Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 834 Snow Mountain Holy Land

Chapter 834 Snow Mountain Holy Land
Chu Tian didn't expect that Taiyin Patriarch left just like that.

However, there is no need to use the idol, but the last hole card is reserved.

No matter what, now he still wants to contact the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui first.

See if you can learn something from the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

Chu Tian, ​​who was thinking about all this, did not stay here, but left directly with the people from the ancient Huang clan.

He even asked people from the ancient Huang clan to lead him to the place where the two ancestors, Sun and Moon Tonghui, were located.

It is also the two ancient gods who are a short distance away from here.

It's a pity that the connection between the ancient Huang clan and these two ancient god clans is also much shallower.

This also led to the fact that Chu Tian had to go there in person in order to directly contact the two ancient protoss.

At the same time, they had to pass through the territory of the ancient snow demon clan.

Only by walking through the snow-capped holy land can we reach the territory of the two ancient protoss.

Speaking of the Holy Land of Snow Mountain, it really made the faces of these people in front of them very complicated.

The patriarch of the ancient Huang clan also had an ugly expression on his face.

All this fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and his face became very curious.

The three ancient protoss lost contact with each other for so many years. It seems that they have something to do with this holy place.

After all, the strength of these ancient remnants is too weak.

It is very difficult to pass through the holy land with many changes and countless remnant souls.

If you are not careful, it is really possible to be wiped out.

I can only drag out an ignoble existence on my own territory.

If it weren't for this time, because of the intervention of outsiders, the balance of these ancient remnants would really be difficult to break.

But Chu Tian, ​​who knew this, took people directly to the snow-capped holy land without even thinking about it.

This time, Huang Shi naturally followed him, as well as a hundred elites from the clan.

These people had seen Chutian's strength and admired him very much.

Of course, except for Huang Shi.

In her opinion, it is impossible for Chutian to defeat Taiyin Patriarch of the ancient Fengmo clan.

Thinking of all this made her look even more ugly.

Worrying about the whole ancient Huang clan really didn't make her happy.

Even before arriving at the Holy Land of Snow Mountain, he really didn't give Chu Tian a good face.

With a cold face, he said: "The holy land of the Snow Mountain Holy Land is a little different from the holy lands of other ancient clans."

"Even if this holy land was left by the ancient snow demon clan, it cannot be controlled by their ancient snow demon clan!"

What Huang Shi said made Chu Tian's face change.

With a strange look on his face: "What do you mean?"

Huang Shi said with a serious face, "In other words, they have no way to break into this holy land. In short, they can't control this holy land at all."

"The strength of the ancient snow demon clan is indeed good, but unfortunately, this holy land restricted their actions, which also caused them to lose this holy land."

I really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

It seems that the strength of the Holy Land makes it not recognize it, and it has already weakened countless ancient clans.

The Holy Land lost control.

As a result, the Ancient Snow Clan must have very little control over the Holy Land.

This probably also led to the fact that even if the Ancient Snow Clan wanted to use the Holy Land as a reward, it would be impossible to attract the ancestors of the three major alliances.

It's no wonder that the ancestor of Tianyuan wanted to snatch the holy land of the ancient Fengmo clan.

At the very least, the Sacred Wind Holy Land is still controlled by the Feng Mo clan, they know a lot about it, and it is relatively easy to get some.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian somewhat understood the thoughts of the alliance ancestors.

But right now, we still have to go directly through the territory ahead.

With his complexion changing, he lifted his foot directly.

Just walking forward like this, before getting close, Huang Shi behind him really frowned.

I couldn't help reminding directly: "I advise you to be careful, we don't know what's inside the Snow Mountain Holy Land."

"Over the past tens of thousands of years, there have been many confident people in our ancient Huang clan, who wanted to pass through this place and contact the other two ancient gods. Unfortunately, no one has been able to come back. "

These aspiring and promising young people are really in small groups.

There are at most hundreds of people together, wanting to pass through this snow-capped holy land and go to the tribes of the other two ancient gods.

It's a pity that these people have entered this holy land, and none of them has ever been able to come back with news.

It can only prove that the horror of this holy place lies.

Knowing this, Chu Tian had a calm face, he was really looking ahead, and stepped in with a calm expression.

He also wanted to know what was in this snow mountain holy land.

With the god statue as the last trump card, Chu Tian is really fearless.

The entire snow mountain holy land is very towering.

Of course, to them, this height is really nothing, as long as they fly up, they can directly cross it in a few seconds.

It's just that, as a holy place, there must be many soul consciousnesses appearing.

Chu Tian still didn't want to make too much noise.

Avoid causing other surprises.

You can only step into this snow mountain holy land.

As soon as he lifted his foot, it was really a step away, and the surroundings changed instantly.

It was as if the whole person had been transferred to another place.

The entire Snow Mountain Holy Land is, of course, a site with its own space.

And here, I am afraid that there are two layers of heaven and earth, two spaces.

Sensing the changes in the surrounding scenery, Chu Tian fully understood this point.

But under the surrounding whiteness, there is another scene hidden.

Inside the sacred place where countless snowflakes dance, there are two very obvious huge snow mountain statues.

However, this statue is as huge as a snow mountain.

located in front.

I'm afraid this is the creator of the real snow mountain holy land.

The statue itself really revealed a surging momentum.

Even if Chu Tian knew, neither of these two statues was alive.

I can feel this momentum, and I always feel that the other party can break through the snow.

The two huge statues really stand tall.

And if you want to pass through this snow mountain holy land, you can only step on the two snow mountain statues.

Chutian did not hesitate, and now he has entered the Snow Mountain Holy Land.

Seeing the two statues, he hesitated a little.

I still want to pass through it as soon as possible, so that I can bring the people of the ancient Huang clan along with me.

Therefore, if there is any danger, he must try it.

As soon as his body moved, his speed was so fast that he really rushed straight into the sky.

Just like that, he flew directly onto the snow mountain statue, wanting to fly directly over the two statues.

At the same time as he moved, he flew up into the sky, and he really heard the sounds of mourning all around him.

Sure enough, what he thought was right, as long as his actions were too big, he would definitely attract countless remnants of the Snow Mountain Holy Land.

(End of this chapter)

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