Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 824 Return Chapter Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 824 Returning to the Chaos Battlefield
A group of people agreed without any nonsense.

The next thing to do is to look at the performance of these people.

Of course, Chu Tian would not treat these people badly, as long as he has a little spirit of spirit and spirit of demon soul, he can improve the entire Huaxia family.

This is a very feasible way.

The glance of his eyes fell on Zhou Fang again, and Chu Tian didn't hesitate at all.

They all put that spirit of spirit into the opponent's body.

Just like the young master of the Qian family.

It didn't completely improve it, but left a little space for the opponent to break through.

Only in this way can the opponent's road go longer and longer.

In the Huaxia family, he is still very optimistic about these two people.

As long as you pay for him, he will certainly not treat you badly.

A trace of spiritual energy completely improved the other party's body and soul, and also benefited Zhou Fang a lot, with a grateful face.

While thanking Chutian, it also made people from some big families see it with envy and jealousy.


Chu Tian did not leave the hotel villa.

Live directly in the largest central hotel.

More than a dozen great families also accompanied them. After all, this time, there was a test for the great families, as well as the appearance of the Western Divine Court.

They had no choice but to unite the Huaxia Family together again.

All of this made Chutian very satisfied. It was an order, and there was news from the Western God Court.

To bother him again, Chu Tian went straight back to the room.

On the second day of the rest, it was a direct return to the land of ancient gods and demons.

In the land of ancient gods and demons, the battlefield of chaos, but there are many things he has to deal with.

Within the Huaxia family, they still need to bear more.

Now he is still striving to complete the strategy to complete this chaotic battlefield.

Appeared again in the desolate desert battlefield.

Looking around, Chu Tian really found that the desolation here became more and more obvious.

Obviously, it has something to do with the soul consciousness of many ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors that he directly killed.

No matter what, he also wanted to see how vast this barrenness could be.

Chu Tian, ​​who flew directly into the sky, turned into a ray of light and rushed past.

In the sky, leaving a little afterimage.

Just go forward so fast.

His speed is so fast that even a real desert will be passed directly by him in a few seconds.

It's just that it's different here. It really flew all the way, and the endless desert didn't decrease a bit, which also made Chu Tian frown.

Could it be that this desert is also some kind of enchantment?
Chu Tian, ​​who was thinking about this issue, stopped and started hitting the surrounding sky with his god body and demon body.

He wanted to smash the sky and the earth into pieces.

The sound was very loud, accompanied by Chu Tian's constant impact, but unfortunately, it really shook the surroundings, but it didn't change much.

Just as Chutian continued to bump into each other continuously.

Instead, a sound came from not far away.

A few people approached, and there were quite a few of them.

After discovering Chu Tian's actions, they were obviously a little surprised.

"Who are you, what do you want to do here, do you want to destroy our holy place?"

"Hurry up and stop, the Holy Land is not something you can destroy."

Gritting their teeth, a group of people glared over.

These people are very young, and they really don't exist as souls.

This is what surprised Chu Tian. This was originally a chaotic battlefield. He only thought that there were no living creatures here.

But in fact, there are also people who cultivate demons and gods here.

Although those people are different from Chaos Street.

But the place has the spirit of the devil soul, and the spirit of the soul.

This kind of pure spirit of spirit and demon soul also made Chu Tian's face look strange.

Especially the strength of the opponent, in this chaotic battlefield, if there is no strength of the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors, even the gate of the battlefield cannot be knocked open.

But these people don't even have an ancient holy ancestor or ancient demon ancestor.

This surprised Chu Tian a little bit.

His face was changing, and his eyes were fixed on the past.

Really did not speak.

This made the group in front very dissatisfied.

"Damn it, do you know whose territory this is?"

"Our Huang family has occupied this yellow sand holy land for a long time. Which tribe are you from, and you dare to come to our holy land?"

"In my opinion, he is very likely to be from the Yu Clan. I heard that the Yu Clan has also brought two true sage ancestors. Now they are extremely arrogant and want to occupy our holy land!"

"Well, very likely!"

Everyone nodded and looked at Chu Tian's complexion.

It was obvious that they had misunderstood something, especially what they said.

It was really in Chu Tian's ears.

The face changed, the corners of the mouth floated up, and the eyes flickered seriously: "Oh, what you said is true."

"I want to know now, what do you mean by what you said?"

What did the other party say about the Rain Clan, two true sage ancestors came, it is very likely that they are the ancestors of the three major alliances who came to the battlefield of chaos.

What are these old ancestors doing.

Chu Tian really wanted to understand, but the people in front of him clearly knew a lot about the chaotic battlefield.

This must not let him let go.

Accompanied by Chu Tian's approach, that expression was unkind, with cold eyes.

It also caused the faces of the group of people in front to change instantly.

Clenching their fists, each of them had ugly faces, clearly thinking that Chu Tian was hostile.

It just makes their nerves tense.

Without even thinking about it, he directly attacked Chutian.

"Bastard, you bastard, you want to spy on our holy land, you want to die!"

"Our holy land is not something you people can step into."

After finishing speaking, at this moment, five men and five women really rushed over.

Facing Chutian, these young people were full of aura, and the aura of the ancient gods and souls was also extremely powerful.

The strength of the ten ancient saint emperors who did not reach the early stages of the ancient saint emperors joined forces, and they all surpassed the strength of the ancient saint ancestors in the early stage, which is not insignificant.

However, Chutian has also become much stronger now.

He got the god statue of the ancient holy ancestor. After the god statue was possessed, there was still a bit of the holy ancestor's soul energy on him.

Let his strength improve, and peek into the power of many saints.

Now it is very easy for him to deal with the ten people in front of him.

In just one move, Chu Tian's actions also shocked the faces of the group of people in front of him.

Not to mention Chutian's divine body, the spirit of the divine soul is also so powerful.

Just pressing down like this really made them unable to breathe.

Before he could react, the two men were directly swallowed by Chu Tian's divine body.

There was no sound at all, it was completely swallowed up.

Only the faces of the remaining two men and five women changed drastically, and they became ugly. At this moment, they realized that Chu Tian was probably not from that Wind Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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