Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 823 2 Main Gods Exist

Chapter 823 Existence of the Twelve Lord Gods
The young master of the Qian family felt the change in his cultivation and looked at Chu Tian in front of him.

His complexion changed slightly, and he said immediately: "I can understand Young Master Chu's intentions, and I can even more know that Young Master Chu promoted me, but he just used a little bit of strength."

"This also made me understand that ascension is not the end, and my goal should be further forward. Standing still is the real taboo."

Now he can feel the strength of Chu Tian's soul energy.

This allows one to understand how far the distance between him is.

Chutian was able to reach such a level with just a trace of soul energy, which had to shock him a lot.

Not to mention the Qian family, the others were also shocked by Chu Tian's actions.

Now Chutian's status is even more respected.

Even if the entire Chinese family has been infiltrated by Western forces, but now they have Chutian who is stronger than the Western Gods.

This gave them a little more confidence.

Staring at Chu Tian, ​​the girl from the Zhou family in front also came forward.

With a straight face, he talked about the Western Shenting.

"Young Master Chu, in view of our understanding of the Western Divine Court, our family must also tell Young Master Chu everything we know."

"There are twelve main gods in the entire Western God Court. Apart from ruling this God Court, these main gods also have their own jurisdiction, that is, their God Palace, and there are countless lesser gods led by them!"

From the looks of it, the Western Divine Court also has some similarities with the Heaven Realm.

Not only the twelve major gods exist, but also other minor gods.

The strength of these little gods is probably not something that people from the Huaxia family can resist.

It also made Chu Tian frowned.

Even if he is not afraid, the current Huaxia family really cannot bear this shock.

It also made Chu Tian frowned, looking at Zhou Fangdao in front of him.

"How much is their little god's strength compared to our Huaxia's?"

Zhou Fang smiled bitterly, clearly knowing that Chu Tian would ask such a question.

Take a deep breath.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "The number of their little gods is almost equivalent to the strength of ordinary immortals in our Huaxia family, and it is not comparable to the cultivators of our Huaxia family."

"Not to mention, their main god exists."

The expression on his face was a little terrified. It seemed that the Zhou family was also quite afraid of the power of the Lord God.

The hierarchical system of the Western God Court is very perfect.

From top to bottom.

They are the two major father gods and mother gods, of which the father god is the master, and the mother god can only be regarded as the manager of the management order.

Outside of these two great fathers and mothers.

The twelve main gods are the most powerful. These twelve main gods all have places under their own jurisdiction, all over the west.

There are many small gods in their hands, all of them are servants in their hands.

I can report to them.

It is even dispatched to deal with many things. Generally, the twelve main gods will not appear directly.

This time, the other party really didn't worry about the rise of the Huaxia family.

Even if there is one of the twelve main gods, the lion god gave the fetish of the Huaxia family, but it really didn't let a little god follow.

This clearly shows that the entire Huaxia family is not at ease.

Knowing this, Chu Tian also sneered.

Well, it was a cold, indifferent expression.

With his face fluctuating, he really pouted and sneered, looking at the group of people in front of him.

Without even thinking about it, he said: "Now you understand, from the beginning, these guys didn't pay attention to us at all."

"For them, to destroy the entire Huaxia family, they only need to rely on a few lackeys to complete it. They don't even need their little gods to appear. This is completely contemptuous of us!"

Everyone was silent, just like what Chu Tian said.

These people in the Western God Court really despise their entire China.

Put their lackeys in and don't say anything.

It also disrupted the plans of their Huaxia family.

All of this made the members of the Huaxia family unable to bear this wave of anger at all.

"Western God Court, our Chinese family cannot let them bully us!"

"Damn it, they actually allowed their people to infiltrate our Huaxia family. We must settle this account with them."

"So what about the Twelve Lord Gods? We have Young Master Chu here, and we believe that Young Master Chu can lead us to overcome everything!"

A group of people regained confidence on their faces, and also regained a little confidence.

In Chutian's eyes, Chutian was very satisfied. Looking around, he still wants to strengthen the strength of the Huaxia family.

"I have to admit that your current strength can only be despised by those guys!"

"In order to prevent you from being crushed by those guys, I am willing to help you improve your abilities. However, I must choose outstanding people for my promotion. They cannot be recognized or qualified, and they can be given by me!"

The eyes of many big aristocratic families brightened when they heard that Chutian could improve their strength.

Thinking of the young master of the Qian family, quite a few people looked over enviously.

At this moment, a group of young people from big aristocratic families gathered around.

When he arrived in front of Chutian, he was very enthusiastic and excited.

"Master Chu, I am willing to give everything to get what Master Chu has given me!"

"I am willing to do anything for Young Master Chu. Our family will obey Young Master Chu's orders."

"Chu Shao is the true god of our Huaxia family, we will always follow the true god!"

Each one has a lot of flattery.

However, when Chu Tian glanced at the face, he was very calm.

After all, it is impossible to choose the candidate casually. Even if the Huaxia family wants to be promoted, it is impossible for everyone to get his divine soul and devil soul aura.

Looking around, Chu Tian's eyes still fell on Zhou Fang.

Of course, the girl from the Zhou family must be counted as one.

Besides, there are candidates from other great families, at least, there are three candidates.

Only in this way can the Huaxia family be completely strengthened.

Wanting to understand this, Chu Tian nodded, then raised his head and spoke directly.

"I will choose three more people among you. I need you to test your courage, your loyalty to the Huaxia family, and your loyalty to me!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, their faces were filled with joy, and they immediately exclaimed.

No matter what, the three candidates still gave them a lot of hope.

The younger generation of more than a dozen big families here want to become stronger, the fighting spirit in their eyes.

It also made Chu Tian very satisfied.

Since he wants to provoke people, of course he has his own rules to choose.

This time the infiltration of the Western Divine Court forces also made him a little worried about the situation in the Huaxia family.

"The test this time is the infiltration of the Western Divine Court in China. Through your aristocratic families or your personal strength, we can eliminate these infiltrations and achieve the first three aristocratic families or people that satisfy me."

"I can give him the strength he wants!"

(End of this chapter)

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