Chapter 833
"Boy, do you want to use your body to nourish the remnants of these gods and demons?"

"You don't want to live anymore, even if it's me, it's impossible to resist these countless remnant souls of gods and demons. If it were me, I would definitely be directly recognized by countless souls, and my demon soul energy will be consumed!"

After finishing speaking, he frowned, looking at Chu Tian's actions, he was really puzzled.

It could only be seen that countless dead souls rushed directly into Chu Tian's body.

They wanted to snatch Chutian's body, but unfortunately, these dead souls really couldn't fight Chutian enough.

Chutian's physical body was originally an existence with the lowest cultivation base.

His immortal soul, body soul, and divine soul are where his true strength lies.

With several souls in one body, it is impossible for him to be possessed by other people.

"Ah, you guys want to snatch my body. This time, I will definitely win the bet!"

"Let me use your dead soul energy to replenish my double body and improve my strength!"

This lift is very short and very dangerous.

However, Chu Tian still wanted to try it.

Who wants him to have the last hole card, the statue is here, as long as he uses the statue, he can completely clear these dead souls.

Now he has to rely on his own strength to suppress these dead souls for a while.

Give him a chance to use these hundreds of dead soul consciousness.

To enhance his strength and strengthen his twin souls and twin bodies.

Chu Tian's actions also made the Taiyin Patriarch not far away look very ugly.

Especially noticed that Chutian really suppressed these dead souls for a short time and got the soul consciousness of these dead souls.

The energy of the two souls also continued to advance by leaps and bounds.

He almost forgot that this guy has dual cultivation and dual souls, no matter how many dead souls there are, he can completely drive them away.

It can be fully used, and only Chu Tian is alone.

He is the only one who dares to do this!
This made Patriarch Taiyin look bad. After all, he could feel Chutian's strength constantly expanding.

Sure enough, it was really possible to use the soul energy of these dead souls to make him surpass the strength of the Demon Ancestor.

Of course, the resulting time is limited.

Chu Tian can only control this force under the consciousness of temporarily suppressing countless dead souls.

This is really different from the strength obtained by the statue.

It also made Chutian feel the expansion of the energy of the two souls, and his god body and demon body also changed again.

The divine body returned to his body.

The demon body also appeared on his appearance, which changed his appearance and made his twin soul gods fused with his physical body.

"The body of a god turns into a spirit, the body of a devil turns into armor!"

"What am I now, Grandfather of the God of Chu?"

Feeling the increase in his own strength also gave Chu Tian a complicated expression.

Now his whole body is covered with magic armor, the radiance of the god body emerges from his body, and the whole person is shining with light.

It's really the Mohists who are dressed in jet black, and they are shining with colorful lights.

There is a kind of contradiction, but also a particularly dazzling shine.

All of this only made everyone's faces full of admiration.

The current Chutian has an aura that is not weaker than that of Taiyin Patriarch.

Looking at the more than ten Taiyin True Demons in the Taiyin Demon Realm.

Chu Tian moved his hand casually, it was really a wave of his hand.

In the Demon Realm, with a wave of his hand, a huge hole was pulled out.

The mouth keeps enlarging.

Even Moyu was directly torn into pieces.

More than a dozen Taiyin True Demons in front of them disappeared instantly.

Let Patriarch Taiyin watch all this and understand that relying on his ancient demon domain, it is impossible to simply trap this guy.

Now he must show all his strength.

His complexion changed, and without even thinking about it, he rushed over directly with his demon body.

"It's up to you, don't try to destroy my Demon Realm."

With a loud voice, he swooped down, directly in front of Chutian, and raised his hand to stop Chutian's movement.

Accompanied by his huge demon body, he entered his body.

He became a soul with one hand, and even drove the huge demon soul demon hand to grab Chu Tian directly.

As soon as Chu Tian stepped back, the Taiyin Demon Realm that had been torn apart in front of him appeared.

It is also an instant fusion, and it really restores its original appearance.

Now the ancestor of Taiyin has arrived.

Controlling the Taiyin Demon Realm, with the nourishment of the soul energy of the Taiyin Patriarch, this Taiyin Demon Realm is not so simple, it can be torn apart.

Chu Tian, ​​who understood this very well, frowned, trying to think of a way to get out of this demon realm.

But he didn't expect that not far away, there was a voice coming over.

"Master Taiyin, no, it's not good, our holy land, our holy land of violent wind, has been invaded, yes, it's people from the ancient snow demon clan, these guys."

"Actually waiting for you to leave, my lord, and wanting to snatch the Holy Land!"

Patriarch Taiyin's complexion changed. Hearing this sentence, his complexion was really ugly.

With an ugly face, he gritted his teeth, and his face was very angry: "Tian Yuan is an old man, he really wants to fight against me, damn it, it is impossible to snatch my holy land!"

After finishing speaking, he directly raised his hand, Taiyin Patriarch, without even thinking about it, took back the Taiyin Demon Realm.

I don't want to continue fighting with Chu Tian like this.

After all, protecting the holy land of the ancient Fengmo clan is what he has to do.

And hearing the words of Taiyin Patriarch, Chu Tian also looked strange.

Especially the other party is only himself, and I really haven't seen where the other ancestor is.

Made him a little curious.

"You Taiyin Tianyuan has two ancestors, why only see you?"

Patriarch Taiyin took a deep look at Chutian, didn't say anything, just turned his head and left as soon as he said it.

Just left here.

It's just that when the other party left, the strange look in his eyes really made Chu Tian a little curious.

Accompanied by Taiyin Patriarch to leave.

It also made the ancient Huang clan breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, the crisis was resolved, and they were relieved.

Only Chu Tian was puzzled, always feeling that something happened in the three major alliances and the same alliance.

That was when his eyes fell on the ancient Huang clan, he asked directly without thinking about it.

"Who is the Venerable from within the ancient Snow Clan?"

Hearing Chu Tian's question, a member of the ancient Huang clan immediately replied, "This venerable lord has been called the ancestor of Tian Yuan."

Chu Tian's complexion did change.

The Taiyin Tianyuan Alliance is famous for its two ancestors.

The strength of Taiyin Patriarch and Tianyuan Patriarch, of course, needless to say.

But the two ancient demon ancestors!
Being in the same alliance, the relationship is naturally good, but now, they are turning against each other.

It seems that the ancient holy land is very important to these demon ancestors.

Even if they turn against each other, they still want to get it, which shows the importance of the Holy Land.

(End of this chapter)

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