Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 812 Xuanhuang Supreme

Chapter 812 Xuanhuang Supreme
The ancestors of the three major alliances are all missing.

The sun and the moon shine together, and besides the Taiyin Tianyuan, the remaining alliance is Xuanhuang Supreme.

In terms of the establishment time of the three major alliances, Xuanhuang Supreme is the longest.

Long before the establishment of Sun and Moon Tonghui and Taiyin Tianyuan, Xuanhuang Supreme was the big alliance of Chaos Street.

The status and strength are even more formidable than now.

However, in terms of strength and status, the three major alliances are really not much different.

Xuanhuang Supreme also has two old ancestors, two ancient holy ancestors, who have existed since the beginning of Chaos Street.

Tian Kui really didn't know anything about these two ancient holy patriarchs.

Thinking about it carefully, it really made her complexion change, with a complex expression on her face: "The ones who know about the ancient Chaos Street are probably the two ancestors of the Xuanhuang Supreme. Think about it now."

"The two old ancestors of Xuanhuang Supreme are very suspicious. This time, they were the first to bring up trouble with Sun and Moon Tonghui."

Even Hui Bing's complexion changed, but it was a strange expression.

Falling into Tiankui's eyes, she looked directly over and asked, "You should have been separated from Xuanhuang and Xuanhuang, the two ancestors of the Xuanhuang Supreme. Is there anything unusual about them?"

Hui Bing was full of contemplation, thought for a while, and finally shook his head and said: "No, this time, the two ancestors of Xuanhuang Supreme just sent someone to contact me."

"They never came by themselves."

Tiankui's complexion changed, and she looked over with a serious expression: "What's the matter they sent someone to look for you?"

Hui Bing's complexion changed, and he took a deep breath.

In the end, he still said this thing: "The two old ancestors have taken a fancy to my talent. They told me before that if they want to inherit Xuanhuang Supreme, the most suitable person is me."

As soon as the words came out, Tiankui's complexion changed drastically, and the eyes were clearly looking over with a kind of jealousy.

Gritting his teeth, his face was really jealous: "I didn't expect that Xuanhuang Supreme also wanted to choose you as his successor. From what I understand, there are many secrets of Chaos Street in Xuanhuang Supreme."

"The strength of their Xuanhuang Supreme is stronger than imagined. No matter how you say it, they have strengthened the entire alliance!"

Yes, the strength of Xuanhuang Supreme is terrifying.

Before the other two major alliances, Xuanhuang Supreme was the only one.

This situation lasted until the emergence of the two major alliances, and then suddenly converged.

Tiankui learned through some news that Xuanhuang Supreme has not found a successor for the two ancestors until now.

Perhaps, in their opinion, the most suitable successor is only the genius with the best talent in the entire Chaos Street.

And this candidate is naturally Hui Bing.

Hui Bing's face was calm, and he said calmly and indifferently: "Of course, I have already rejected this matter. I am a member of Sun and Moon Tonghui, and I will only leave Sun and Moon Tonghui behind. go somewhere else."

Tian Kui pouted and said nothing.

Chu Tian took a look at the two women, and his face straightened, so he couldn't help but said: "It seems that if I don't go to Xuanhuang Supreme, I'm afraid I won't know what happened."

"Since Xuanhuang Supreme has so many secrets, no matter what, I have to go."

The two women nodded silently when they heard Chu Tian's words.

Now Tiankui also understands, but Huibing does not know about the disappearance of the ancestors of the three alliances.

And the rest of the information is only within Xuanhuang Supreme.

This trip has to go.


Chutian didn't bring many people with him, and before knowing Xuanhuang's attitude, he only planned to take Tiankui and Huibing, and the three of them went together.

What's the matter, with the strength of the three of them, it is very simple and easy to get out of the whole body.

The three of them set off together, and of course there was only one destination, the place where the Supreme Master Xuanhuang was.

Central Chaos Street.

The current chaos of the three major alliances has obviously affected the entire street and many shop alliances.

There are other minor leagues.

Many people started discussing it. It seems that the disappearance of the ancestors of the three major alliances has been passed on.

"I heard that the ancestors of the three major alliances are all missing, and none of them are here."

"No way, the ancestors of the three major alliances are missing. So, within the three major alliances, those mountains are gone?"

"Yes, if there is hatred with the three major alliances, now is the best opportunity."

The eyes of a group of people looking over are also somewhat strange.

There are also many sworn enemies of the three major alliances. Now that the ancestors of the three major alliances are missing, it is inevitable that some people and others will act.

The indistinct vision around him was completely in Chu Tian's eyes, in Chu Tian's eyes.

He also frowned. It seemed that this time, there were really troubles.

No matter what, it is still important to find the place where Xuanhuang Supreme is.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian also directly asked where the two daughters Xuanhuang Supreme were, and went there immediately.

Along the way, I really felt the eyes of many people.

Most importantly, the identities of the two women behind him are too special.

It is not uncommon for the two proud women of the two alliances to have their eyes on them. Everyone knows the importance of these two women to the two alliances of Sun Moon Tonghui and Taiyin Tianyuan.

If the two women are not there, the two major alliances will definitely suffer a lot of blows.

"Ice God, from the looks of it, it's a good choice for us to cooperate together. Now that the ancestors of the three major alliances are gone, some small alliances that don't have eyes are also ready to move."

While approaching Xuanhuang Supreme, Tiankui pouted and said a word directly.

Only Hui Bing's face straightened up, and his face changed erratically.

Nodding his head, he also echoed Tian Kui's words: "The three major alliances have made many enemies, but those few alliances are the only ones who dare to take action against the three major alliances."

"The Green Alliance, the Black Alliance, the Bai Alliance, and the Red Alliance."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chu Tian was stunned, only then did he realize that there were many figures shaking in front of him.

What Hui Bing said is right, as long as the three major alliances really have enemies, there are only a few alliances that can enter the top ten alliances.

But now, Xuanhuang Supreme has indeed encountered a solution.

The ancient world of Xuanhuang Supreme, outside the barrier of Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth, is really full of people.

Circle by circle, there are tens of thousands of people in a few.

These people are all people from several alliances gathered together, and they came here to make a little trouble while the big backers of the three major alliances were not there.

Here, there are really five minor leaguers gathered.

Even Hui Bing and Tian Kui had their brows tightly furrowed and their faces were ugly.

In the past, the ancestors were there, so of course they would not be afraid, but now that the ancestors are not there, some small leagues are still making trouble like this.

It just made them feel a bit of a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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