Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 829 Demonstrating the Wind Clan

Chapter 829 Demonstrating the Wind Clan
Chu Tian pulled these soul consciousnesses into his demon body.

Even if it can't be absorbed, it can be locked in the demon body, and then it can be used as nourishment for his ancient world.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian planned to continue to inspect the Forbidden Wind.

On the contrary, several figures in front of him were shaking. It was obvious that the ancient people who managed this place also noticed something strange.

Come here immediately.

When he came to this side, he noticed that Chu Tian had devoured the soul consciousness of hundreds of ancient ancestors.

The faces of these people changed drastically, and each of them was full of anger.

"Who are you, dare to devour our ancient ancestors?"

"Damn it, what are you trying to do in our Wind Forbidden Land?"

"The ancient Huang clan is also here, are you the person recruited by the ancient Huang clan?"

Everyone's faces changed, and they were indescribably surprised when they saw the ancient Huang clan behind Chutian.

Looking at each other, they were really wary.

Noticed the vigilant look of the ancient Fengzu.

Huang Shi really didn't even think about it, she walked up and stared at the group of people in front of her with a loud voice.

He said loudly: "Our ancient Huang clan respects this lord."

"From now on, you Ancient Wind Clan, you must also obey our ancient Huang Clan's words, otherwise, this Venerable Lord will never bypass you!"

With a proud face, it is really extremely arrogant.

It was obvious that they were helping Chu Tian to provoke the few people in front of him.

It's really not a big deal.

It also made Chu Tian see it, his face changed unsteadily, staring at Huang Shi, it was obvious that he could see a trace of a successful smile on the other side.

Because of Huang Shi's words, the Ancient Wind Clan in front was even more enraged.

The struggle between the ancient Huang clan and the ancient Feng clan started hundreds of millions of years ago.

The two races were originally rivals.

The competition started from the ancient ancestors, and the battle between the two clans has never stopped.

How could the hatred that has been formed for hundreds of millions of years be resolved with a simple sentence.

Now because of Huang Shi's words, they only made their faces ugly.

Clenching his fists, he stared at Chutian, knowing that Chutian was the venerable of the ancient Huang clan, and he was also a person recruited by the ancient Huang clan.

They were full of dissatisfaction.

"Damn guy, what ability do you have to help the ancient Huang clan?"

"In our Ancient Wind Clan, there are still two adults. Let me tell you, no matter who they are, it is impossible to help the rise of the Ancient Yellow Clan!"

"Let us see how strong you are!"

At this moment, more than ten people from the Ancient Wind Clan rushed over directly.

Originally, people from the ancient Huang clan wanted to step forward to help.

But she was stopped by Huang Shi, her face was calm, she really had a calm expression.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​he said to humanity behind him with a serious expression.

"Since he wants to drive our entire ancient Huang clan, he must prove his strength, if he doesn't have any strength."

"There is no qualification, no ability, to drive us!"

A group of people fell silent, Huang Shi was right.

Chutian's strength was what they were most concerned about.

But now, more than a dozen ancient wind clansmen came face to face.

Chu Tian couldn't bear it long ago. As soon as his twin souls came out, this time, the twin souls and twin bodies appeared directly.

It also made everyone feel that in the sky, there seemed to be an aura covering the world.

The sky and the earth are completely wrapped up.

The combination of the god body and the demon body also made everyone look astonished.

This double-body dual-cultivation is very powerful, and it can be directly combined together.

This is enough to count, terrifyingly amazing.

In the ancient times, there was no one who could perfectly cultivate two souls and two bodies.

It was also something that Huang Shi did not expect that Chu Tian's twin bodies could fuse together.

The god body and the demon body are cultivated differently, and both are mutually exclusive.

But now, Chutian has overturned this point.

Huang Shi's heart was also extremely shocked.

They couldn't help but murmured: "Breaking the rules of all things, the ancient ancestors have passed on the word that they should surpass those who cultivate gods and demons."

"It is necessary to break the conclusion of everything!"

After all, they really don't understand the strength of their ancient ancestors.

Only through the various things handed down can one understand the strength of their ancestors.

The one who can really surpass all the demon cultivators and gods, the ancestor, is definitely the big man who dominates the world!

It broke all the rules of this world, which is beyond their imagination.

If someone said that Chutian's combination of two bodies is ridiculous.

As the existence of the ancient race, it is absolutely impossible for them to agree with this matter.

Right now, Chu Tian's twin souls and twin bodies have been completely combined.

Under the direct growth of the body of the god, there is the armor of the devil body.

It was even more gigantic, opened its mouth wide, and with one mouthful, there were more than a dozen people from the ancient Wind Clan who were approaching.

Swallowed it in.

There was really not one left, not one left, just swallowed it into the stomach.

There wasn't even a bit of demon soul energy left.

It was so simple, so easy, the faces of the ancient Huang clan changed.

Everyone looked happy and couldn't help cheering.

Now the ancient Huang clan can finally rise up.

Chu Tian let the god body swallow more than ten people from the ancient Feng clan, and the majesty has been achieved.

He still doesn't plan to meet the two alliance ancestors in the Ancient Wind Clan.

Now he still wants to avoid imagining.

So, he really didn't want to go any further.

The current him, even if there is a god statue, it is still impossible for him to fight against the two old guys who have the strength of the ancient saint ancestor or the devil ancestor.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, turned his head directly, and said to the group of people in front of him.

"I will solve the matter of the Ancient Wind Clan, but before that, I need to find two people."

The most important thing is to find the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

Hearing Chutian's words, the ancient Huang clan didn't talk nonsense.

He also left here with Chu Tian.

Go to the clan and inquire, this time go out to find some information about people.

As they left, a group of people really appeared in the Forbidden Wind.

When they arrived at this territory, they realized that all of their people had disappeared.

This made the members of the Ancient Wind Clan look astonished, and their expressions changed.

"Our guards on the edge have disappeared. It is very likely that they were made by the ancient Huang clan."

"Damn it, these people actually dare to provoke us. We must tell the patriarch quickly about this matter, so that the two Venerables can act as soon as possible."

"That's right, the ancient Huang clan must be wiped out, and now is their real time to die!"

A group of people with cold eyes and cold faces left quickly.

Obviously, this time the ancient Huang clan could not escape the fate of being wiped out.

The entire Ancient Wind Clan must take action.

They will never let the ancient Huang clan go.

They have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, but they don't want to have a result all the time!
(End of this chapter)

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