Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 830 The Snatching of the Holy Land

Chapter 830 The Snatching of the Holy Land

Chu Tian returned to the ancient Huang clan.

This tribal family got the news very quickly. It should be said that the entire chaotic battlefield was very familiar to them.

Live here together.

No matter what happened to the other tribes, they could know a little bit about the movement.

At Chutian's order, I went to inquire about the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

Only then did I realize that those two ancestors were indeed helping a tribe.

It is a little distance away from the ancient Huang tribe, the ancient Roaring God tribe and the ancient Wushen tribe.

These two ancient god tribes and the ancient Huang tribe had many close contacts thousands of years ago.

It's just that, because of the situation of the chaotic battlefield, the conversation with the two ancient gods is blocked by the two ancient demon ancestors.

This also led to the fact that their ancient Yellow Clan had less contact with the tribes of these two great God Clans.

This time, they could only find out a little information, and it was impossible to reconnect with the patriarchs of the two major protoss tribes.

The patriarch also sighed.

With a complex expression on his face, he said to Chu Tian, ​​"I'm afraid we won't be able to help your lord, but we have a good relationship with these two tribes, but that's just the past."

"Now, we haven't had friendship with the two tribes for a long time, so we really don't know the current situation of the two tribes."

With a wry smile, the look in his eyes was also gloomy.

Because the friendship between the three ancient protoss is really different from before.

Once, hundreds of millions of years ago, their three ancient god races were very friendly.

I never thought it would become what it is now.

But Chu Tian didn't care about the patriarch's exclamation, after learning the whereabouts of the two ancestors.

He just wanted to find two old ancestors and learn something from them.

I originally wanted to go alone.

But he didn't expect that while he hadn't set off yet.

Outside the ancient Huang clan, there was a message.

There are guards from the Yellow Sand Holy Land, come and report.

The ancient Fengmo clan, leading a group of people, broke into the forbidden area guarded by them.

This time, it was obvious that it was all for real.

This news immediately made the ancient Huang clan, many people, look shocked.

The expressions on their faces changed, from one to the other with an ugly expression, and an expression of fear and uneasiness.

"The ancient Fengmo clan, are you finally going to make a move?"

"I don't know if the ancient snow demons will follow suit this time. If the two ancient snow demons all act together, we will be in trouble."

"What are we going to do?"

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly, and they were still worried. The two ancient demon clans all made moves.

Only the patriarch's face remained calm, and his eyes fell on Chu Tian.

Huang Shi, who was on the side, also looked at Chu Tian seriously.

Huang Shi really pouted and smiled, his eyes flickered a little, his voice was loud, and he spoke directly very loudly.

"What do we have to be afraid of? This time, we don't have this venerable lord here, and the venerable lord also came in through the gate of the chaotic battlefield."

"His strength is obvious to all of us. If there is anything, he can solve it, which is a matter of course!"

He spoke very calmly, and his eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​with a serious expression on his face.

With a little bit of banter.

Chu Tian really didn't know whether this woman was hitting her or flattering her.

No matter what, the ancient Huang clan is in trouble now, he promised the ancient Huang clan's affairs, and he must do it.

However, if the ancestors of the three major alliances, someone is really helping the ancient Fengmo clan.

He really can't fight alone.

Unless, if you want to use another statue at the bottom of the box, you can also use it directly.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian still raised his head and looked at a group of worried people in front of him.

He said directly and loudly: "That's right, leave the matter to me this time, don't be afraid."

"Where are they, take me there."

Chutian's voice made everyone around regain their confidence and cheered loudly.

He also took Chutian directly to the place where the ancient Fengmo clan broke in.


Within the Yellow Sand Holy Land.

The Fengmo clan in ancient times had a large number of people. This time, nearly 1000 people broke into this area.

Besides their patriarch, the leader of these people was also a very special person.

Chaos Street, one of the three major alliances, one of the two ancestors of the Taiyin Tianyuan Alliance,

Patriarch Taiyin!

It is also the strength of the ancient demon ancestor. The Taiyin Demon Realm he obtained helped him establish his position in Taiyin Tianyuan.

Let him become one of the masters of Chaos Street.

Now he is eager to get this chaotic battlefield, the legacy of the ancient ancestors.

With their strength, it is even more difficult to move forward.

Most importantly, they cannot see where the bottleneck is above them.

In their view, the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors should already be at their peak.

Their strength has completely reached the extreme, and they cannot continue to move forward.

It is impossible to break through the realm!
But those ancient ancestors, there are countless ancient holy ancestors, and ancient demon ancestors are also everywhere.

In this era, what is the strength of the ancient ancestors?

They want to know.

I want to understand where it broke through the limits of the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors.

As long as he gets the Chaos Battlefield, the holy land of the clan, he can understand.

It's a pity that it is very difficult to get the other party's holy land. The whole family, in order to keep the secret.

It is absolutely impossible to tell the things about the Holy Land.

This can only make Taiyin Patriarch focus on the ancient Huang clan that is opposed to the ancient Fengmo clan.

If he wants to obtain the holy land of the ancient Huang clan, the ancient Fengmo clan will never stop him.

Instead, she will do her best to help him and let him understand clearly the secrets of this sacred place of the ancient Huang clan.

What he meant was to take the holy land left by the ancient ancestors into his hands.

"My lord, this is the Yellow Sand Holy Land of the ancient Huang Clan!"

"In the Yellow Sand Holy Land, there is the oldest existence of their ancient Huang clan. This is the ancient God's Domain left by their ancestors. The God's Domain creates all things. If you get the God's Domain, you can break the real rules and laws!"

Hearing this, Taiyin Patriarch's eyes lit up and he looked forward.

There was excitement in those eyes, and he desperately wanted to take all of this into his hands.

Just let him glance at the past, and immediately saw that people from the ancient Huang clan had rushed here.

Accompanying him before the ancient Huang clan, a very young person, made his brows twitch slightly.

Feeling that Chu Tian was special also made him look strange.

"Didn't you say that your ancient clan no longer has the strength of the ancient holy ancestors and ancient demon ancestors?"

(End of this chapter)

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