Chapter 811

After getting the other party's consent, Chu Tian directly raised his hand.

Taking away the ancient heaven and earth also put the heavenly sunflower in front.

Tiankui reappeared, causing the expressions of the other Taiyin Tianyuan people to change, and they immediately came forward with worried expressions.

"Master Tiankui, are you alright?"

"Great, now that the two great ancestors are not here, if something happens to Master Tiankui, our Taiyin Tianyuan will definitely be hit hard!"

"It's impossible to let go of the guy in front, and I must not let the Ice God go!"

Everyone glanced over, only wanting to continue to attack Chutian.

On the contrary, Tiankui raised her hand and said in a loud voice: "Okay, I just learned that the disappearance of our ancestor has nothing to do with her."

"The most important thing now is to find out about the ancestors of the three major alliances!"

Tian Kui's words made everyone's expressions change, they looked astonished and strange.

"Master Tiankui, but, but we..."

"Our Taiyin Tianyuan has been disturbed like this, so let's forget about it, no, we absolutely can't bear it!"

Some people calmed down, but some still didn't want to let it go.

The whole scene cannot be controlled by Tian Kui alone.

Seeing those commotions, Tiankui's expression changed, and he looked ugly: "What are you going to do, now, I said, for the whereabouts of our ancestors, we must cooperate."

"I am one of the disciples of the two ancestors. Now that Taiyin Tianyuan has become like this, I have the right to manage Taiyin Tianyuan!"

As soon as the words came out, the elders in the alliance in front gave a cold snort.

"Tiankui, it's not your turn to be the master of this Yin Tianyuan. Even if you want to join them, there are still people who will not agree."

"Yes, your senior brother will not agree to this matter, so, this guy, we must take him down!"

After finishing speaking, the group of people directly stepped forward to face Chutian without any hesitation, that was to rush forward.

Get straight to the point.

The speed was so fast that these people rushed forward in one piece.

As soon as he moved, the magic weapon of the demon body smashed towards Chu Tian madly.

Among them, there are two ancient devil ancestors and several ancient devil emperors. The strength of these people is indeed not weak.

But compared to Chutian, it was still a bit worse.

Seeing the disobedient group of people in front of him, he really wanted to attack him.

With a sneer, Chu Tian followed suit, which was to use the ancient world again to let the rushing people be pulled directly into his world.

Among them, Chu Tian even completely sealed off the devilish energy on several people.

Relying on his ancient heaven and earth triple heaven, several people couldn't leave it, and they were slowly trapped in it, torturing the demon soul's energy until it collapsed.

In the end, he was directly torn to pieces by Chu Tian's divine body.

All this happened in less than a few minutes.

When Tiankui reacted, several elders had already died in Chutian's ancient world.

Not even a single bone was left.

She took a deep breath, her face was very ugly.

Now she has only two options, turn against Chu Tian now, or directly agree with her.

But agreeing with the consequences of Chutian really made her whole body tremble, and suddenly found that she was now being pulled into the abyss.

The group of people behind them also had complex expressions on their faces.

"Master Tiankui, we, what should we do now, if we really cooperate with him, I'm afraid we will offend Lord Taiqing!"

"That's right, we, we didn't betray Taiyin Tianyuan by doing this!"

Tiankui clenched her fists, straightened her face, and swept over the people behind her.

He said directly: "We are not betraying Taiyin Tianyuan. Don't forget why the ancient alliance is an alliance. Before we were an alliance, who were we?"

Everyone was stunned, but also completely stunned.

Tiankui continued with a serious face, "We were originally from the ancient Heavenly Demon and Ancient Yuanmo clans, and these two big clans are the foundation of Taiyin Tianyuan."

"Everything we do is everything of Taiyin Tianyuan, so we are not betraying Taiyin Tianyuan!"

When everyone heard this, they also looked at each other in blank dismay. In the end, their expressions straightened, and they all nodded seriously.

From the looks of it, Tian Kui also directly made up her mind.

Maybe in her opinion, it's not a bad thing to get into trouble with the other ancient clans.

Seeing the woman in front of him with a smile on her lips, Chu Tian knew very well that this woman would definitely choose him.


Leaving here with Huibing, along with Tiankui from Taiyin Tianyuan, and several of her subordinates.

Following Chu Tian to leave was also to find the ancestors of the three major alliances.

No matter what, she still firmly believes that there are some secrets in Sun and Moon Tonghui that have not been revealed.

That was staring at Hui Bing and not wanting to let her go.

As for Hui Bing's restraints between her hands and feet, she was also directly touched. Now she can move, but she still hasn't recovered much soul.

Along the way, he also looked haggard.

He quickly joined the people in Sun and Moon Tonghui, and really didn't want to compete with Chu Tian for the right to control Sun and Moon Tonghui.

Continue to hand over the command of Sun and Moon Tonghui to Chu Tian alone.

This was also expected by Chu Tian.

Sun and Moon Tonghui looked at Hui Bing, who was in a state of embarrassment, with complex expressions, and he understood that all this is not over yet, and it may just be the beginning.

Under the leadership of Chu Tian, ​​the rest of the people also returned to Sun and Moon Tonghui.

With this action, Sun and Moon Tonghui reduced the loss of 1000 people.

Of course, compared to the sun and the moon, the loss of the Taiyin Tianyuan is huge.

Hearing that in Taiyin Tianyuan, the ancient world that was originally a holy place was actually destroyed, this made Tiankui very angry.

"This guy Taiqing actually destroyed the treasure world left by our ancestors. When our ancestors come back, we must not let him go."

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and looked angry.

As soon as the words came out, a group of people in front of them watched over, and only then did they notice the existence of another genius within the Taiyin Tianyuan.

Some people's faces changed.

"Tiankui, why are you here?"

"Master Chu God, what's going on, why did this guy follow us?"

Now Taiyin Tianyuan and Sunyue Tonghui are still feuding, and many people really look very ugly.

Noticing the change in everyone's eyes, Chu Tian let out a cold snort.

He said directly: "Now, if you want to find out the whereabouts of the two ancestors, you must ask for her help."

"Or, you have a better way. I said earlier that if you want to find your two ancestors, you can only listen to me obediently. You don't want to find out the whereabouts of your ancestors now?"

Facing Chutian's aura and eyes, the group of people in front just shut up.

All of this really made Tiankui never expect that Chu Tian had not been to Sun Moon Tong Hui for a long time, but she had such a status, which she could not compare with.

(End of this chapter)

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