Chapter 828
As long as you find the ancestors of the Sun Moon Tonghui Alliance, you can get a little information.

Now, Chutian still wants to see the two ancestors who are both brilliant with the sun and the moon.

Learn a little bit from the two ancestors.

Directly ask the entire ancient Huang clan to investigate the location of the two ancestors, Sun and Moon Tonghui.

After receiving Chu Tian's order, the entire ancient Huang clan also took action.

What Chutian had to do was wait for the result.

It was also at the request of the patriarch to go to the place where the ancient Huang clan handed over, and another ancient Feng clan to take a look.

Obviously, the patriarch meant that he still wanted to demonstrate.

The purpose is to tell the people of the ancient Fengmo clan that they have now found someone from outside the chaotic battlefield.

Accompanied by Chu Tian, ​​it was the patriarch's daughter, Huang Shi.

Even now, the entire ancient Huang clan is sincerely convinced.

But Huang Shi didn't want to forget about it at all.

Let the ancient Huang clan become someone else's vassal, this is something she never thought of.

It's also something that I don't intend to agree with at all.

Gritting her silver teeth, her complexion really changed.

With a gloomy face, he led Chu Tian towards the meeting point.

Along the way, he really had a straight face.

Chu Tian looked at it, but didn't pay much attention to it. The entire ancient Huang clan could not be changed by this girl in front of him.

Now, together with the patriarch, 9% of the clan members have agreed to his conditions.

It is simply impossible for anyone else to change.

What he has to do now is to show his majesty.

Let the people of the ancient Huang clan see that there is nothing wrong with choosing him and becoming his vassal.

Chu Tian, ​​with his eyes fixed, soon followed Huang Shi to the border area here.

The holy land of the ancient Fengmo clan.

It is a forbidden land of strong winds, where there are countless bone-scraping winds.

These winds are no ordinary wind energy ratios.

When the wind blows over, it can directly tear people into pieces that can refine people and spirits.

It is impossible to step into this forbidden land of violent wind without the strength of the ancient ancestors.

Also asked Huang Shi to stay outside with a group of people from the ancient Huang clan, looking ahead.

Huang Shi's face changed unsteadily, and her eyes fell on Chu Tian.

He really curled his lips, and said without even thinking about it: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the ancient Fengmo clan, as long as you step into the forbidden area, you can be discovered by them."

"Since you are an outsider, it should be easy to step in. You won't say, are you afraid of this forbidden area?"

He curled his lips and sneered, with a slightly mocking expression.

The words in his mouth were clearly intended to provoke Chutian.

Chu Tian listened to this, and curled his lips with a calm face.

Just lift your feet and walk forward.

Without even thinking about it, he stepped into the forbidden area ahead.

It also made the people of the ancient Huang clan hold their breath.

Just look at him with a serious face and a serious expression on his face.

It can't be diverted from Chutian. Their ancient Huang clan put all their hopes on Chutian.

But now Chutian directly felt the strong wind attack.

This forbidden land is much stronger than the forbidden land of the ancient Huang clan.

The wind gushing from all around seemed to rush into his body.

It also made him realize a lot of things.

His face was pulled, and he said loudly: "It is your soul consciousness that turned into the wind. Unfortunately, you have been dead for hundreds of millions of years."

"Now you are no longer comparable to before. You can only become the soul consciousness of a wind. You should not exist in this world long ago!"

Chu Tian clearly noticed all kinds of wind blowing people's souls in this wind forbidden area.

It was clearly formed by the soul consciousness left behind by the ancestors of those ancient clans who died, as well as the aura of the devil soul.

These soul consciousnesses, as well as the spirit of the devil soul, are constantly gathering together.

It is also the combination of each other, the hooking up of each other.

This is the formation of the bone-scratching wind!

The wind blew by, trying to snatch the soul energy from Chu Tian.

But Chutian's soul energy, how can these dead souls who have all died can snatch it away.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he didn't even think about it, and he shot it directly with a sense of spirit.

"My soul energy is not something you can plunder, you guys who want to die!"

There was a loud bang, accompanied by a huge bang.

Chutian's spiritual energy really hit the strong wind in front of him.

The whole wind trembled, accompanied by a mournful cry, and many soul consciousnesses were revealed.

This time, they no longer turned into violent winds, but showed their original posture.

Hundreds of soul consciousness is also an astonishing number.

Not to mention Huang Shi, the faces of the ancient Huang clan behind her were also shocked.

Opening his mouth wide, he couldn't believe it, and looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

After all, the appearance of hundreds of ancient soul consciousness is still very thrilling.

Let them all bow down one after another.

It is really bowing down to the ancient ancestors who died.

"Old ancestors calm down, ancestors calm down!"

"Please also forgive the offense of our ancient Huang clan, forgive us!"

A group of people shivered, with ugly and pale faces.

It also made Chu Tian very upset. After taking a look at the ancient Huang clan, Huang Shi was the only one who did not kneel down.

Shaking his head and sighing, he looked at the ancient soul consciousness of the broken god body and demon body that had long been revealed in front of him.

Also sneered.

"You have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, and what is left now is just a consciousness that you don't want to die. Don't you think it's too sad to still want to live on your last breath with your consciousness?"

"Let me tell you, you are dead long ago, you no longer exist anywhere in this world, you have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, now someone must give you a break!"

As soon as Chu Tian moved, his demon body directly covered his whole body.

Let him shine with light, like a black light, swallowing everything around him directly.

It really made everyone of the ancient Huang clan look astonished.

He could only watch Chutian's ancient demon body release a lot of black light.

Swallowing up hundreds of soul consciousnesses in front of him was something he didn't even think about.

There really wasn't a single one left.

Many people were petrified by this scene, including Huang Shi.

Before hundreds of soul consciousnesses, Chu Tian's figure was really so dazzling.

For a moment, it made her feel a little shaken in her heart.

If there really was someone as powerful as the ancient ancestor, this person could help revive their entire ancient Yellow Clan Buddha Hall.

However, thinking of this, Huang Shina immediately shook her head and threw away this thought.

Taking a deep breath, she still didn't want to agree with Chu Tian so much.

Gritting her silver teeth, the current her is really pouted with a cold look in her eyes.

Hundreds of soul consciousnesses in the Forbidden Wind Land were devoured by Chu Tian, ​​and people from the ancient Fengmo clan would definitely know about it.

It won't be long before the ancient Fengmo clan will arrive soon.

At that time, it will be the time to truly verify Chutian's strength.

Huang Shi looked forward with anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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