Chapter 832
Patriarch Taiyin really let out a cold snort.

His face was very indifferent, and he looked over indifferently, even with a kind of disdain.

"I actually overestimated you. I don't understand why you can enter this chaotic battlefield without the strength of the Holy Ancestor or the Demon Ancestor."

"However, it is simply impossible for you to want to rob us of these holy places!"

Seeing Chutian's strength, he didn't have any scruples.

It can be seen that Chutian is not on par with him at all.

It made him look like he wanted to laugh out loud.

In his opinion, even if he didn't use the Taiyin Demon Realm, the guy in front of him couldn't possibly be his opponent.

Thinking of all this, I really have a smile on my face.

Just looking at Chutian like this, he really has a playful expression.

He who didn't plan to use the Taiyin Demon Realm, as soon as the demon body appeared, the huge demon body enveloped the world.

"To deal with you, I don't need to use [-]% of my strength at all, but only [-]% of my strength, and I can teach you the lesson."

As soon as he raised his hand and pointed at Chu Tian, ​​the voice was so loud that he opened his mouth without even thinking about it.

Accompanied by his words just fell.

The huge Taiyin demon body had already raised its hand to Chu Tian, ​​and slapped it directly.

Blocking the light, the opponent's lunar demon body, covering the sky with one hand, is really terrifying.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian frowned.

Raising his head, it was as if he was staring at the opponent's huge demon body with a serious face.

Obviously, this ancient demon ancestor was trying to make a fool of him.

I don't think his strength can be used in the ancient demon realm, and he can be destroyed with only the demon body.

This made Chu Tian really feel uncomfortable.

Regardless of his cultivation, he is still very confident in his own strength.

Even the Ancient Demon Great Ancestor's [-]% strength is not comparable, so he has no qualifications to compete with these people for the Holy Land.

Chu Tian took a deep breath, looked at the opponent's huge demon body, and covered it with one hand.

It only made his two souls and two bodies fuse together instantly.

Just facing the opponent's giant hand like this, with just such a casual movement, it was really facing the opponent's huge palm, and rushed forward directly.

The two collided with each other, causing everything around them to instantly turn into ashes.

The surrounding space was trembling, accompanied by countless environments, all of which were directly shattered.

The people who watched all this were really shocked.

They have long been ignorant of the strength of the Ancient Demon Ancestor, and no one who surpassed the Ancient Saint Ancestor and the Ancient Demon Ancestor appeared.

They have long forgotten how powerful their ancestors were.

Now, they rediscovered.

Know again, what kind of existence the ancient holy ancestor and the ancient devil ancestor are.

In the chaotic battlefield, the struggle hundreds of millions of years ago was nothing more than that.

Yes, this battle is like the scuffle between the two clans in the land of ancient gods and demons hundreds of millions of years ago.

This chaotic battlefield was originally born for this reason.

The fight between Chutian and Taiyin Demon Ancestor made the surrounding tremble even more.

It was really a sound of mourning.

The soul consciousness of countless ancient gods and demons kept approaching.

Because the fight between the two attracted a lot.

The soul consciousness of these ancient gods and demons who fell here originally was divided into countless pieces and remained here.

It's just that he acted subconsciously by relying on the battle against the sensational world.

It really didn't take a while, but thousands of soul consciousness gathered.

These soul consciousnesses have long since lost their thinking, and what remains is only a little consciousness.

They became the souls of the battle, and their last consciousness was also a constant battle.

Right now, there are quite a few people who are eyeing Chu Tian and Taiyin Patriarch.

Patriarch Taiyin never thought that the fight between the two would really attract so many dead souls.

His face was very ugly, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

With his complexion changing, he looked at the countless dead souls above the sky.

Really displeased.

"You dead souls, you have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, what else can you do, let me tell you, now Chaos Street is our master."

"The entire chaotic battlefield belongs only to our alliance!"

After speaking, there was a loud sound, and the sound resounded all around.

It really made the world tremble, accompanied by his shouting.

Immediately, a group of ancient dead souls in front of them were directly touched.

Even without thinking, but being provoked by Taiyin Patriarch, he really didn't want to rush over directly.

Looking at the thousands of dead souls, Patriarch Taiyin sneered.

His eyes were extremely cold.

With a wave of his hand, without any nonsense, he directly made his Taiyin Demon Realm appear directly.

"You are just dead souls, let me show you my Taiyin Demon Realm, and smash this world with the Demon Realm!"

After finishing speaking, with the movement of his hand, the dead souls around him were directly shrouded in his Taiyin Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm appeared directly, and in the Taiyin Demon Realm, countless Taiyin qi appeared.

This qi was formed from the qi of the devil soul and turned into another thing.

It can devour the souls of the dead all around, and even form a huge Taiyin True Demon.

Raise demons with dead souls!
In the Taiyin Demon Realm, countless Taiyin True Demons really spawned.

Relying on thousands of dead souls, the Taiyin Demon Realm is growing stronger and stronger.

Chu Tian, ​​who watched this scene, his face darkened.

No matter what, it was impossible for him to watch the other party strengthen himself, but he did nothing.

Looking at the thousands of dead souls in the Taiyin Demon Realm, they really kept crying.

Don't want to be wiped out, many dead souls are hiding in XZ.

This made his face straighten, and without even thinking about it, he rushed forward, really took the initiative, and entered the opponent's Taiyin Demon Realm.

With a loud sound, Chu Tian broke through the barrier and rushed into the Taiyin Demon Realm.

It also made Taiyin Demon Ancestor stunned for a moment, and soon burst out laughing directly.

"You are such an idiot. I never thought that you would dare to enter my demon realm by yourself. Well, if you want to die, I will help you!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and let the formed Taiyin True Demon surround Chutian.

Chu Tian saw more than a dozen Taiyin True Demons approaching directly, his face pulled, and he faced only hundreds of dead souls left.

Without even thinking about it, as soon as I raised my hand, the voice was loud.

"I use my body as a bet. You dead souls don't want to get my body."

"Recover your spiritual consciousness. If you have the ability, come and snatch my body. If you have the ability, come and try!"

The voice was loud, really loud, and he spoke directly very loudly.

It also caused the hundreds of dead souls in front of them to shake. Looking at Chu Tian, ​​the dead souls rushed towards Chu Tian under the drive of the dead souls.

According to what Chutian said, he really entered Chutian's body and wanted to snatch Chutian's body.

All this fell not far away, and in the eyes of Taiyin Patriarch, his face changed unsteadily.

I don't even understand what the guy in front of me wants to do.

(End of this chapter)

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