Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 841 Snatching the Ancient Demon Territory

Chapter 841 Snatching the Ancient Demon Territory
Chu Tian didn't want to explain too much, it was no nonsense.

He directly said loudly: "Well, since this is the case, I don't want to say anything more. What I want is your ancient demon realm."

"If you are willing to hand over the ancient demon realm, I can help you get back the demon body. If you lose an ancient demon realm and get the demon body, this deal is not too bad, right?"

Chu Tian's eyes fell on the female demon Taizu in front of him.

It's a pity that the female witch Taizu's face didn't change at all.

How could she hand over the ancient demon domain she had worked so hard to get to the guy in front of her.

This is absolutely impossible.

She was originally robbed because of the ancient demon realm, so she fell here.

As long as it is for her ancient demon realm, she will never let one go.

"It's impossible to get my Demon Realm, anyone who takes my Demon Realm will die, no matter who you are!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, the world changed with every gesture.

It was really a momentary change in the surroundings. At this moment, the entire snow mountain collapsed directly.

Accompanied by the sound of howling ghosts and wolves all around.

This female witch Taizu really summoned countless dead souls around her.

It was obvious that they were planning to rely on the souls of the dead to deal with Chu Tian and the others directly.

As for the next step, she didn't want to care so much about whether these dead souls were not under control.

Now, in order to keep the ancient demon realm, she really went crazy.

In an instant, thousands of dead souls crowded over.

Not to mention Chutian, the expressions of the group of people all changed, so that they looked astonished.

Surprised, the faces of the three ancient god races were flustered.

Even if they have 3000 people, there is no way to deal with the ghosts left over from the ancient times.

They are no match for these dead souls at all.

Chu Tian saw it, and he frowned. He didn't expect the female devil Taizu in front of him to be so crazy.

This is the rhythm of planning to die together.

Seeing thousands of dead souls rushing towards him, Chu Tian could only speak directly to the two ancestors, Sun Moon Tonghui not far away.

"We can't delay any longer. We must get her Ancient Demon Realm quickly. Her Ancient Demon Realm is now divided into two."

"It's very easy to snatch half of them."

The two ancestors nodded when they heard it.

Without any hesitation, according to the previous plan, it was to use the soul body and soul energy of the two to help Chu Tian improve himself.

In just a short moment, Chutian can obtain the strength of the ancient holy ancestor.

Two souls and two qi poured into Chu Tian's body.

It also made Chutian's twin souls and soul gods grow stronger again.

This is really a different feeling from using a statue.

Using the god statue, the god body and the demon body are fused together and integrated into his body, allowing him to gain the strength of the ancient holy ancestor.

Accompanied by his physical body, he will become stronger directly.

But now, the twin souls and twin qi of the two ancestors directly blessed his twin souls and twin bodies.

Neither the god body nor the devil body needs to be fused into his body to swell a lot.

It even made Chutian fuse the two souls and the two bodies together.

The body of the god grew stronger, and it really rose, surpassing the statue of the Snow Mountain Demon Taizu in front of him.

The huge beast with a divine body swelled countless times, and its body rushed directly into the sky.

A huge mouth directly absorbs everything around it.

This made the female devil Taizu's face change.

A very ugly face.

I can only look at Chu Tian, ​​absorbing the thousands of dead souls she summoned into the stomach of the god body, there is no way at all.

Especially noticing that Chu Tian's divine body is so amazing.

This was completely beyond her imagination.

She is not yet a complete body, without the demon body, she really dare not fight against Chu Tian's god body.

At this moment, her gaze was still on her demon body.

Looking at the demon body who was stunned in place with a look of astonishment.

She couldn't bear it long ago, and called out directly.

"If you don't help me now, the Ancient Demon Realm will definitely be taken away by him. At that time, he will rob me of my Demon Realm, and he will definitely not let you go."

"If you want to drive him away, you can only return to my body. I promise, once the matter is resolved this time, I will definitely let you practice out of body again!"

Looking at it seriously, the words in her mouth touched her demon body a little bit.

How could Chutian let him succeed.

"Don't listen to her, she has you, it is impossible to let you out of the body again, I admit that I want your Demon Realm to be true, but I can let you go."

"At the same time, if you are willing to help me, I can give you one of my ancient worlds as your shelter."

Chu Tian is willing to give up a small ancient world.

Anyway, I got the ancient demon realm, which is comparable to countless small ancient worlds.

This deal is still very cost-effective.

The most important thing now is to prevent the two from becoming one again.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the female devil Taizu in front was really out of breath.

"You can't believe my words, but you, an outsider, can believe them."

"It is impossible to take away my Demon Realm, even if I die, it is impossible to hand over the Demon Realm to you!"

After speaking, the snow mountain statue kept trembling.

All of this fell in the eyes of the Snow Demon Demon body not far away, and his expression changed, and he became anxious all of a sudden.

"No, she, she is going to force her way out of the Demon Realm. Her soul consciousness was originally recuperating in the Ancient Demon Realm, which is where her real body is."

"Now this snow mountain statue can only be regarded as a shell of her. If she really comes out, even though her cultivation base will be greatly damaged, it is impossible for you to stop her!"

Snow Demon's face changed, his face was extremely ugly, and he stared at Chutian.

Taking a deep breath, he said with serious eyes: "I agree to your deal, give me the ancient world, and I will give you half of the ancient demon realm."

Unexpectedly, this snow demon body would agree, which was unexpected by Chu Tian.

The witch Taizu in front also called out directly.


"You can't do this, you absolutely can't give him the ancient demon realm, why are you doing this!"

Under the collapse of the snow mountain statue, it was clearly her body, constantly breaking through, trying everything to get out of it.

The huge binoculars really revealed a blood-red light.

All of this fell on Xue Momo's body, and he clenched his fists with a serious face.

It was also rare to muster up the courage to look at the main body itself in front of him with serious eyes.

"I want to rely on myself to rebuild the demon body. I believe that even without this ancient demon realm, I can regain my original strength."

"Now we can only rely on the ancient demon realm. Have you forgotten how you got the title of Tianxue Demon Emperor hundreds of millions of years ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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