Chapter 813
Chu Tian looked ahead, but there was no nonsense at all, and it was really in front of the two women.

With a straight face, without even thinking about it, he just lifted his foot and walked over.

"What are you doing here?"

When Chu Tian opened his mouth, he also made a group of people in front of him watch over him.

This time, even if the three wanted to leave, they couldn't.

Seeing Chutian's movements, the two women still looked at each other, smiled wryly, and walked forward to accompany Chutian.

No matter what, they are all following Chutian now, although they don't want to cause trouble.

But the situation in front of them no longer allowed them to think too much.

Obviously, people from the major leagues ahead had noticed Chu Tian long ago.

Along the way, five men stared at Chu Tian with a look of disdain.

"What does this have to do with you, go away."

"Who are you? You have the ability to take care of the affairs here. You are not a Xuanhuang Supreme. You'd better get out of here."

"Once Xuanhuang Supreme's Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth Barrier is broken by us, the entire Xuanhuang Supreme will have a hard time, boy, do you know what this means?"

Several people glared at them angrily, just wanting to let Chu Tian go away.

Unfortunately, Chu Tian had no intention of leaving at all.

His face was very calm, he just looked over indifferently, curled his lips and said with a smile: "Oh, what if I don't get lost, this time, I'm also here for Xuanhuang Supreme."

"I don't want someone to get ahead of me in front of me."

Chutian's eyes flickered a little, and his face and gaze really changed the expressions of the group of people in front of him.

Hearing Chutian's words, he realized that Chutian also came for Xuanhuang Supreme.

Several people looked gloomy, how can I say, they have planned a lot, and now Xuanhuang Supreme's world barrier is about to be broken.

How could anyone bother me.

Noticing Chutian's intention, the five of them raised their hands and let a group of people surround Chutian.

Sensing the poor vision around him, the two women behind Chu Tian also looked nervous.

He really gritted his teeth, his face was serious, and he waited for Chu Tian to give an order, and then he did it directly.

But now there are too many people on the other side, Tian Kui doesn't say anything, and even Hui Bing doesn't think that this can be directly forcibly broken through.

"God Chu, there are only three of us now. It is impossible to break through the front. In my opinion, unless you are the only one who breaks through directly, you can find someone from Xuanhuang Supreme to cooperate."

As soon as the words came out, Tiankui curled her lips and refused to agree at all.

"No, I have to find someone. I'll do it. It's almost like you can help me."

The two women looked at each other, really a kind of unconvinced.

Only Chu Tian looked ahead, glanced at the Little League family that several people had seen, and smiled.

Raising one hand, he said, "I am the patriarch of the Chu God Clan. Presumably, some of you have heard of this name. Now, I am working for the two major alliances of Sun Moon Tonghui and Taiyin Tianyuan."

"What happened this time is very special. The ancestors of the three major alliances have disappeared and must be found as soon as possible. You should know how much this incident has affected."

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the group of people in front were stunned, and finally burst out laughing.

"Yes, the absence of the ancestors of the three major alliances has a great impact. However, their absence is just right, and it just allows us to take action against the three major alliances."

"Hahaha, I'm just seeing that the three major alliances are upset. Now is a good time to make a move. Do you think that I will let you go."

A group of people looked at him with disdain and idiot eyes.

Chu Tian continued to smile and said: "It is true that the ancestors of the three major alliances disappeared, but don't forget that the strength of the ancestors of the three major alliances cannot be accidental."

"Do you really think that the ancestors of the three major alliances will not come back alive?"

Everyone's face changed again, and they were all silent.

There was a little light in Chu Tian's eyes, he looked over seriously, and continued: "I will definitely find the ancestors of the three major alliances, and it will not take more than two days."

"We will all settle your accounts, but now, I can give a few of you a chance to form an alliance."

Everyone was stunned, and their faces were ugly: "Opportunity?"

Chu Tian smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, it's an opportunity. As long as you are willing to help us now, I can guarantee that this time, the past will not be blamed. At the same time, the three major alliances can also establish a good relationship with you."

Everyone's complexion changed, and there was even a group of people who blushed and became very angry.

"You guy, who do you think you are, that you think we'll listen to you?"

"That's right, why should we listen to you? Are you afraid? If you have the ability, just break through here. I want to see what you have."

Looking at the group of unconvinced and angry guys in front of him.

Chu Tian pouted and sneered, and continued to smile, "I said, I will only give you a few alliances a chance, the number is limited, first come, first served."

"I can only give you ten seconds to choose."

Chu Tian raised his hand to count directly.

This made the people in front explode in anger, and the two women behind them also smiled wryly.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian's reckless behavior was all because he wanted to hit the faces of a group of guys in front of him face to face.

It is impossible for anyone to agree.

Both women had this idea, but they didn't think of it.

When Chu Tian started counting to 5, someone suddenly walked out in front of him.

Indeed, two representatives stepped forward, their faces straightened, and they looked at Chu Tian very respectfully.

"God Chu's name, we have already known it from our alliance management. We just want to ask Lord Chu God, are you really sure that you can find the ancestors of the three major alliances?"

The two looked over with serious faces.

Chu Tian laughed and said directly: "Of course, even if I don't find the ancestors of the three alliances, I will return them to the ancestors of the three alliances."

Such a tone also made the faces of the two people in front of them fluctuate. They looked at each other, nodded, and just looked over.

Without much nonsense, he said directly: "Okay, I believe in the ability of the adults, and I am willing to follow you, the adults."

"Our Bai Nationality Alliance is also willing to follow you, my lord!"

"The same is true of our Youth Alliance."

At this moment, people from the three alliances planned to follow Chu Tian and listen to what he said.

All of a sudden, it was Chutian who had recruited more than 2000 demon cultivators from three alliances.

The two women behind Chutian were shocked a long time ago, and their eyes were shining when they looked at Chutian.

They had to admit that not to mention Chutian's amazing talent, his leadership was also so strong.

This guy is really dazzling!
A good candidate for double repair.

In an instant, the two women made up their minds!

(End of this chapter)

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