you are right, now the key is to find the ancestors of the three major alliances."

"As for me and her, we can talk about it another day!"

(End of this chapter)

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