Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 821 The Power of the Divine Court

Chapter 821 The Power of the Divine Court

Of course, even if the overall strength of the Huaxia family is to be improved.

Chu Tian didn't want to find someone to promote him casually.

Not to mention the preciousness of his spirit, not all the people here are people who can think about the whole of China.

Among them, there are also many people who exist as traitors of other forces.

Chu Tian didn't want to help others strengthen their bodies and souls.

With his eyes fixed, Chu Tian glanced at a few people not far away, no matter how hard the other party hid his breath.

But Chu Tian could really detect that kind of out-of-the-ordinary cultivation spirit.

Without thinking about it, his strength has long been able to see through the path of a certain person's cultivation in these Chinese aristocratic families.

If it is different, or stained with other people's what.

He can see through it at a glance.

It's just that Chu Tian didn't point it out directly, and he also wanted to know who was behind this arrangement.

Actually mixed into the big Chinese family.

Chu Tian's face was completely relaxed, and he looked a little natural: "Okay, you are all here, you should know what we want to talk about."

As soon as the faces of the few changed, they immediately became serious.

He led Chu Tian into the Longzhuang Hotel without any haste.

The layout of the hotel is no different from that of ordinary hotels.

However, the insiders and outsiders here are all from the Huaxia family, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Talking here is also absolutely rigorous.

Of course, they didn't know that people from other forces had long been infiltrated from within the Huaxia family.

this time.

There were quite a few people standing in front of Chu Tian, ​​besides a few old people, there were also a few young men and women from Huaxia families who came to see him.

I don't know if these big aristocratic families did it on purpose, but it really made the younger generation of these Chinese aristocratic families.

They were all very close to him.

Even this time, talking to him was a carefully selected candidate for the next generation from several great families.

"Young Master Chu, the several businesses that our Qian family manages are all related to Western forces. There are many overseas businesses. We also know a lot about Western Shenting."

A young man looked over respectfully, with a respectful face, and there was nothing strange about it.

"It's the same with our Zhou family. Young Master Chu, my name is Zhou Fang. Our family operates domestic and some coastal businesses, which are all involved in a lot with foreign Western forces. We have also heard about the matter of Shenting."

A girl was also young and beautiful, and she looked at her with a serious face. It seemed that she also brought a lot of information.

The eyes of the two were very sincere, and Chu Tian looked calm when he saw them.

However, when his eyes shifted to the other person, he curled his lips, and there was a faint smile on his face.

This man was really less than twenty years old.

The eyes that looked at him were different from others, they scanned him from the beginning to the end, as if looking very seriously.

After reading it, he curled his lips, and really laughed outright.

"Young Master Chu, if we want to understand the matter of the Western God Court, our Huang family knows best. However, I advise Young Master Chu not to mess with the Western God Court."

"Chu Shao provokes the western forces, Shenting will not blame him, and some gods in charge of Shenting will not say anything. After all, those guys can be eliminated and replaced."

As soon as the words came out, not to mention Chutian, people from other big aristocratic families all watched over.

His face changed.

Together with a man and a woman standing in front of Chutian, their expressions changed, and they were directly in front of Chutian in an instant.

The two stood in front of Chu Tian, ​​looking at the man's cold smile.

His complexion was very ugly.

"In front of Young Master Chu, pay attention to your identity."

"Your Huang family have been in China for so many years, why do you call Shenting like that, and what is your identity with the Huang family?"

Zhou Fang's expression also changed, and he looked over with hostility.

It seemed that the person in front of him didn't want to hide anything at all.

That was straight up laughing.

"Our Huang family was baptized by the court of God. We were placed in the Huaxia family a hundred years ago in order to monitor you people."

"I believe Young Master Chu has long realized that I am different from these rubbish. After all, I have been recognized by the Divine Court. It doesn't take a hundred years. Maybe I will have the opportunity to go to the Divine Court!"

His face was full of longing, and he really curled his lips into a smile, with a sneer on his face.

His eyes fell on the young heirs of two great families, a man and a woman in front of him.

Good is a kind of disdain.

"You rubbish, it's impossible to compare with me who was given divine power by the court of God."

"Just because you want to stop me!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, it was really the young man from the Qian family at the front right at this very moment.

The whole person flew out directly.

It flew upside down, as if being hit by something.

He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Seeing all this, the Qian family's expression changed, and they hurried to the front, all with flustered expressions.


"Well, what kind of strength does this guy have? Our young master is a strong man in the Nascent Soul realm."

A strong man in the Nascent Soul realm was knocked away so easily.

They didn't even understand what the other party was doing.

This had to make them extremely astonished.

It was also a long time ago that another girl in front of Chutian had her eyes fixed, her silver teeth gritted, and when she raised her hand, she didn't even want to make a seal with her hands.

"Damn it, you bastard, you actually came here to make trouble."

"My Zhou family's xuanwu seal must look good on you, the xuanwu seal is the immortal seal!"

In an instant, under the knot seal, an incomparably huge Xuanwu image also appeared.

Just like this, he directly pressed down on the man in front of him.

It's a pity that the man in front of him really looked down at the opponent's Xuanwu seal with a look of disdain.

Hao Shi continued to mock indifferently: "This kind of rubbish, please don't put it in front of me, it's just ridiculous."

"Under divine power, I only need one click, and I will make both you and Yin disappear!"

The ferociousness flashed across his eyes, and he really raised his hand and waved it again.

Accompanied by a tremor in the air ahead.

It really made Zhou Fang's complexion change, and he could only see his Xuanwu seal instantly shattered.

A kind of thing rushed towards her directly, clearly trying to smash her into pieces.

It made her eyes tremble, and she wanted to close them at the same time.

It was a breeze.

When a person appeared in front of her, her face was shocked, and her eyes were attracted by the aura of Chutian in front of her.

She had heard of Young Master Chu's reputation, but she had never seen Young Master Chu Tianchu.

Many young people who came here had also heard of Chutian's reputation and knew that Chutian had destroyed the second largest power in the West.

But they really saw how few Chu Tian made a move.

And the scene in front of them was enough to shock them.

In an instant, Chu Tian, ​​who appeared in front of Zhou Fang, just raised his hand.

As soon as the five fingers were opened, they just grabbed at the void.

Something broke directly, and it was like a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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