Chapter 820
Since the opponent's sub-god can create a sub-human race and improve the strength of the body.

Chu Tian wanted to rely on his soul energy to improve the souls of some members of the Huaxia Family.

From the inside out, this is the most stable and the most improved path.

This made him not hesitate at all, and he experimented all of this on the person in front of him.

Even if it fails, it will only ruin the opponent's whole body and path of cultivation anyway.

It really wouldn't endanger her life.

On this point, Chu Tian was quite sure.

This also allowed him to use his full strength to experiment on the opponent's soul.

His spiritual energy is indeed extremely powerful.

Up to now, Chu Tian really has a little bit of admiration, and has a new understanding of his spirit.

Watching the changes in the woman in front of him made his expression fluctuate even more.

I have to admit that Xi Tong, who has been improved by his spiritual energy, has also undergone amazing changes.

His spiritual energy poured into the opponent's soul, and made the opponent's soul accept it at the same time.

The cultivation is also increasing rapidly.

The cultivation base that was originally only in the realm of Jindan actually reached a critical breakthrough in just a moment, and the realm of Yuanying was only in the blink of an eye.

This also changed, and also moved the faces around him.

This is completely leaps and bounds can be described.

With the continuous changes of the Nascent Soul Realm, it really skipped the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm and reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

It directly skipped the span of a large realm.

That's enough to count as an astonishing effect.

This is just a trace of Chu Tian's energy, and it is really a very small trace of spiritual energy, which can bring about changes.

This is not just a change in cultivation.

The soul energy changed from the inside to the outside, and it also completely changed the opponent's physique.

Although it is not possible to make the other party a genius in the heavens, which is one of the few geniuses, it is enough to make the other party a talent in the mortal world.

Reach one of the best levels.

In the future, no matter whether you want to practice Buddhism, Taoism, or cultivate the body to become a god.

It's all about getting twice the result with half the effort.

After all this was done, Chu Tian stopped because the other party's soul could no longer bear it.

And Xi Tong, who felt the change in his soul, looked very happy.

Kneeling down with excitement, they were all very grateful: "Thank you for your help, sir."

Many people looked over with envy.

Chu Tian waved his hand, and his face was very calm: "You are just verifying my experiment. If you can't bear the soul energy I gave you just now, you will probably die out of your wits long ago."

"Now it can only be regarded as your luck."

Xi Tong's forehead was also a little sweaty, she knew very well that if an accident happened just now, it was really possible to be buried here directly.

Still, the results are good.

With the current result, she is still very satisfied.

I am also very grateful for everything I got from Chutian.

The other small aristocratic families looked over expectantly, and really hoped that Chu Tian could change their souls.

It was enough for Xi Tong to cross a large realm, and it made them crazy.

"Young Master Chu, I am willing to be Young Master Chu's experiment. If you need it, you can come to us. Our Jin family is willing to give everything."

"So do we, as long as Young Master Chu can help us change our bodies and souls, our Patriarch will obey all Young Master Chu's orders!"

Some people expressed their sincerity, and they really patted their chests, pledging to Chutian.

Sensing the gazes and gazes of the group of people in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips.

His face was very calm and indifferent.

It seems that this effect is good.

Before promoting several big families who are involved with him, it is also possible to try with people from these small families.

Thinking of all this also made Chu Tian face a group of excited little family members in front of him.

He said directly: "If you want to be my experiment, it depends on your performance. If you perform well, I will give you a chance."


A group of people looked happy and responded enthusiastically.


Chu Tian left the villa, but he was led by others.

I plan to go to the Huaxia family, those big families, and talk about things about the Western God Court.

What is the strength of this divine court?

Just how powerful it is.

It was also something he wanted to know.

Someone helped to gather some big families with knowledge of Western forces, and they all came to one place to combine.

Under the guidance of someone driving, Chu Tian arrived at this large hotel manor very quickly.

The heroic decoration is also in line with the towering buildings.

This is not located in the downtown area, but it is surrounded by charming scenery.

Anyone who can enter this manor must be a big shot with a head and a face.

It is also a special place where several great families were established together.

The entire hotel estate, inside and out.

The outermost layer is just an ordinary hotel, receiving some slightly special personnel.

And the deeper you go, the more special it is.

If there is no one to lead, you can't enter at all.

Chu Tian also noticed that there were many people from the Huaxia family who were stationed nearby.

"Master Chu, several adults are waiting for you at the Longzhuang Hotel in the Central Manor."

Someone greeted him. Accompanied by several people, Chu Tian also arrived at the huge hotel where the Central Manor was located.

This castle-like hotel is really magnificent.

And waiting nearby must be members of the great family.

This time, because of his words, there are more than ten big family members gathered.

Calculated from this, it almost reached half of the number of Chinese families.

There are many men and women, not to mention the elderly, but also many young people.

These people are all the heirs of the great Huaxia family, and they are the people who will be in charge of the great family in the future. Come out to meet him.

Chutian's reputation is also very resounding in the entire big family.

As early as seeing Chutian, several old people came directly to meet him.

I have to admit that the news these people got is really well-informed.

"Young Master Chu, I heard that Young Master Chu can change the body and soul of a cultivator through the energy of the soul?"

"It's a pity that the little girl of the Xi family was actually allowed to do the experiment. Young Master Chu, if necessary, there are many people in our Zhang family who can cooperate with Young Master Chu."

"Our Qian family is no exception!"

A group of people looked eager, and they really knew early on that Chu Tian could directly elevate people to a higher level by using the energy of the soul.

This is definitely a good opportunity for the whole of China to rise.

Now in China, there are very few people in the Nascent Soul realm.

If they can quickly raise their strength to the Nascent Soul Realm, the entire Huaxia family can be raised to a higher level.

It is not possible to be so oppressed by Western forces.

Seeing the enthusiasm on the faces of these people in front of him, Chu Tian smiled lightly, but said calmly: "I just experimented."

"The effect is good. If your family has made a lot of contributions, I can consider it."

(End of this chapter)

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